Saturday, October 31, 2009

Tomorrow is Halloween..

Today I was supposed to do so much and I did so little
I haven't been feeling too well and I woke up with a headache, which is never a good sign.
My classes went by slowly.. very slowly, but they weren't bad and some people wore costumes to lectures, which was entertaining to see :)

After my lectures and my PLTL (which is like a bio study group type thing) I say around and ate and basically did nothing, I did a little homework, but no where near what I needed to get done :( I'll make up for in on sunday I guess.

After much TV and movies and procrastinating, Erica, Emily and I decided to try on our Halloween costumes for a trial run and I ended up going from a bat to a lion, because of how big I can make my hair :P, Apparently I make a pretty cute lion, which is good I guess, but I'm still going to be a bat for the Res. Challenger skit that we have tomorrow, which we better win, we cannot have our title taken from us, anyways That's all for now folks


Thursday, October 29, 2009


It snowed today, I woke up to a campus covered in a white blanket of cold and we snow and it was so windy that the snow was going sideways....

Physics was sleep inducing as was my bio lab

I went grocery shopping and bought nutella!!!!! and other things but the nutella was the most important thing...

Then i watched forgetting Sarah marshal which was really funny...

And thats basically it!


Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Glee wasnt on :(
I looked forward to it all day through4 lectures and a lab and it wasn't on and I don't know why.

I did do pumpkin painting today and I won a Dvd, which was kinda cool and now we have cute painted pumpkins, oh and I got my chem midterm back and I got 92%, which I was stoked about.

Unfortunately I now have 2 formal lab write ups to do,one for chem and one for bio and they are rather time consuming, I also have to start work on my oral presentation, which I finally have a topic for.

Anyways I'm gunna go be sad about Glee not being on tonight :(


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Sooo Much Food!

Today I had one class, Physics and I was trying not to fall asleep and I managed to stay somewhat awake for the entire class.

Then I returned to my room and attempted to nap fro awhile and that didn't go so well, but it was nice to relax, I also did alot of knitting and I kept continuing to check my mail box, because the package Danny sent me was supposed to arrive today and it did and it was awesome and I'm not the only one who thought so, Emily and Erica agreed that it was awesome :)

Tonight was also the night we were having dinner at our place with what was supposed to be like 8 people and it turned into 5, Kallie, Katie, Erica, Leslie and I and it was delicious. Lots of pasta and salad and garlic toast and then for dessert we had friendship cake(made by Emily's mom) and donuts and then Jill brought cake back from the gym, which I know doesn't make a lot of sense but was still delicious.

We all hung out for while sitting around our giant table made of two tables, and Leslie had to leave at 7 so then there were the 4 of us talking about Halloween and other topics of interest and it was a lot of fun.

After Kallie and Katie left Erica washed and I dried and put away the dishes and there were alot of dishes but they didn't take too long todo, and now I sit alone in my room, having just completed a phone call with my father and I'm kinda still waiting patiently for my nightly call..



Monday, October 26, 2009

Just another monday

4 hours of lectures, nothing interesting
no mail
lots of knitting
kinda cold, not feeling well
but it was an okay today, complete with my daily phone call :D


Sunday, October 25, 2009


so today i accomplished less than i planned...
some notes,
bits of assignments
going to the gym
an some knitting

The big thing today was that it snowed, it snowed a lot and it was so windy that the snow was horizontal....

anyways i wanna goto bed..


This Is why I'm called ducky...

so Today was a busy random and in many ways a rather hilarious day.
It started out with Erica and Katie and I Going to the mall to gt stuff for halloween and we had to wait a while for a bus so we went into starbucks and got some delicious drinks and went to the bus stop, only to be told that we couldn't take our drinks on the bus even though two days earlier Erica had brought a drink on to the bus, we had to throw them out which sucked because we were no where near done with them...

and so the adventure continues.....

