Tuesday, March 22, 2011

30 days till 3 of my favourite men come to PG

Today was a rather odd day, I was awoken several times, by roommate noises and my mother calling and cars outside and the sunshine coming into my room etc etc
Eventually I got out of bed, got ready for class and then called my place of summer work to let them know when I could start and that was only half successful, one of the poeple I needed to talk to was there and the other wont be there until friday so I have to call back.

I got my Ochem midterm back today, I got 69%, the class average was 60 though so I can't complain, not that I was planning on complaining anyways. I'm happy with that mark :)

Invert was alright we got to watch some cool videos of mantis shrimp and pistol shrimp and you should youtube it if you have a chance, they are pretty sweet animals.

Micro was rather long and boring, after that I had dinner, which was not very nutritious, it consisted of pickles and french fried, I know weird combo, but it was good and then I was goign to study for my micro lab exam with Jenna, but i forgot about card making at 7 and was reminded at 7 so I had to postpone studying to make cards which was a lot of fun and Jenna and I still managed to go through all the labs which was a bonus, and then i did pilates by myself, because morganne had a food baby and could not join me, but that was okay it was a short one.

Today I kind of feel like a mess I'm all over the place, and it's not fun, I feel like I don't know what the heck is going on and I'm hoping to get it all sorted out and to feel like less of a mess soon. I don't enjoy being a mess, it makes me stress which I don't like.

Anyways I need a shower and to tidy my room and bit and maybe I'll work a but more on my micro lab studying or who knows, maybe I'll go run around naked or something... but maybe no as it's cold. I could always pretend that it's summer and to tan in my room lol.


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