Saturday, September 26, 2009

I'm starting to feel the pressure
I'm starting to have doubts
and my fear of failure is becoming more apparent.

I hate not being able to understand things and by things I mean Physics, It's the only class that I have every felt lost it. Like in the lectures it makes sense and then when I go to do the homework problems, they are soo different from what we do in class that I have no idea how to do them. I have only managed to complete 1 of 6 problems due on Tuesday and I don't know If i'll be able to figure the other ones out, Tomorrow I am going to try and get help from some girls in my class and if they can't help me I may have to skip my english class so that i can attend a Physics Tutorial, because they only have them when I'm in class, and I really don't want to have to do that, but I'm feeling as though I might have no choice.

I feel stupid for not being able to understand physics, and I hate that I'm going to have to continue to take it for at least two more semesters and that's assuming that I pass it this semester and I'm afraid I wont and I've never failed at anything academically and I'm scared to. I worried that I wont be able to pass the physics courses that I need for my degree and that I'll just be wasting my money going to university and then not be able to get my degree because of something that is completely unrelated to what I want to do.
I don't care about Vectors and acceleration and velocity, it's not going to help me so why do I need to do it? Why can't I just take other courses instead, I'm sure there are plenty of other classes that are just as irrelevant to my degree as physics that I could be taking.

I feel like I can make sense of all my classes except for physics, it's the only real challenge that I'm facing up here and I don't like it and I know that I'm going to have to work hard to get through it but I'm worried that my hard work wont be good enough.

Yay for my First meltdown at University, I kinda just wanna be back home and back in high school, when everything made sense. I wanna be in my own bed, in my own house.

I saw Fame today and it was a dissapointment, but i guess minus the breakdown, it wasnt a horrible day

I just need to relax and breath and be positive

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