Friday, April 13, 2012


I had a horrible sleep last might which was really unfortunate as I had to write my evolutionary final this morning at 9

The exam went okay, I finished it in about an hour which surprised my TA it was a fair exam.
After that I was tired due to my lack of sleep, I lounged about an had lunch and then decides to go and rest but the resting didn't go well so I resorted to packing.

At 5 Fabris and I went to a crank and core class which kicked my butt, I'm going to hurt tomorrow but it was worth it.

After than I showered an then Fabris came over and we made dinner together, we had soy beans and chickpea melts and then we made chocolate chip cookies which are yummy.

Eventually Fabris left and I plan on going to bed soon so j can be up early tomorrow to study for my Eco analyses final that I have tomorrow night. Isn't that a fun way to spend a Saturday night? Writing an exam.

7sleeps until home


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