So today was pretty sweet, my classes we alright. nothing super awesome.
But this weekend in my roommate Jill's Birthday so today Erica made a cake and Emily got her a pair of earrings and we decorated the windows and then we waited forever for Jill to get home and when she did she was so excited and we were excited and we sang happy birthday and we ate cake and it was DELICIOUS, I had been smelling it all day and I was craving it so bad. After cake we had birthday shots which was kinda fun. and then we watched 10 things I hate about you which is such a good movie and I hadn't seen it in forever and now I'm kinda tired but I don't want to goto bed at 11 on a Friday night.
I wanna stay up and talk about complete randomness and I can rest up for my big day of school work tomorrow. I have a lot to do tomorrow, but I will try my best to get it all done.
I also phoned my parents tonight and It was nice to talk to them and see how things are going back home... I am still waiting to find out when my finals are so I can book my ticket home and then I will have an exact date to look forward too.
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