Thursday, March 8, 2012

Feeling a Tad better

Last night I had a better sleep, I didn't wake up as often and it was far more restful.
When I woke up I was still feeling sick, but my fever was less apparent which was a good sign, though I did have more of a dry cough and runny nose.

I had to sell semi formal tickets starting at 10am, and I did that for an hour before going to class. I only had to get through two hours of class and then it was back to selling tickets for just over two hours.

After that I made some dry roasted salt and vinegar chickpeas, which are very yummy and then I went to a healthy relationship event that had free spaghetti (also side note, I spelled spaghetti for the first time there without having to use spell check, go me). The event was good though I'm not so sure that I am in a healthy relationship...But that is something I will have to figure out.

After the event I hung out with Katie for awhile. Which was nice, we talked about many things, including living together next year :)

After a long time hanging out with Katie, I came back up to my empty room to do my dishes and get ready for bed. Now why is my room empty you may ask? Well Jenina is at the school working on a paper which is a good thing and I hope it is going well for her and as for Liz I assume she is at Jeremy's, but I haven't heard from her since Tuesday so I can't be 100% sure. I kind of feel like I only have one roommate, Liz just never seems to be here and we never hang out and it's sad.
It scares me to think about next year and whether we will hang out or not, but I guess only time will tell.

Anyways, I'm still sick so I should be getting ready for bed. Tomorrow is Semi Formal so It's going to be a long day so I should really try and get some sleep


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