Monday, January 17, 2011

Job Interview

So Physics and BioChem were the usual

I still had my headache when I woke up

Interesting News: I had my job interview and it went quite well, I will know by Wednesday if I got the job, funny considering thats the day the ob starts, but I will check my email until then in hopes of good new. I am hopeful though as there are two positions and I dont think very many people applied and I would like to think that my charm won them over.

After my interview I booked a doctors appointment for tomorrow, so I will let you know how that goes. and then following that I did some easy but somewhat productive stuff which consisted of prepping for the physics lab I have next monday, then I had a physics SI which was not all that helpful, hopefully they get better or physics is going to become a problem. After the SI i returned to Rez and eventually went to the gym with Tara and Fabris.

I had a decent workout, and then came home and had salad and cheeseburger pie for dinner and it was good. After Dinner, Fabris and I made this French Apple pie thing which was quite good and we will have enough to have dessert for a couple days, doesn't go well with healthy eating, but we had to use our large amount of apples some how, and we still have many left so hopefully we can figure out something to do with the rest of them so they don't go bad.

I just got out of the shower and decided to write in my blog before calling dan and cleaning up my room a little bit, it somehow became a huge mess again, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

I will let you know how tomorrow goes


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