Thursday, February 25, 2010

So now I'm toad...

theres a place i know in ontario, where fabris lives or the story goes. she is a cool kid and she is a bit crazy, everyone loves the fabris!

kallie is a jail peacock. pren pren pren.

channycoco looked like toad from mario for a second and it was awesome.

adam 'fake torch' townley decoded one of our secretive texts about salmon and barf.

the creeperness continued and was well appriciated by kallie. not so much by the other kids. that is fine, because one day they will understand the ways of the fools of neyoh.

shutter island this saturday. going to be insane crazy. note to self bring blanket to cover eyes.

we won a cake contest. it was a good ol time that resulted in major hyperness and heartburn for some. sad day.

now i am going to pass out now, because i think i am half dead due to fatigue. good night, especially you locks, because i know you are reading this :)

And now it's back to being the nightly busy and stressed out Chanel Yayayayayayayaya...

So much occurred today that it will be hard to mention it all in a blog especially with me being tired.

Erica has touched on many of the things that occurred to today, there was more including over and hour long stairwell hangout.

I almost feel asleep in ethnobotany,

My virtual chem lab was kinda fun and not too long

Physics SI was the physic olympics, australia vs georgia, and Georgia (aka me and Kallie and Mellissa and someone else) kicked but and won the gold and I think I was the star athlete.

After physics we decided to go on a walk to collected nature for my ethnobotany craft project and we recieved call telling us that we could participate in the bake off on first floor and we got into serious cake mode, we were so overly prepared that it was awesome and we tied for first with our safe sex cake :) we should of won first but I guess they couldn't give 1st place to someone not on their floor, the important thing is that we beat the guys in S110

Much spying and sneaking and creeping and too much cake eating took place and now I must get to sleep


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