Saturday, September 11, 2010

Backyard BBQ - Sept 10 2010

So last night, I may have been on the phone for just over 4 hours , so I didn't exactly get a good nights sleep considering I randomly woke up at 7:30. But it was well worth it :)

An exciting event that occurred this morning is that Chanel finally got her student loan!!! Which was awesome. Also Edna stopped by to get somethings for ERica so we at least know that she is alive and somewhat well. Also I sold back the wrong edition of my math text that I had bought and I bought the right one. Also I went and paid all my fees for this semester. Also I killed time before class and got very angry attempting to get my genetics notes off of the student drive, that was rather unsuccessful.

Then i went to class, and following that I got a free veggies dog, because today was the day of the backyard BBQ. then I had to kill more time before going to my horrible stats class, but I made it through and met up with a bunch of people who were playing kings cup before we all went down to watch the concerts that were occuring. The first guy was this guy named Daniel Wesley and you know what, he was alright, he had talent. Following him, besides some rain and extreme cold was Bedouin Soundclash and that was good times, I got some awesome photos, my friends went crowd surfing, I got to go back to my old days, you know when I used to goto concerts and mosh. The only downside was that I was an idiot and I wore flip flops so my feet got basically crushed, but I dont think anything broke so i should be fine.

After the concerts which finished very early we went back to our room and had a mini ice cream party, which consisted of a 4 Liter tub of ice cream and a few spoons, it was awesome, there may have also been some drinking and singing and couch dancing. then we got bored kinda, so Outback Dan invite us to his room to play beer pong and as some may remember from lastt year I'm not so good at beer poing and outback Dan was really drunk, so guess who was on a team together.... OUtback Dan and I, and we were team awesome and we had an awesome team photo where we both look really wasted but only he was, I'm surprised he did't fall over while the photo was being taken...

Anywways we played against kallie and ryan and saldy we lost. Then his roommate Forest came home and was being rather annoying and he threw beer can at outback Dan which resulted in me getting covered in beer. Then this escalated to a full on beer can war, which ended in us wanting pizza. So we were trying to guess what the domanos number was and we failed. But then my Dan, being awesome googled the number for me and sent it to me via text and we were able to order a pizza and it was delicious, it had chicken and feta and mushrooms and it was sooo good and so fresh and soooo needed.

After the pizza arrived Kallie grabbed some and left, and so did fabris which left me and Outback Dan and Adam in Outback Dan's room just sitting around a pizza box chilling and talking which was cool.

Oh i forgot to mention that Adam and OUtback Dan went with me to get the pizza and I was glad because there were these two total creeps who were also waiting for pizza and I don't wish to know what would have happened if I had been alone out there, so Thanks guys

Anyways I'm tired, I wanna sleep, I need to get in my jammies and curl up in bed so.....


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