Monday, October 12, 2009

And so.. the long weekend is over.

Today I didnt want to get out of bed, I was warm and comfy, but unfortunately I had too, because Aman was coming over so we could do our chem labs, but that turned into an epic fail, because neither one of us really knew how to do the lab, so tomorrow we are going to go to the Chem SI to see if we cant get help, I also tried doing my chem homework that wasn't a lab, and that didn't go too well, but i think if I go over my notes I will eventually figure it out... hopefully.

I got quite a bit done this weekend, but no where near as much as I wanted to get done, oh well. Today I basically just did more notes and more notes and I went to the gym and tidied my room and thats basically all that was done today.

Oh and my roommates have been slowly returning all day. Jill returned home first just before one and Erica got home about a half hour ago, but then she went out to have dinner with her daddy and then go grocery shopping and she's being an awesome roommate and picking up my milk for me :D Carrying 4L of milk on the bus is no fun, no fun what so ever.

Tomorrow is almost an extension of my weekend seeing as I only have one class, unfortunately it's the one class that I hate, fortunately, we are just having a tutorial session in preparation for the mid term on Thursday, which I am still quite nervous about. But it is something that I must do and I just have to get through it, and I will, I will get through it. I also have my math midterm on Friday which I am not too worried about, but i will practice problems this week in prep for the exam.

I know that this is an early posy, but I don't really feel like doing anything else, and I know that's a horrible thing to say, but I just want to relax and warm up. It's getting colder now, I think it's -2 C or 271 K and it gets colder at night, I'm not quite sure how I am going to survive here when it's like -30. Now that is a scary thought.


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