I'm Just trying to keep track of my time here at UNBC and maybe have something to look back on, and hey blogs are cool, lol
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Just Another lonley night
I had yet another horrible night, tossing, turning, waking up often, I just don't know what is wrong with me, why can't I sleep well, it seems like such a simple and easy thing to do, so why can't I do it?
I gave up on sleep and got out of bed just after 8, I had heard Katie return from Kris' and I figured there was no point in my continuing to try and sleep when It hadnt been working for around 3ish hours there was no point in trying any more.
I had my geo of Canada class at 10, and we had a short lecture and then went over the answers to the quiz before getting our assignments back and I was very pleased with my 14.75/15, I'd be happy with that mark any day in any class,
After that I have my midterm in Society and Space and it was an experience, like no midterm I have ever written, there was a lot of choice and no real indication as to what each answer should include, I don't know how to guess at how I did, so I guess I will just hope for the best and see what happens.
My pop and com class was hard to get through as per usual, I was so tiredm But Elaine brought cheesecake, which was delicious and made things better. We also go our first assignment back and I got 9.3/10, which is not a bad mark so I was okay with that
After class Elaine and I met up with Kurt and Hayden to talk about our plant Ecology experiment and we reached the consensus that we have no idea what we are doing and we are going to ask about it tomorrow after the midterm/quiz.
After that i was going to go and do a nest, but I was so tired and i had a midterm to study for an assignment to finish so I was a bad undergrad and didnt go, instead Elaine convinced me to go to the gym, telling me that I would feel more energized..it was a rough work out and I wasnt really energized after it, I came back to res and made veggie stir fry and potato wedges.
Kris came over and we worked a bit on his halloween costume and then we watched face off, we watched a few episodes and the Liz and Jeremy came over and the couples went to the moose for wings, and I stayed home because I dont have the money to spend and I didnt feel much like hanging out with two couples at the pub. I thought that they were going to come back and watch face off with me, but instead they came back and ended up going to Liz and Jeremys to play Settlers of Catan, and I was invited, but I had to study and I am stupidly tired due to my lack of ability to sleep so needless to say I didnt go.
I reviewed the plant Ecology notes, though I dont think I retained anything. Then I took a long hot shower in hopes that it would relax me before going to bed. I don't think it worked, I'm not relaxed, I'm stressed and tired and lonely and a little sad, and all I want to be able to do is have a good nights sleep, but sadly I dont think it will happen
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