Sunday, December 13, 2009

101 Days, Home Tomorrow

This is Erica's Entry:

hello all, this is just a small message to tell you all that chanel is still alive even after tonights harrowing adventures during loud hour. and yes, it is only an hour due to exams. it all started when i locked kallie into her room on the quest for the elusive vacuum. this small trick that i taught to kallie intrigued her, so we decided to take it to a larger scale. a random attack on a first floor resident. we knocked on the door while kallie held it shut while twisting the knob. oh the mayhem that ensued. we ended up retiring to our humble abode, where we saw an interesting snow message. TAMMIE. that is what this message was telling us. we decided that the coded message was telling us that everyone with an -ie in thier name was crazy... kallIE, ErIca, lEwIs. the whole gang. anywho, we go for a small adventure and get marlin, and once he is added to our entourage, we decide to play a small prank on the sam unsuspecting first floor resident. we had a small amount of fake fecal matter in the form of caramel. awesome. we place it and run. and we almost got away with it to, if it wasnt for those medling kids and their dog... actually no, it was cam who gave away our position. so we ran. and we ran and ran. and then we lost kallie, our partner in this, so we had to back and find her, so we ran up to fourth floor in the creepy backstair way. and that is when the attack happened. kallie lunged for my knees, causing me to fall to the ground in fear. we picked up the first flor resident, who is named kurt, with an IE in his middle name... hence crazy... then we ran back home and made interesting puppets out of jotogo cups. we ended the evening with a small round of childhood stories and reminising. oh prince george family, i will miss you :)

chanel says:


Nothing to do...

Today I packed
and cleaned my room
and played the Sims 3

I also ate way too much
including half a pizza i split with Kallie, which we waited an hour for :(

All in all not a bad day, just a day where not much was accomplished.

But I am closer to getting home
and the excitement is intense :D


Friday, December 11, 2009

My Chem exam this morning was long, but it wasn't difficult.

Then adventures began
Kallie and I went downtown for dinner and random shopping adventures
The we rushed back to the school to drop off our stuff because we had to drop off our stuff before catching another bus to go to a candle lit Vigil for Climate change
we basically stood around in the cold with candles walked a block chanted things listened to speeches, sang a song entitles the 12 days of Copenhagen

Then we froze our butts some more when waiting for the bus, and it sucked.

I am so close to home I can hardly stand it :D:D:D:D:D:D


Thursday, December 10, 2009

3/5 Finals are complete

The physics final today kinda kicked my butt, just a little, it was not what I was expecting at all it was way too focused on the end of the semester which was the harder portion, which sucked, but now it is done and over with and I am glad

Tomorrow morning I have Chemistry which I am not too worries about, but the getting up early part kinda sucks :(

Today basically the only thing I accomplished was watching 3 hours of CSI and getting some knitting done, oh and I got my bus pass for next semester :)

Early to Fall, Early to Rise


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

LAST GLEE episode :(

Today was filled with vegetation and sore muscles
I didnt get much in the way of studying done, but I did clean and pack and do some laundry. Though my room kind of resembles a hurricane, and I had too much stuff ot bring home, but luckily Emily is lending me a bag to bring stuff home in :)
Gotta Love Roommates :D

Anyways I have a Final in the morning and a few more things to do before I goto sleep


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

My last Tuesday, In PG in 2009

Today I should of done more studying but the people who live above us were making a shit ton of noise smashing cans and it was rather distracting

I did however go to a step pump class, and I am going to be sore tomorrow and I will also have to get some studying done tomorrow and possible some laundry :) oh yay the joys of laundry.


Monday, December 7, 2009

2/5 Exams are complete.

This morning i had my bio final and it was okay, It wasn't great, it wasn't horrible it was just okay and my English Final was a joke, and I am so glad to be done with that.

Today is my study free, because I figure writing two finals is punishment enough.
I did however brave the -20 weather and go downtown to have sushi with Kallie, Lindsay, Katie, Liz and Erika. It was delicious and I think I may have been the reason that our green tea was on the house because when we sitting down I mentioned how in the sushi places I ever go to Green tea is free, but at this place they charge for it, but they didn't charge us :P Because I am super awesome. Having Dinner out was a blast and there were many laughs had, such as everyone laughing at the idea of me pissing everywhere. We mentioned having a green tea chuging contest, Katie said she would throw up everywhere I on the other hand decided to say that I would piss everywhere if we were to do that.

We also discovered that I am the best at sticking large sushi rolls in my mouth, I think Lindsay cam in second :) So today I discovered/confirmed that i have a large mouth, lol It was suggested that I should add that to my resume, though i don't know how my future employers would take it, so I think i will leave that fact about myself off of my resume at least for now.

I managed to get back from sushi just in time to watch the Grinch on TV and now I am in a christmas mood and I am so excited about going home in a week :)


Sunday, December 6, 2009

Tomorrow in the Dawning of University Finals

Today was more Studying for bio and also a lot of study break, I swear I cannot stand to read anything more biology related at this point in time and I will just have to go into the exam and hope for the best, and my English exam tomorrow I am not too worried about and there was no way that I could really prep for it anyways.

Today as a study break there was Wii night and card making and a floor meeting and Guess who won the Wii???

Unfortunately not me, but my Friend Kallie did win and it was an exciting moment and then we paraded around showing he Wii off to some people it was good times, and it was nice to see someone I know win, but I'm not going to like I am a little jealous, not so much of the Wii, but because I never win anything and it would of been nice to win something, but oh well.

