I'm just going to skip to the exciting part of the day and that was this evening.
It all starts out and Erica and I have been invited to a party in Keyoh but Kallie, so we meet up and we all wander over there and up to the 4th floor where we walk into the room of this so called dance party, to see a bunch of guys not dancing, so we walk in and stand awkwardly for a bit and then people start drinking and dancing(well i should say the girls start dancing) and there were still so few people there. Then it started to get so hot in the room so we decided to leave for a bit and get some fresh air, as we are walking down the hallway, already drunk people are stumbling towards the party and they stopped and were telling us to go back with them and one of them was telling me that I looked really good and it was kinda creepy.
We ended up hanging out in the 4th floor lobby of Keyoh and then Erica decides that she wants some more booze so we all decide to go back to our room so she can get some. Then we went back to the party in Keyoh and there were a lot more people it felt like a mosh pit and it got sooo hot, all of a sudden Erica starts heading towards the door with some other girls so I followed and found out that they once again needed to cool down so we walked down the hall toward the lobby and that is where my night really starts....
Laying on one of the window seats is a girl vomiting her brains out and the guys she is with is kinda freaking out and not knowing what to do. So I dropped my purse and told him that we needed to get her on her side, so we turned her and with a little effort we got her in an okay position, then the guys left saying that he was going to go get help.
So there I am, rubbing this girls back, and she's braced against my leg so she can't roll and I'm holding her shoulder to prevent her from moving too much and I'm talking to her, trying to keep her conscious.
Erica and the other girls were sitting in the other window seat about 8ft away because they couldn't be around the puke, and people kept walking by, staring and talking about how gross it was, meanwhile I'm standing there hoping that someone comes around who actually knows who this girl is because i sure don't, all I know about her is that she talked to me in the hallway earlier and that she had too much to drink.
Finally another drunk girl comes running up saying how that's her friend, so I asked her what her name was and I found out it was Toni, a guy also came up and offered to go get a towel to help clean her up, and he went off.
meanwhile her drunken friend wasn't much help, she just wandered off and sat with Erica and them. Two girls come up to me rather concerned about Toni and they ask me where her room is and I tell them that I don't know because I don't know her, they were a tad surprised by that. Then the guy shows up with a washcloth, but he says he doesn't want to wipe her off because he doesn't wanna take advantage of her so one of the girls that I was talking to offered to do it, which was very nice of her.
Then we started talking about how we were going to get her to a room and all i kept saying was that I couldn't carry her, the guy who had brought the wash cloth, suggested that we should put her in a shopping cart which I said would be a bad idea. All I kept think was that i couldn't carry Toni by myself and that no one was willing to help me. Then Cameron shows up and without saying anything helps me pick her up and we try and figure out where she's going, and not only is she not able to support herself but one of her friends kelsey isn't able to support herself either, so she was being carried by some other guy and we wall got into the elevator, because we had to get them to 2nd floor Neyoh, we get down to the first floor of Keyoh and the Security people are just about to go up the stairs and they tell us that we can't be in the elevator because it's out of order, but then stupidly one of the drunk guys in the elevator closes the doors and pushes the 2nd floor button insisting that this is 2nd floor neyoh and we tell him that it's not and now we had to get Toni out of the elevator and carry her down 2 flights of stairs, which was far less than fun. Then we had to carry her down the hill and across the parking lot into Neyoh, thank god there is an entrance that leads directly into the 2nd floor. While we were walking there we were talking to security and Cameron and I were saying that we didn't know much about the situation because neither one of us really knows what happened before, they were also telling us that she may have alcohol poisoning and that she will have to be watched all night to make sure she doesn't choke on her own vomit and fun stuff like that.
We finally get her to N205 of Neyoh and we go to put her in the bathroom in case she get's sick again, but we set her down and immediately she falls over and she hit her head on the wall, which was bad and then Cameron suggests that we get her in a semi-prone position, and that we get her in bed room, luckily the first room in this dorm was empty so we got her onto the bed and into a good position and then Cameron left, and I tied Toni's hair back so it would stay out of her face and I sat down next to her, rubbing her back and telling her that she would be fine.
Security decided to call an ambulance, since she could of had alcohol poisoning, her friend Kelsey though was sobering up a little bit and as the First Aid attendant, Andrew, was taking her vitals and giving her Oxygen Kelsey comes in and is freaking out and is crying and upset and she thinks that her friend is dying so I tried to console her and explain that Toni was going to be fine, Toni was responding well and was answering questions that weren't even directed to her with nods and other movements. They find her wallet and get her info and of course by now there are RA's and her drunken friends and her one sober friend whom was the roommate of her drunk friends. This is also when we found out that she is not a student at UNBC, she was a guest, she goes to CNC in Prince George, which is bad for her friends, because they will probably be in some serious trouble when this is all sorted out.
I sat next to Toni until the firemen showed up, then I felt like I should get out of the way, I told her that the people were going to help her and then i stayed back and watched and I tried to provide as much information as I could, meanwhile her drunken friends are arguing about who gets to go in the ambulance with her, in the end it was the more sober of the two that ended up going with her.
The ambulance and paramedics showed up and they got her onto the stretcher and I offered to go to the hospital if they wanted a sober person to be with her, but her roommates and the RA's told me that I had done enough and that I could go, but I waited until they wheeled her away before I left.
I feel so bad for the one sober roommate who will have to pick Toni up from the Hospital at like 4 or 5 am and she has an exam in the morning, I wish I could of been the one to go get her but i don't have my car here so I couldn't. I hope she's ok.
after leaving the room I went up a floor to my room, but the door was locked and Erica had my keys/purse, I texted her but she didn't respond so I called her and found out she was in 110 so I went down 2 floors to retrieve my purse and to tell them what had happened and then I left because I really wanted to shower and as I was leaving one of the guys who live in the room was getting in trouble for having a party after quiet hours and when I opened the door, they looked at me and I just said that I had to get my purse from my roommate and they smiled and said okay, and then I returned to my room, where I told the story to Jill and I took a shower and I told the story to Emily and to Danny over the phone and now I sit here writing and wondering.
i don't understand how her friends could abandon her, I don't understand why almost no one was willing to help me help her, Okay yes they don't know her, but I didn't know her either. If you were in her situation wouldn't you want someone to help you? That's what I kept telling myself and even though tomorrow she will have no memory of what happened and she will have no Idea who I am or how I helped her, it doesn't really matter, because it was just one of those times where you see something and you have to do something about it. I really hope that someone would do the same for me, but judging by the way people reacted, I really don't know if they would have.
I think it's in those moments when no one really wants to deal with a situation where you can really decide what kind of people are out there, so many people just looked at her with disgust and some just averted their eyes, I understand it's not a pretty site, but you gotta do what you gotta do, and I am so thankful that Cameron helped her too, without him I may have still been standing there with her, I will have to remember to thank him the next time I see him, I did thank him tonight as well and we carried Toni from Keyoh to Neyoh, But in situations like that I don't think you can give someone too much thanks.
Tonight... well... it was just.....one of those times.....
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