Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Another day closer to the end

This morning I tried to sleep in, sadly Dan texted me on his first break so I was awake earlier than planned and got out of bed by 9:30

I spent my morning unpacking for the most part, I am now 90% unpacked, but my room is a disaster zone

My classes went okay today, nothing really new or exciting.

After my 3 hours of class I sold Semi Formal Tickets for an Hour and a half, and then I had to go to a group meeting at 4:30, and I am really not a fan of working in groups, right now I cant get anything done because I am waiting on other people to submit their data. Then once it is submitted I can work with it and see if we found anything of significance.

After my meeting I did a few things,
Sent out some emails
Called my daddy
Edited the Nomination Forms for Rez council Elections
Had dinner

Eventually at 7:30 I went to the gym with Katie and I had a solid workout, feeling pretty good. On our way back from the gym we noticed that Liz's car was gone, which is sad, I feel like I wont see much of Liz anymore :(

My plan now is to shower, moisturize and then hit the hay, I need my sleep


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