Wednesday, October 5, 2011

2 more sleeps till home

This morning I was out of bed and nine and did my usual morning routine, and then I started studying and studies until 12 when I went down to the school to meet with Roy Rae about the field school to mexico, and sadly he still lack information, though he did say that it would likely be in July or August so it would not conflict with the cruise that Dan and I are going on so I Guess I can be excited about that now.

After meeting with Roy Rae, I met up with some people in my Ornimam class to do some final review before the midterm and then at 1:30 we had to write the midterm and it was quite fair and I think I got a minimum of 78-80% which is decent considering the amount of effort I put in and how stressed out I have been.

I spent my time between ornimam and the lab studying Ichs and Herps, and that is truly a midterm that I am scared to write, we just have to know so much information and Latin names and spelling counts and ahhh, so stressful. Anyways moving on.

My ornimam lab was alright, we got to look at owls and woodpeckers and humming birds, we also got our Lab Quizzes back and Erin (the prof) commented on the smiley faces that I put on my quiz and she noticed them on my midterm as well, she is the second prof who I have had comment on the them :)

After my lab I studied and studied some more and ate shitty carb loaded food until 6:30 when I had my Forensic Anthro class and on the break in the class I studied Ichs and Herps. The class finished a bit early and I managed to somewhat get everything together for the Rez council meeting and only Kealy and I attended, in terms of execs which is kind of not cool, but stuff happens. It was a short meeting, very short and I got back to rez and made curly fries (yay more carbs) and Angela come over to eat fries and to go over some Aquatic Systems stuff for the midterm tomorrow, which I am not very worried about especially in comparison to my Ichs and Herps midterm which is also tomorrow.

I was goin to stay up late and study, but I need sleep in order to function, so I will be off to bed very shortly and I'll be up bright and early for my cell and molec tutorial.


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