Friday, February 15, 2013

Home tomorrow!

Today was an alright day I was up before my alarm which went off at 6:15, so I could get ready to go to my Panama meeting at 7, and our meeting started with a Quiz :( After the meeting I was in the lab for 2 ish hours and I got 8 nests done I now only have 21 nests left from the reference site and them some random nests to do, and then it's just data entry After the lab I showered, and cleaned up my room, began packing etc. and I cleaned up my room while I made lunch After lunch I went down to the school to meet up with Elaine, we hung out for a bit, and then I had to hang around at the school till 2:30 because I was going a grad shout out, basically you say "UNBC has energized me to..." to a camera and it will be shown at convocation so I said " UNBC has energized me to forge my own path" which was fun. After that I worked a bit on my presentation that I have to give the frday after reading break, I figure I needed to start it. I made my own pizza for dinner including the dough :) and it was delicious Ive been spending my night watching movies, and I just spent some time going though job posting sites, which just make me more and more nervous about graduating and finding work. I'll probably hit the hay early and go to the lab in the morning since I dont fly out until tomorrow at 5:20ish Night!

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