Sunday, November 11, 2012

All in all a productive day :)

This morning when I woke up, I could see my breath, the fire had gone out who knows how long ago and it was chilly

I eventually got out of bed and did the morning routine, feed animals, let dogs out to pee, gave Luna antibiotics, made breakfast and eventually left for the school at about 930, I spent about an hour in the computer lab working on various things and then I spent about 3 hours in the lab, I now have 6 nests worth of dust to go through and then I am at 20! So exciting! I hope to finish up by the end of the long weekend :)

After the lab I went and hung out with Katie, had lunch and then element to res challenge and watched people showcase their talents which made me wish I had a talent. Well a magical talent I should say

After the talent fun time I ended up meeting up with Brandon and we had dinner and then watched a movie, a chill Saturday night, but I appreciated the company. I'm lonely out here.

Now it's late so I should be going to bed soon, and maybe I'll try to sleep in a bit. We will wait and see


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