We finally arrive at the mall and almost get lost in sears trying to figure out how to get into the mall, at last we make it in and we goto a few places and we see things we wish we could afford and then we goto maraposa to find cheap stuff for our halloween costumes, I got a black dress and black flats for like 16 bucks and Erica got two cute dresses for 20 and Katie bought a really sweet and bright shirt for like 8, we're all about the good deals, we also picked up some cheetah tights for Kallie, and we went to the dollar store and found golden leaves for Katie to wear aroung her head for her goddess costume, then we kill some time before the bus comes to take us to value village....

and so the adventure continues....

We get to value village and it's busy and kinda picked over, But I pick up some yarn a knitting needles, because I'm so cool that I decided that i wanna knit. Also Erica and Emily wanna learn how so i can teach them:) Erica found a cheap black t-shirt to use to make strips on her yellow dress for her bumble bee costume, and then we had to kill time in value village waiting for a bus, but we got bored with that and wandered across the street to 2nd cup and Erica and I had Carrot Cake which was alright and Katie had a peanut butter bar thingy, which apparently was also good. Then we finally caught the bus back up to the Uni, and then we had been invited to watch Erica's friend Jessie do a pole dancing performance and we had to look up the address and find out when we had to leave.......

and so the adventure continues.....

When walking down the hall we stop by at Aman, Kallie and Leslies place to not only invite them to the pole dancing thing, but to so invited them over to dinner on tuesday for what I am calling Italian night, they agree to both, except Aman who couldn't go to the pole dancing, which is sad, oh we also invited Katie over to dinner on tuesday and she's bringing dessert so I'm stoked. Anyways we located where the pole dancing thing was taking place and I figured out how to get there by bus and we had to leave at 6:08 which was less than and hour, so I ran across the hall to let the girls know and then we ate a quick dinner and were off to the bus stop......

and so the adventure continues...

We took the 15 down to the bottom of the hill and went to the stop where I thought the 5 would come and we sat there and waited for like half an hour just talking and laughing about randomness. Then after a long while of waiting in the cold we see the bus at the intersection, it's stopped at a red light so we stand all ready to get on the bus, but It's blinker is on, and it's turning down 15th ave, and we;re all like, what it;s not supposed to do that, is it doing that and rather than running towards the bus we all kind of stood there in disbelief as we watched the bus we had waited for turn down the street and disappear...... and rather than waiting for another bus which would of been an hour later and we would of missed the show, we called a cab, and we waited for the cab for over 10 minutes and finally we were in the cab and on our way to art space (the location of the pole performance)........

and so the adventure continues......

a $15 cab ride later, we arrive to a very sketchy looking area in PG, kinda reminded me of some areas in Downtown Vancouver, where you just wouldn't wanna be at night. Anyways we wander up the stair to the place and we're late, it's after 7, but there is like no one there and we kinda awkwardly walk in and this girl greets us and Erica asks if there's admission and the woman responds with saying that it's $15 to get in and we were umm shocked, we told her that we didn;t have that much cash and she told us that there was a bank about a block down the street, so we left and decided that we didn't have that much money to spend on something like that so Erica went back and left a message for her friend Jessie saying that we all had no money and therefore we couldn't see it, So all of that we have done nothing, and now we go on a quest to find the bus stop we need to wait at.......

and so the adventure continues.....

we find the stop, luckily it was just down the street on the opposite side and we figure out that we have like 20minutes to kill so Kallie pulls out the camera and the photos begin and we got some"good ones" then Kallie notices this big statueesk thing that said "The Gathering Place" and we decided to climb it and take pictures, we rotated who was taking pictures and it was alot of fun minus the cold and the sketchy area of town we were in, and then after some more failed serious pictures later the bus shows up and we were on our way back, slowly but surely.......

and so the adventure continues.....

So we're sitting on the bus discussing how ridiculous this night was going and then we stopped at a stop for like 10 minutes, just sitting there, us 5 girls and this other guy and we waited and deicided to take bus pictures, because who doesn't love bus pictures, we were on the bus for quite sometime and then we go off, a little too early and as we were walking to the bottom of the hill the bus we need to catch to go up to the university is right behind us so we start booking ut across the road......

and so the adventure continues.....

