Saturday, November 14, 2009

Nausea, stomach pain and back pain do not lead to a fun night

however they do lead to a short blog, I will write more about my day tomorrow, right now i feel like i may keel over :(


Okay now I am feeling slightly better and I am able to write about last night/ yesterday in general.

I had my english presentation which actually went fine and then I had my chem midterm which also went okay, math and bio were snooze fests and my PLTL was canceled again.

And yesterday a bunch of erica's friends from kitimat came to PG, mainly because of a swim meet. And Aman and Kallie across the hall were having a party but Aman was being kinda crazy about it, and it started out as such a bust. Oh and Erica's best friend Tara was in Rez with here sister so Kallie and I went with Erica to go and surprise Tara and Erica and Tara were both so happy, it was sooo cute. anyways we were at Kallie's/Aman's place and it was sooo dull at first, no one would dance or anything, but it got better as it got later, but to no surprise it was shut down shortly after 11, and then we just went room hopping, but then I started to feel really really sick, and I had to go back to my room.

I don't know what was wrong, I felt nauseous and dizzy and I had pain in my stomach and back and neck.


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