Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A Deathly Day

I was up at 7 this morning after an okay nights sleep, and I got ready for class in the usual manner. I was surprised that both Liz and Jenina were up before I left for my 8am lab.

I got to my lab and Elaine and I started discussing experiment ideas. It was my Plant, Society and Environment Lab. We got to see the greenhouse and the plants that we could work with and we got our experiment roughly mapped out, we are basically doing Myth Busters:Fertilizer Edition :)
I'm really excited, so excited that i didn't even notice that we were in the lab for the full 3 hours, we were those keeners who stayed till the end, but I am glad that we did, we got lots of valuable info from the prof and from the TA. We also got our first assignment assigned which is due next week, luckily it's an easy one, basically just an outline of our experimental design.

After the lab I had a 30 min break before my next class, and Elaine and I talked more about our experiment and I had a snack and before we knew it, it was time for Evolutionary Bio, which was average, roughly 2 pages of notes, it's weird how with all the lectures we cover a similar amount of material. I hope that it stays that way.

Now normally on Wednesday I would get an hour break after evolution, but not today. I had to go to a group meeting for my Animal Behaviour Group Research project and what I learned is that there is a reason that I don't like groups, you have to plan time to meet and the meetings can be quite disorganized and in the end you still don't have what you were supposed to have by the end. Basically all we decided was that we needed Bird feeders and that we were going to do something with height preference of birds with feeders, should be interesting in theory, but the execution might be quite difficult. Right now I just hope that we can obtain the equipment that we need without too much trouble and that we can get our feeders up soonish. the meeting took the entire hour. and during our meeting I had my lunch which consisted of lentil loaf that I made yesterday and it was actually quite good :), I was pleased.

Following the meeting I had my animal behaviour class which was okay, though the class seemed longer than 50 minutes which i didnt need after already having 4 hours of class and a 1 hour meeting. The class did eventually end, and then I had another 30 minutes before my limnology lab and I had to read over the winter safety section because we were being tested and we had to get 100% on a quiz before we would be allowed to go on the mandatory field trip.

The Lab started with a man by the name of Glen giving us a mini lecture on Tabor Lake which is the lake we will be going to to test and it was very boring and dry, after that we reviewed winter field safety,and then we had to write the quiz and it was circle ALL correct answers which could be one or two etc or all. I had to take it twice, it was such a waste of paper, I don't think anyone passed first try due to the wording and the fact that there were multiple w=right answers and if you were missing one you were wrong,after that we had a waiver to fill out and then we sat for a bit and eventually we broke into groups and got field equipment signed out to us. We are Team Teal, we chose teal because you have to label all your equipment so we wanted a short word. We labelled our stuff and then finally after about 3 hours we were able to go.

Once back in rez I spent some time trying to get a bit more organized and then at just after 6 I had salad for dinner, and then I was supposed to start working but I ended up talking to Dan via skype because his phone got cut off and it turned into this money management thing, which stressed me out a lot, and I did not need more stress today, but there it was. We didnt solve his problems, but I had a floor meeting at 8 so the conversation could not continue.

At the floor meeting at ate 3 cookies and hot chocolate, which broke many of my rules, but I was having a rough day and I wanted to eat, so I did, I'll do better tomorrow. The meeting was about half an hour and then I went back to rez and marinaded some chicken and found out the Erica got an Iphone :) and we can now send cool emoticons to each other which I am so stoked on.

I spent some time trying to find articles for my plant study, but that was rather unsuccessful :(
At 9:30 it was time for Rez council, and luckily it was a short meeting followed by a shortish exec meeting to discuss some stuff.

After that it was back to my room where I organized notes, got in my PJs, worked on the assignment I got today, printed out notes for tomorrow and a paper that I have to read for next week, and now I am taking the time to write in my blog when I should probably either be sleeping or doing something school related.

I need to relax. I can feel my neck tensing, and I don't need that right now, but i just feel like so much happened in one day and I feel like I'm already behind and we are only a week in and Im worried that this is what the entire semester might feel like, but I'm hoping that is not the case, I'm really hoping. I would not be able to handle this level of stress for an entire semester. I'm hoping that once I get into the swing of things, things will calm down.

Well I'm going to go heat up one of my heating pads an put it on my neck and hope that helps and then maybe I'll get some sleep and have a fresh mind tomorrow.


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