Sunday, February 21, 2010

And now I'm back in PG

THis day has been a long long day that started at 6:30am when I awoke to get ready to leave to come back to PG and when I woke Up I was Very tired due to the fact that in the past two nights I've gotten maybe 10 hours of sleep total.

We were a little late getting to the airport and when i went through security I forgot to take off my belt which resulted in me getting scanned and checked like crazy, which wasn't fun, but I did get on my plane roughly on time.

Unfortunately I had a middle seat and the two women on either side of me appeared to not like life so much, so it wasn't an interesting flight.

Once the plane landed aI got my luggage quickly and hopped on the airporter to return to the school and after a long long time (almost an hour) I was back and the school and I was greeted by Kallie running and leaping out of the building to come and greet me it was a lovely welcome.

After placing my luggage in my room Kallie accompanied me to Save on So I could get groceries and it only cost me like $45, which isn't too bad, all things considered :). ONce I returned home I had lunch and I had the sudden realization that I had so much to do since I accomplished nothing school related over reading break, and I started working on my Grant purposal for Ethnobotany, which isn't as difficult as I thought it was. Though having it fit into the length requirements will be rather difficult. I continued working and then I ended up wandering around with Kallie, Katie and Lindsey, waiting for Erica and Katy to arrive home from the airport and when they returned we greeted them with open arms and glow in the dark "wacky string",

*Side Story*
*While waiting for Katy and Erica and cab showed up and Kallie got excited and leaped with Joy towards th cab only to realize that the cab was empty and that William from s109 was waiting for it. She pranced off to hide her embarrassment*

After much sharing of stories and tales of the week spent away Kallie decided that the Prank war must begin and she lured Adam and Ryan upstairs with the promise of cookies and when they were upstairs they were distracted by our masking tape messages on the wall: "Banana" and "I <3 You" We the attacked them with "wacky string" and they were surprised, and shocked by the attack.... It was a success and the Prank wars have begun...


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