Thursday, January 19, 2012

1.5 hours outside in -30 is not fun

Today was an okay day.
The average Thursday for the most part
I had my office hours, did some studying
Went to my two classes and the second one was so hard to focus in because the room was +28 it was so hot, I couldn't focus.

After class my animal behaviour group and I went out to hang bird feeders and long story short we spent 1.5 hours outside and didn't even get done what we needed to get done.
My face, had and feet froze and my legs were numb. I couldn't function once back in rez Liz has to let me in and then she had to fill the sink with warm water so j could thaw my hands.
I was red in the face and the hands and the feet. I was shaking, I was soo cold. I couldn't stop shaking. I laid on the couch in a blanket for two hours trying to warn up and I was still cold but then I had to go to kick boxing with Liz which was a good way to warm up.

But now I'm showered and backup being a bit cold and back to being bundled.
I calls any mom and my dad and talked to both of them which was nice.

I plan on going I bed soon and to hopefully get a warm nights sleep so I can have a good work out tomorrow morning.


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