So today was a day of a few firsts, but before I get to that I will get to other aspects of my day.
This morning was a bore in Physics, we get our first assignment on friday which I am not looking forward to.
Then I had to go back to Rez to get my BioChem notes and such and then BioChem was also boring, because I'm sorry, having to memorize all 20 amino acids isn't my idea of fun.
After BioChem I was going to goto the gym, but that didn't happen, I had lunch which was well lunch, and then I started to realize that I really wasn't feeling all that well. My tummy hurt as did my head and I just felt really stressed and overwhelmed and it kind of prevented me from being productive which doesn't help with the stress thing.
Now on to the Firsts.
I had my first Micro Lab. It went well though my Lab TA has a lisp and an accent, so that will be interesting. My lab partner is Jenna which is good. And the lab involved preparing bacteria plates that will grow bacterial cultures in the next week, and it was done in under 2 hours which is good.
I had soup and potatoes for dinner.
Then came the Next First
Our First Ultimate Game, Yay. We have a big team full of awesome people, most of which I know which is an added bonus. And I feel like I'm a bit better at it this year. I don't even know if we won but it was a good game, lots of good plays and positivity, I even go a few compliments on my skills :P. But I am going to be sore tomorrow. I can feel it, and my tummy and head still hurt. After and hour and a half of frisbee it was back to Rez to shower :) and have a snack and to compare Ochem assignments with jenna, all of which went well and Now I need to goto bed soon as I have my first Invert lab in the morning at 9am, oh yay :S
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