Tuesday, October 16, 2012

It's late so a simple summary will have to suffice

- not enough sleep last night - stressfuk po and com tutorial reviewing for the midterm, I feel as though i know nothing - wildlife eco was cancelled, I forgot - I went to meeti with nicole to talk to her about house sitting and such as we planned to meet on saturday, yay - plant Ecology made me mad, got our midterms back, did okay but the marking was stupid - after plant eco went to groove with elaine -hit up the farmers market to get my salsa fix - back to res, killed time till mmeeting at 2:30 -had one on one with Jenn, more so just discussed programming, also brought up the fact that I would like to leave ASAP next semeseter - went to the school to go do a nest, the lab was full - studied pop and com waited for elaine to get out of her lab exam - went to the moose with elaine for dinner, yum - went to the lab a did a nest - got pissed at my plant Ecology mark :( on my assignment, will need to talk to him about that, and by talk I mean beat up -Liz picked me up so we could go a see pitch perfect - saw Katie and Kris and Kyla at the theater, they saw pitch perfect too - PITCH PERFECT WAS AWESOME - liz and I both agree we do not see enough of katie -i need sleep Night!

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