I'm Just trying to keep track of my time here at UNBC and maybe have something to look back on, and hey blogs are cool, lol
Monday, October 15, 2012
A whirlwind Monday
Today was an interesting day to say the least.
Its started out normal. Woke up, got ready for class, I left early to go get the student award form that I need in order to start getting paid for my research, it was a pretty basic form, and I had to go and get a direct deposit form from the bank and I need to get Russ' signature on the form which may be a difficult one to get. I emailed him asking him when he will be in his office, but I haven't got a reply yet.
I had class at 10, and it was an okayish class, rather boring and hard to follow as usual. After that I had my social geography class and we got our midterms back and guess who got 100%.....This Girl!
I then went and bought a yogurt before my pop and com class, which was delicious. Pop and com was less delicious.
After class I went to go print off posters for sex ed and study tip posters on brightly coloured paper. Katie came to help me, and then we went to the gym, and It was Katie's first time at the gym this year, YAY Katie!
While at the gym Jenn texted me to inform me that I had the wrong date on my sex Ed posters so I had to change all of those :( Not so fun, but it's done.
Once back from the gym Katie and I went down to college heights to get groceries and prescriptions and I need to get a direct deposit form too.
I went to the bank, got my cheque cashed and got my direct deposit form. Then we went to shoppers to drop off prescriptions before going to save on to get groceries. I bought lots of yummy groceries and then we went back to get our prescriptions which were not ready, they took quite a while, we were waiting forever and ever, Katie got hers first and then she went to go get gift cards for Prizes for our floor for spoons, and I waited for mine, eventually it was ready but they screwed up and gave me 4 months instead of 3, so it ended up being quite expensive, which sucked, I wish they had my moms medical plan on file, then it wouldnt cost me so much up here.
Once on the bus back up to res I checked my facebook and I had received a message from a Christopher Taylor asking if I would being willing to house sit for someone who lives just outside of PG and then gave me her contact info. I was so confused, I checked mutual friends and initially I only saw my brother so I texted my brother asking about this person, and then I realized through his mutual friends that he was my neoghbour from across the street back home, Chris, I was relieved to know that it wasnt creepy.
I emailed this Nicole person when I got home and we are meeting tomorrow to discuss things and it's cool, she is willing to teach me hot to drive standard and to lend me her car for three weeks so I can watch her house, and she has two dogs and two cats :) I'm excited to meet her and talk things through. She works at the University and seems nice through email.
It was a crazy thing to happen though, what are the chances.
It will be interesting to see how it all plays out, I should have more info tomorrow, I'm a tad nervous with the whole possibility of learning to drive standard.
Interms of school work, I was not productive today, I was just so taken aback by the whole house sitting thing out of the blue.
I Had my RA meeting which went well and was an okay length, we also now have the meetings in the board room rather than in the common lounges which was interesting and kind of hard to see, but I guess we will get used to it.
I now plan on hitting the hay. I'm tired and NEED to get a lot done tomorrow, should be a busy day!
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