Thursday, November 17, 2011

Oh boy is it getting colder

So Today was a day that started at -6, rose to 0, snowed alot and then went down to -12, right about the time I went out owling with my class.

This morning I was up early, got ready and went to my 8:30 tutorial, which the prof did not walk out of though today wasnt a full moon so that might explain why, rumour has it he's a werewolf, but who know's

After that I studied and studied during a lecture, had lunch, had my office hours, filmed stuff for my vlog for Do it in the Dark, and then went to my last class, Ichs and Herps and I was very pleased when I got my midterm back, I got 80%, I was very pleased considering thats around 11% higher than the first midterm :)

After that it was a short phone date with Dan while making dinner and then dinner and then making my vlog and then I layered up to go owling in the below freezing weather and sadly we saw know owls, but we did see two snowmobilers, YAY

I came back, finished my vlog and now I plan on unlayering, maybe taking a bath to warm up and then do my dishes, perhaps study a touch and then go to bed so I can hopefully get a good nights sleep.
I'm still waiting for that good nights sleep, hoping tonight will be the night.


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