I should be heading off to bed soon as I do have two exams tomorrow.


Saturday, December 5, 2009

I am not a studier

Today consisted of me sleeping in
finally getting out of bed
Having mini wheats
Then the studying began,
I read over bio chapters, looked of physics and chem midterms, read through the bio study guide, took bio online quizzes, and stuff like that and I am really not a studier, this next week is gunna be hard, I find I get really distracted and my head starts to hurt when i study and it is rather unpleasant to say the least, but I need to study because I need to do well.

Today I calculated that I need to get and 81 on the Bio Final in order to get and A in the course and I have that Final on Monday at 9am :S and I am a little nervous, but I will study more tomorrow and hopefully it will all go well.

I also posted today on a UNBC Textbook thing on facebook to try and sell some of my textbooks, and I'm hoping people will be interested and maybe I can make more money off of them than I would if I sold them back to the bookstore, I know for sure that I can sell my physics, math and English texts, Though I am contemplating keeping one of my English books just to have for future reference, but the more I think about it, the more I'm thinking NO, I'll just sell it if I can.

I feel like I have accomplished a fair bit today, But I am still nervous for my two finals on Monday, But I am excited that on Monday it will be one week until I go home, I can hardly wait. I miss home <3


Friday Friday Friday LAST DAY OF CLASSES

Today was my last 4 lectures if my first semester at UNI and let's just say I'm a little excited, I'm almost 1/8 of the way through a bachlor's degree which is sweet however I do not look forward to my upcoming exams but I do look forward to going home afterwards.

So anyways My day,
Following my final lectures I went to my room and made french toast and did some bio studying and then Kallie and Erica and I went to this thing at Books & Co. with some guys from first floor and it was a band performing and our friend Cameron was in two songs playing the trumpet and the digerydo, and it was enjoyable, minus me falling on the ice twice when we were going to the bus on our way downtown and the fact that it was so cold, but oh funny story, kallie keeps getting locked out of her room so this happened again tonight and she didnt have her bus pass or a sweater or anything so Erica lent her a sweater and she was going to attempt to get on the bus using Ryan's meal card and on the way down it worked fine, but on the way back we all get on the bus and the driver calls Kallie back and she actually shows him the meal card, and then she ends up having to pay :(, and the funny thing is, that Erica tried to give Kallie her Bus pass so she could try and pass it off as hers :) It was good times.

Once we got back we didnt feel like doing much and we hung out with Katie and Lindsay for a bit and then eventually it was just Erica Katie and I and we just spent time chatting about random topics and it was a lot of fun.

I feel like I am forgetting something of importance.... hmmmmm.. oh well

Oh random fact Erica Jill and I had a lovely conversation about piercings before we all went our separate ways into our rooms to presumably go to sleep, which clearly I am not doing at least not at this moment.

I'm kinda sad cause I wont be getting a phone call tonight, but I understand, :)

Anyways I have a long day of studying tomorrow, but oh guess what, some drunk guys just opened the door to our room shouting for Jeremy, luckily as I was about to go tell them they had the wrong room they left and I locked the door, I hope to not hear from them again.


Thursday, December 3, 2009

Still on top of my todo list

I have basically completed my todo list for the day :)

I completed my Bio lab exam :)
I attended my last physics 115 lecture :D

I napped, because I don't feel well and all I wanna do is sleep

I had a potluck Dinner to Leslie's and Kallie's with Erica, Devon, Melissa, Katie, Lindsay, and Nicole, we had pasta and yam fries and salad and chocolate cheese cake and this potatoe thing, and cream puffs, so basically I now weigh like 10 more pounds, I need to get to the gym at least once this weekend, I feel like a blob :(
But the Dinner was fun,
Lots of good times laughing a losers on lover court :D

I also made some lentil sound today and it is delicious.

I am also one day closer to being home and I am so excited :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

I can't wait to go home and see my friends and Family and Danny and my pets and to not have to worry about school and to not have to pay to do laundry and to not freeze at night, because PG is cold :(

I'm super stoked on going to Victoria for a few days with Brittany and Alyssa, It will be just like old times, except we're not 11 anymore :), we're getting old guys :P

So much to look forward too, but so much to do before I go


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Oh how I will miss Glee when It's gone.

Today was a long day but it went by rather quickly
I got my essay for english edited
My chem prof rushed through the lecture
I got my math midterm back 88%
My bio prof did and imitation of the courtship ritual of the blue footed boobie, which was soooooooo amusing

I had my chem lab exam, which wasn't too bad, I also go my formal lab write up back which I got 35/40 on so I was pleased,

My todo list for the day was completed

I gave Erica, Kallie and Emily their christmas gifts and Jill's is sitting outside her door waiting for her to come home :)

All in all a good day, and I'm one day closer to being home

I can hardly wait!


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I got my To-do list done today :D

Physics was a snooze fest, but the rest of my day was productive, I went to walmart and back in a hour and I didn't die of hypothermia :D
I got my physics assignment done
I edited my english Essay
I finished my chem lab
I studied for my chem lab exam
I went to the clinic
Got a prescription that will hopefully help my back and neck
I huung out with peoples
I wrapped Christmas gifts
I studied for my bio lab exam

Kallie Gave me Fuzzy Gloves :D YAY for early Christmas

anyways, hopefully tomorrow will be as productive :D
