Saturday, January 15, 2011

Jump Back to New Years, the condensed Version

SO class was done by 12:30, I was tired and bored in bother of my classes.

I ate lunch after class and killed time and tried to be productive, I worked a bit on my My Favourite Microbe assignment and the Fabris Tara Jenna and I went shopping for food, alcohol and other.

Side note it was like -31 with windchill and snowing soo much today and soo very windy, it was crazy.

Shopping went well and was followed by fabris and I doing yoga and showering (separately) and then we began getting ready for jump back to new years. Tara blow dried my hair straight and then her and fabris straightened it, though we did have to take a pizza break, in the end I had very nice straight hair. Liz did my makeup and I borrowed one of taras dresses that is black with a purple bit my the chest area and it is very pretty.

Everyone else was getting ready and at one point we invited Adam up so he could have his best ratio ever of 9:1 and we took a picture to prove it, yay.

The pre-drinking was a little out of hand for some people. Liz and Morganne had a lot of shots which didn't end well for liz, who sadly left the party about 10 minutes in and sadly Katie left with her to take care of her. So in honour of Katie I would just like to mention how awesome of a friend she is. Katie, you are an awesome friend, you rock!(sorry you left)

During pre-drinking there was beerpong and for some reason at one point when we were all about to leave adam and dan leave dans room with no socks and Adam come back in only his boxers, which apparently Dan ripped, I'll try and get the story of what happened there, but it was funny.

After some tears and alot of searching for and rounding up of people, we mad it down to the moose. It was soo cold, and I was one of the only people who chose to wear a coat. WE get down and in about 10 minutes Liz needed to leave so she did with Katie. Then there was dancing and more dancing and creepers and dancing and eventually there was a count down to the "new Year" and I would just like to mention that I think my real New Years was better.

I didn't dance on new years or drink(on either one) but some times it's not what you do but who you do it with that makes it awesome, which is why a News Years spent going to dinner and a movie can be better than a new years spent dancing with overly drunk overly promiscuous people.

That is the much condensed version which is needed because I need to goto bed because of the musical movie marathon in the morning.


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