Sunday, February 7, 2010


Today was a day of sleeping in and not being hot and sweaty for a long period of time.

I woke up late and I had to be at Rez Challenge at 2. So just before two we began rounding up people for the California Kickballness. We ended up with Erica, Katy, Kallie, Me, Evan, Dustin, Than, Liz, Courtaney and many more from our floor. When we got to the sports center, we were the only team there which wasn't a surprise because we were early and our floor is hard core.

Finally some other floors began to arrive, but their weren't enough of them to make teams so it ended up being 3rd floor Neyoh Vs the Rest and it did start out as even teams but as the game progressed the Rest team grew, and even some people from our floor played on the other team. The game was intense and not so friendly, there were issues with rules and oh so much more. Also there were some people on the other team who made us VERY angry. There was this one beardus who kept blocking the bases and was rather rude to everyone and I really just wanted to shoulder him. There were also a few other people on the team who liked to block bases. Oh and there was this other girl whom was the pitcher for the other team and she thought she was ALL that, and it was really annoying. At one point Evan wasn't kicking any of her pitchers because they were bouncing, and then he commented on her not so great pitches to which she responded “All my balls are great” and clearly the guys made fun of her for that line. :D The game grew intense, and it was NOT a friendly game. The RLA's were trying to make it fun, but it was vicious. In the end, at the bottom of the last period, the other team needed one out and then we would of tied the game, and as the guy on third was running into home and Evan threw the ball to me, but apparently he thought I was taller than I actually am so he hit me in the face and he got the run in and we lost. But I must point out one thing of great importance.....
I should of bailed after getting hit in the face, and then maybe the play would have been redone and we would kicked some but. Oh and there was a great speech given by Evan Referencing 300, telling us that we once saw 300 spartans take on however many others and that in the future we would tell out children and our children's children about how one day we took on the rest of residence and we were victorious and Ironically the 300 spartans lost and so did we, but we fought hard and we came back with our shields.

After the Kickball, I had to go back and eat before going back to the sports center to do my mascoting. And I wasn't feeling too hot, I was still dehydrated and tired. I go to the sports center and Norma was late again and I basically killed time and as I was sitting in my costume waiting to go out. This guy whom was friends with Greg (my handler) came to the cage and said that someone was doing his job and he didn't know what he was supposed to be doing so I asked him jokingly if he wanted to be the mascot, and he jumped at the idea and said he would go get Norma, and I ended up having to go out and entertain the crowd for like 15 minutes before changing out of the costume and the other guy put on the costume and I headed back to rez to shower and Change and get ready to a fan at the guys game.

The guys game was intense, we won by one point!

After the game Katy, Kallie, Erica and I were in our room hanging out and there was some consideration into going downtown to party but it was decided that we wouldn't so instead we started coming up with a scavenger hunt for Ryan and Adam to find Their BOOB, well Randy's BOOB. We made clues and took pictures and some have been placed and the rest will be placed in the morning.

After the clues had been placed we were back in our room continuing to hang out in our room and Kayla joined us and we were casually looking out the window and we saw these guys drinking outside of their car and we were trying to figure out who they were. One was Justin who is the MC at the basketball game, the other we thought was Kevan. So we decided to test and see if it was Kevan, we opened the window and Kallie creeped to the window and we told her to disguise her voice so she shouted “KEVAN!” in a high pitched girlie voice, and then ducked and asked if he looked and he didn't, so she decided to try doing in a deeper voice, so once again “KEVAN!” but this time in a low manly voice and once again Kevan did not respond.....
So it was decided that she would do it once more so she went to the window, and shouted “KEVAN!” one last time and him and Justin both looked in our direction and we dropped to the floor and we were pissing, we couldn't stop laughing and then someone said to close the window so I did, and they noticed which window it was :S and pointed at it
The laughing continued. An Katy ran away and we thought she was running away to pee her pants, but she was actually creeping on then from my room.

We could barely breath and then they drove off and Kayla went to write on the window and then she shouted “Kevan is Back!” and we all eagerly rushed to the window all excited to see Kevan, but she lied and we all laughed so hard at our reaction :P Our Excitement was crushed.

The laughing continued and then Jill came home and told us that she could hear us from the end of the hall, and we could not stop.

Jill also found out about the BOOB and she was quite shocked and we were all rather amused by it :D

Now we are hanging out in Fabris' room with Katie, Erica and Kallie and I am attempting to access wireless to post this, but it's not working... but this will be posted.

I would also like to mention that I will be home in less than 6 days !!!!!!

LOL I was about to read the part of Kevan out loud, and I said that I might as well start at the beginning of the Paragraph and Erica started Pissing so did everyone else



  1. KEVAN! hahahah sooo funny. i love you kids!

    p.s. i searched so hard through the blog to find this entry because i knew it was the funniest day. ever.
