Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Should have had 6 hours of class instead had an hour

This morning I was up at 7:30 and considered going to my biological anthropology class, but since my women and the environment class was cancelled I decided to not go to anthropology, instead I did Pilates and had breakfast and drank my tea

The rest of my morning I was killing time until my conservation biology class. I had lunch at 11:30, and it was delicious. I went down to the school to grab a tea before class. I ran into Elaine and we hung out before class, she was trying to convince me to do quiz bowl which is the wildlife societies trivia contest type thing but I don't know if I want to do it, I don't want to feel stupid and not know the answers to any of the questions... But who knows maybe ill change my mind or maybe I'll just go and watch, that couldn't hurt.

Conservation bio was a but dull today, we were talking about policies and legislation which isn't a thrilling topic.
After class Elaine and I were going to go I the gym and on our way back to res so I could change we made some origami rabbits haha, and we were given some dried apples afterwards and they were delicious, I want a dehydrator :)

We went to the gym but Elaine wants feeling it, so we walked the track and talked for a while and then we decided to do lots of arm exercises, my arms were shaking by the end of it and I think they will be sore tomorrow.

After the gym I decided that I would do laundry today. I washed my sheets and my towels and some clothes as well and while I was doing so I made a veggie burger for dinner that was delicious :)

I was a bit too snacky tonight. But ill get better with the not snacking in time. I also decided today that I would take before pictures of how my body looks now so I can see if it improves over time, so I did that and they are now stored on my computer for later comparison

Realistically I'll probably go to bed soon. Tomorrow I'll have Pilates and the gym and I want to get groceries and those types of things, I might even start studying for my finals and I should work a bit more on my conservation report as I have to email out my part by Thursday so mike an put things together and then the editing will begin :)

Almost my bed time


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