We're running and I thought I had my keys/ bus pass in my pocket, and as we're running I hear something drop and I reach into my pocket and into my purse and they're not there, I shout to Kallie, Katie, Erica and Leslie that I think I dropped my keys and I'm looking and panicing as the bus is waiting and I don;t see them, I'm looking on the ground and in my bag and suddenly the light bulb goes off, when I was on the other bus I placed my keys in the front pocket of my purse I open it up and there they are and I run up to the bus, and thank the driver for waiting and then I sit down and they ask me where my keys were and I told them that I hadn't dropped them, I had just forgot where I had put them, and we all burst out laughing as I try and explain how I heard something drop and then I couldn't find my keys so I just assumes and we could not stop laughing, the entire way up the hill we were laughing at our night and all the things that had gone wrong and I decided to wear my keys around my neck as a metal of shame.... and they hung there in shame as we got of the bus and I thanked the driver wholeheartedly and we made the trek up to the dorms from the bus stop.....

and so the adventure continues....

We get up to the dorms and decide to goto Kallie and Leslies room and we sit there and chill, and we talked about our grads and random stuff like that and then we wanted to try and get people together to play taboo, but everyone was going out to various parties so the 5 of us played and like only Kallie knew how to play, but we picked it up pretty fast and it was fun and Kallie, Katie and I kicked but :D Then it was getting late and were getting Tired and Emily showed up to show us her grandmothers hat which was cool, but then Emily and Erica and I went back to our room because we were all tired......

and yes, the adventure continued.....

we get back to our room and Erica and I decide to order pizza, which was awesome, and while we were waiting I was knitting and Erica was sewing her Halloween costume and we took a pizza break and we were listening to hard core dance music, I restrained myself from finishing my half of the pizza and I went back to knitting and Erica went back to her costume which was looking really cute, but was also time consuming, I'm so glad that mind is just all black and simple and easy :) But her's is going to be adorable, we worked on our craftyness making jokes about how i should knit in all my lectures and stuff like that and then the three of us admired Erica's cuteness in her unfinished costume and I was trying on my flats, that aren;t not quite the right size....

And that's why they Call me Ducky.....

And so we all went off to bed.......


.....wait..... the adventure continued

There was a knock at our door at 1 am, a very persistent knock, I go answer and it is Keith, one of the RA's and he asks for Emily so I went and got here and then we found out that he wanted her to goto the Rum Jungle, but she says that he was probably asking on behalf of this other guy named steve, but either way it was late, shes under age and we had gone to bed, so that was a no go

and so the adventure ended
or so I thought until there were more knocks at the door, this time at 1:30am and two guys are standing there named Kyle and Grant and they were asking for sugar, so emily gave them sugar and they still didn't go away, they stood there talking and asking to come in and asking to hang out and they were being loud and knocked on the door across the hall and probably wok like our entire floor up, the rambled on drunkenly for awhile until Finally I told them that they should go before security came because we would get in trouble, and we closed and locked the door, and they continued down the hall making noise and knocking on doors until finally they were let into a room, the room they ended up in was Jill's friends room....

and now the adventure has ended...


Friday, October 23, 2009

Almost 50 days done

As of Tomorrow there are 56 more days until the final exam period is over and I would of been here for 50 days, That means on tuesday, the semester is half over, and I'm surviving and in fact you could even say that I'm doing quite well, I'm keeping up relatively well in the class and I don't miss home all the time, but I have my moments, when all I wanna do is go home.

There are so many things that I wanna do when I'm back home that I don't know how I'm going to get it all done, I may have to give up sleeping in order to have enough time, but i think it would be worth the sacrifice.

As for school, today my classes went fine, but I was really tired today and I still can't think of a topic for my oral presentation which is in three weeks, I need a topic that I'm interested in but I can't seem to come up with one, sometimes I wish we were just assigned the topics and then I wouldn't spend so much time thinking about what I wanna talk about for 7 minutes and then answer questions about for 3. But I'll have to come up with something eventually....

