Monday, February 6, 2012

Started off a good Day

This morning I was up at 6:45 to get ready for class. I got up and dressed and ate breakfast, I was disappointed to find out that the magic school bus was not on at 7:30.
I went to my lab at 8 and it was an easy one, I was done in a about an hour but I stuck around because I didnt want to go be alone, and I worked on the assignment that is due next week in the lab, and I worked a bit on my limnology paper.

Eventually we left the lab and it was only just after 10, I reviewed evolutionary Bio and ate my lunch, and soon it was time for class.

I had my three hours of lectures, and all were standard.

After class I had a snack and then went to the gym with Katie and it was after the gym that my day went down hill and quick.

Dan "Surprised" me, he got a new iphone, and facetimed me, now I would have been excited except Dan doesn't have the money to be buying a new phone, and when I wasn't excited by his purchase, I was in fact upset with his decision, he called me moody and ended the conversation. So that was awesome, and it affected the rest of my day.

I was less motivated, my eating well went out the window, right now I feel so sick from eating food that I didnt need that I wish I could vomit so my stomach would feel better. And the worst part is, is that I dont think the reason why I am upset is understood, yea I'm upset because I was called moody ( and FYI people, if someone is moody, calling them moody is in no way going to help the situation ) I was upset because Dan is spending money that he really shouldn't. It drives me crazy, in general, when people don't handle money well, it irritates me, why is it that so many people, especially those in my generation don't beleive in saving for a rainy day or saving for a future, they only live in the now and spend their money on things that are great and fun and entertaining, but they never save money to do things like, get out on their own, travel, own a house/apartment,or what if something unexpected happens, like of I don't know, You rear end a 10 tonne truck and wreck your car and you have get a new car and you don't have any money put away, what if you gets sick and have to miss work but you dont have sick leave and you have bills to pay. i know I shouldnt let what others do bother me but it does and when it's someone I love it frustrates me to the point of me getting a little angry.

This night just keeps on getting worse, Dan and I have no spent the last hour, arguing Via text, which is the worst way to have any sort of conversation and now not only am I upset but so is he, and I can feel a breakdown coming, it's just a matter as to when and where it happens.


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