Saturday, December 5, 2009

Friday Friday Friday LAST DAY OF CLASSES

Today was my last 4 lectures if my first semester at UNI and let's just say I'm a little excited, I'm almost 1/8 of the way through a bachlor's degree which is sweet however I do not look forward to my upcoming exams but I do look forward to going home afterwards.

So anyways My day,
Following my final lectures I went to my room and made french toast and did some bio studying and then Kallie and Erica and I went to this thing at Books & Co. with some guys from first floor and it was a band performing and our friend Cameron was in two songs playing the trumpet and the digerydo, and it was enjoyable, minus me falling on the ice twice when we were going to the bus on our way downtown and the fact that it was so cold, but oh funny story, kallie keeps getting locked out of her room so this happened again tonight and she didnt have her bus pass or a sweater or anything so Erica lent her a sweater and she was going to attempt to get on the bus using Ryan's meal card and on the way down it worked fine, but on the way back we all get on the bus and the driver calls Kallie back and she actually shows him the meal card, and then she ends up having to pay :(, and the funny thing is, that Erica tried to give Kallie her Bus pass so she could try and pass it off as hers :) It was good times.

Once we got back we didnt feel like doing much and we hung out with Katie and Lindsay for a bit and then eventually it was just Erica Katie and I and we just spent time chatting about random topics and it was a lot of fun.

I feel like I am forgetting something of importance.... hmmmmm.. oh well

Oh random fact Erica Jill and I had a lovely conversation about piercings before we all went our separate ways into our rooms to presumably go to sleep, which clearly I am not doing at least not at this moment.

I'm kinda sad cause I wont be getting a phone call tonight, but I understand, :)

Anyways I have a long day of studying tomorrow, but oh guess what, some drunk guys just opened the door to our room shouting for Jeremy, luckily as I was about to go tell them they had the wrong room they left and I locked the door, I hope to not hear from them again.


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