Monday, January 16, 2012

This semester is going to fly by.

It's already mid way through January. And I feel like I only just started classes. Things are approaching fast. In 32 days I go home for reading break and then after that there's only 5 1/2 weeks of class left and then there's exams and then I'm done.

It's going to be a whirlwind of a semester.

This morning I had my 8am lab and it took almost 3 hours and then alter on I realized that I had made an error with a capital and now tomorrow I have to I back and redo the data ad analysis and I don't look forward to that at all.

After the lab I hung out with Kacie, Angela and cierra until we had class at 11:30.
My next 3 hours of class went by at a decent pace an then after my animal behaviour class we had a group meeting followed by a meeting with our prof and we have lots of set up to do that hopefully we can get done on Thursday.

After that I picked up a bag of compost from PGPirg for my plant society and environment experiment and then I did homework and worked on a few assignments an had dinner and then at 6 I had my exec meeting and it went until 7 but we talked about a lot of stuff. I don't know how much progress we made but things were discussed which is a start.

After the meeting I went to the gym with Jenina and it was a solid work out. Sadly though I got a headache after my meeting and it never went away.

I took a shower and now I'm getting ready to go to bed. I'm tired an my head is killing me :(


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