Saturday, March 17, 2012

Grrr... alsmot won

This morning I was up at 9, and didnt do all that much before going to class at 11:30.

I had class for 4 hours today and in my animal behaviour tutorial we got to watch some clips of sir david attenborough stuff which is always a treat.

After that I spent the rest of my day hanging out with katie. We went down to college heights and got some appies and then Kris came up to rez and we all hung out for a while and talked about movies before starting a game of settlers, The first two round Kris won by a fair bit, but the last round, I was one point away from winning, I was so close, and then Kris comes out and wins, I am so mad, I was so close and I just want to win once. This time things got a bit more tense when we were playing, there was anger, much of which was directed at me in the last game.

I didnt read any of the hunger games today, but apparently Liz finished the second book. I don't know how she finished it that fast, personally I'm just not as in to it, I don't like where it is going, so I am not as motivated to read it, but i will try and get it done this weekend so jenina can start on the second and the I can move onto the third.

Anyways It's late and I still need to get ready for bed, I have a busy day of homework and such to do tomorrow.


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