Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sleep makes me far more rational

This morning I woke up feeling a bit better about life.
What happened has happened and I can't change it, but I can work hard to try and make it not happen again. So that is one of my new goals to work harder and study harder and do better.

I guess in reality this is a week of change. I'm exercising, studying, and trying to get healthy and do better and I hope I can keep it up.

Anyways back to reality.

My ecology tutorial went well, but it added to my work load, and when I got back to rez I worked on my Ecology assignment and packed up my stuff so i wouldn't have to come back to Rez between 12:30 and 6:30, I was going to get shit done :)

I went to my math lab which wasn't an awesome start to getting shit done because I learn basically nothing in that class, but after that class in genetics I basically finished the math assignment, all but one question and I survived the genetics lecture and the ecology lecture and then I went and did homework and such with Devon in the T&L building and I accomplished alot, and then we both had to goto stats, which sucked as usual, but I made it through, went home and had turkey soup for dinner, and then I worked on genetics until 9:30 and I went to the Rez council meeting and I felt a bit out of the loop but I ma goin to try harder to make it to the meetings and get my say in what goes on, I'm also hoping it will better my chances of being and an RA, but who knows.

Now I am in my room, alone and still sore from working out, example of how sore I am, I just sneezed and it hurt. I should be getting to bed soon though, I have to go see my chem prof in the morning. Wish me luck in doing that. I'll need it!


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