Monday, March 28, 2011

Today was good, until my head decided to split.

I was up early this morning to do pilates, but I did them lone because Morganne had to go get her blood tested and Morganne was a big kid and didn't punch the nurse :)

My phone froze this morning which prevented me from attending half of my physics lecture before going to my resume workshop thing. The tech support guy was helpful. and the resume thing was helpful as well.

After that I did a survey and got a chocolate bar, then I picked up my movie night posters, went to Rez and put them up, I hope people actually show. Then Katy and organized the fridge and freezer and deep freeze, i had alot of food in there, which i have less than a month to eat.

We made tater tots for lunch and tara came over :)
Then we hung out and they were productive until 230 when it was compost time and i accompanied them on their compost round before going to my wrap up physics lab

yay for physics labs being done.

Then i went to the recycyling to dig out some boxes, because I figured the sooner I start the better. I ate really early, and then the headache came and I crawled into bed hoping it would go away but that was over 4 hours ago and guess what? it's still here :(

I hope its not too bad when I call Dan or our weekly phone call will not be pleasant.


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