Friday, November 30, 2012

Its late

It's late, I need to sleep as I have a quiz tomorrow morning

Today was the last evening with Liz and Jeremy

More tomorrow

Okay time to elaborate on this entry and then write a new entry I had my last PLant Ecology class and writing the professor evaluation felt like christmas, I could finally express my feelings about Juan Carlos and his lack of teaching abilities and I managed to keep myself composed and it didnt turn into and angry childish rant, I was proud Our final paper was always handed in, but to be honest the work load was really not even, which is part of the reason why I don't like group papers, Elaine did the most work, I fell somewhere in the middle and there was of course the member who did little, but he was aware that he did not do much. After classes, I did not do very much, I tried to study for my wildlife ecology quiz, but it was not going well and then eventually Katie, Kris and I went down to see Liz Jeremy and Katniss, we all hung out and ended up going out for all you can eat sushi and it was so delicious and fun to share with everyone, the chef even gave us a special thing not available on the weekday dinner menu, I think it was Tuna Takanaki or something along those lines, I was so full especially since I had already had dinner, I think I'm getting fat :( After binging on sushi we went back to Liz and Jeremy's and played a game of settler of catan cities and knights and it was a long game and I was tired and had my wildlife eco lab exam at 8 am and had done minimal studying We got to take all of Liz and Jeremy's frozen food since they were leaving and by the time we got back to res and unloaded all the frozen things it was after midnight, and sleep was something that was not coming to me And to keep the tradition Night!

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