Today is Jenina's 19th Birthday!!!!!!!!
So happy Birthday!
I made her and her friends and myself Tacos for dinner and they were delicious
This morning I woke up to a blizzard and it is the first day of spring so I found it to be rather amusing. I also woke up and had to go help out at the car count because today was also green day and by 10am almost 1000 cars had driven up to the University. It's nuts and many of them were single occupancy.
Today was an okay day. I got back an eco assignment and only got 8.5/10, I was sad, but I also calculated that I'm already passing the course with 38% of my grade missing so it's all good :)
I also Got back my Plant Society and Environment midterm and somehow got 94%, I really do not understand how he marks, but I am not complaining. Though we still have 70% of the course to do and we have less than 3 weeks of classes left.
Elaine and I worked on our plant research for a bit, just entering data. Then I went back to Rez and was not all that productive,
At 6, I started dinner for Jeninas birthday and just before 7, everyone arrived and we had delicious tacos and cupcakes and watched Jeopardy.
My plan after that was to work on my paper, shower and go to bed by 10, but that isnt happening, I worked a bit on my paper, correct an Ecvo Assignment that is due on monday, ate more Cupcakes (Because Jenina said I could she is the birthday girl after all) and now it is almost 10 and I still have to shower and then go to bed.
I also emailed my profs about moving exams and booked a storage Unit today, so all in all not a bad, could have been more productive for sure, but I still have time until the final crunch which will begin no later than this weekend. I need to pull my shit together, be productive and get back to the gym. I am slowing becoming a blob and I need to be in shape for work this summer and for the cruise that Dan and I are going on in may...
Anyways I need to go shower and then be off to bed.
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