Monday, March 26, 2012

The second to last monday of classes

Last night I did not have a good sleep, I couldnt fall asleep and when I did my sleep was not very restful.
I woke up and I was super tired, and groggy and not a happy Chanel, but I got ready and was at my lab with plenty of time to spare. It was nice to think that it was my last eco analyses lab that has an assignment associated with it. I was done the lab shortly after 10, and then I ran into Elaine and we hung out before evolutionary and discussed how it sucks that our Data for Plant, Society and environment are for the most part not significant.

My next 3 classes were average, I took notes and managed to stay awake.
At 2:30 I had an animal behaviour group meeting which was quite pointless, basically I told them that I would not be working on the paper until Thursday and I have two presentations and a paper due on Wednesday that are my main focus for the next two days, the seemed surprised, but they will be even more surprised when I edit the shit out what they have done on Thursday and I will pick apart everything and figure out what we need to add where etc.

After that meeting I took a mini break from school and had a snack until just before 3:30, when I started working on my plant, society and environment presentation. At 4:30, I met with Elaine and we continued on the presentation and we now have 30 slides and a rough idea as to what we are doing for 20 minutes on Wednesday.
After two hours of working on the presentation, I went back to Rez to have dinner and kill a but of time before our final exec meeting, which was attended by the current and future execs.
It was an okay meeting and I am glad that it is the last one.

I was going to work more on my presentation, but i feel far too tired and blah to do anything productive I think I'll just go to bed in my blahness and hope to feel better and more productive in the morning.


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