This morning I was going to allow myself to sleep in, I had set an alarm for 10, sadly I was awake before 9 and out of bed by 9, I took my time getting ready, had breakfast drank my tea, watched tv, and I would have continued slowly getting ready for my day, but i got a text just before 10, and then at 10:30 I had to go move casino Night stuff back to Keyoh, and while I was doing that I put up semi formal posters to kill two birds with one stone.
Once that was done, I began working on my limnology assignment that is dues wednesday and I would say that I am about half way done, I'm just having trouble discussing the significance of the variable we calculated, I'll work on it again tomorrow and maybe I will figure it out. I also finished and printed my Eco Analyses assignment so that is good to go.
After that I studied a bit for my three upcoming midterms, and as a break I worked on my Plant society and environment assignment that is sue on Tuesday and I finished it to a point where I could hand it in and do okay, but if I have time I will work on it a little more before I hand it in.
The rest of my afternoon was studying and procrastinating in the form of cooking, I made turkey shepherds pie and it is delicious :)
At 5:30 there was the Rez Challenge Semi Final which was Music Trivia, and needless to say 3rd floor won, however it was a tie at the end of the trivia part and we won via a cheer off of a cheer that has a clapping routine associated with it, by the end of it my hands were hurting. I got the LMFAO cd as a prize, I really wanted what Kealy and Jenina got but they beat me too it, they got speakers that are made out of recycled things and they start off flat and you fold them to make little boxes and they are surprising good speakers, and I always see them but I'm never willing to buy them, even though I want them.
After Rez Challenge jenina and I went to the gym and we were there for an hour and a half and i worked myself hard, perhaps too hard, as I now appear to have a bunch of bursted blood vessels on my thighs, it looks odd and I am not sure as to how or why it happened, but I know that my legs were fine when I left for the gym, now not so much (you could look at my other blog where I will be posting a picture) I'm a tad worried, it doesnt look very nice.
Oh another I did after the gym was place Just Dance 3 with jenina which is actually a lot of fun. I then showered and I am now getting ready for bed, I have another busy day tomorrow and an early morning. I hope to go chickadee observing in the morning for two hours, but right now it is raining so I dont quite know how that is going to work. I hope it's not raining tomorrow, I need to get two hours in and then one more hour on tuesday and I will have reached my 6 hours that I need for the project.
Here's hoping it stops raining by the morning.
6 more sleeps
3 midterms
3 assignments
1 discussion
3 hours of chickadee observations
before home.
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