I have a rather busy weekend planned, full of homework and reading and going to the mall and value village and possible going to a pole dancing performance and maybe a hike to shane lake, which is the lake located in the forests of the world, located behind the residence buildings, and at some point in there I should really try and squeeze in doing some laundry, because I don't wanna end up doing laundry for 4 hours again, that was ridiculous, worse comes to worse I can do it on tuesday

Oh and that reminds me on tuesday Erica and I have decided to invite some people over for dinner :) We're inviting: Kallie, Aman, Katie and Leslie and maybe other people, but I dunno for sure, and I'm making pasta and we're gunna make Caesar salad and garlic bread, it should be deliciously awesomely good.

I also really excited because Danny told me that he mailed me a package today and it should be here on tuesday, which will just be another thing making tuesday better :)

Anyways I'm rather tired and I might try and get to bed, or i might end up drawing, because I have the sudden urge to doodle :P

Either way,


Thursday, October 22, 2009

Timing Spinach leaves is not my idea of fun.

In physics we had a sub named Dr. Jensen and he was good, he always made sure that we were understanding examples, and was always asking if we had any questions.
I picked up my package from my mom after physics today, and I love getting packages, because you never quite no what to expect. My mommy sent me Olympic mittens and fruit snack and stamps and money and a calling card and granola bars and mac and cheese and a letter :)

Then I had my Bio lab and it was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO boring. We had to hole punch spinach leaves to get 10 disks and then we prepared them and stuck them into a solution and we had to time hoe long it took 5 disks to reach the top and we had to do it with 5 different solutions and one of them took 23 minutes, I spent like an hour staring at spinach leaves in a beaker, hoping that they would float to the top. Mike(the other guy who was watching leaves for his group) and I started talking to the leaves trying to encourage them to float, he called himself the leaf whisperer, lol. Even though the lab was boring, it consisted of a few good laughs and we did get out early.

Then I came back to the dorm and to my surprise Erica was cooking, lol. She was pre-cooking stuff for her dinner, I think I may be rubbing off on her a bit :)
Erica and I also went grocery shopping after her Physc class and I bought cheese and milk and tea and a few other things, I also bought part of my Halloween costume, we were in the dollar store and Erica was looking for bumble bee wings for her costume and she found them but there we also these really nice black wings, which we discovered to be bat wings, so now I am being a bat for Halloween, I now must just acquire a black outfit and my costume will be a done deal.

After shopping Erica and I came back and we both made pasta for dinner and mine was delicious, unfortunately Erica had a sudden migraine and she went to bed then.

Emily's little sister and her dad showed up and they were all going out to dinner, I was invited but I had already eaten so I politefully declined and did some dishes, and omg I Got a homemade muffin, It was banana and it had nuts in it and it was amazing.

Then I had some tea and watched over the hedge by myself and I took a nice hot bath, but now I'm not feeling to great, actually today in general, this week in general I haven't been feeling to great, which sucks, but I guess that's my day.


Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Chem lab = new lab partner = alright
Dinner = Vegetarian Shepards Pie = Delicious
Glee Snack = Chocolate covered apples = Amazing
Glee = amazing
Phone call with Danny = Awesome :D
Package from mom = here
Wednesday = Good Day!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

84% on my physic midterm :D

So today I got my physic midterm back and i was so nervous because I was told that the class average was 58%, but apparently two of the questions on the midterm no one got right so he manipulated the marks and the average ended up being 67%ish, which is quite better, I was so very surprised when I found out that I got 84, like I barely pass the homework yet i get and A- on the midterm, something isn't quite right about that.

I also went shopping today and I forgot to bring gloves so my hands were soooo cold and I walked all the way to Wal-mart to get Nutella and they were sold out again so I bought Wal-mart version of nutella which sucks, it is not nutella, but it will tie me over until i get real nutella.

Ihad my physics lab tonight which was super easy and Sydney and I finished an hour and a half early and I came "home" and worked on my bio lab and I am now not surprisingly on the phone :D


Monday, October 19, 2009

Yay for my last first midterm.

Today I wrote my chem midterm which was the last midterm I had in the first set of midterms, and it was kinda funny, because the exam that Kallie and Aman and I did for practice was almost the exact same :) so I think I did quite well. I got my math midterm back today and I got 82% which is better than I thought I would do. I hope to get my physics midterm back tomorrow, but at the same time I am quite nervous to see what I got...

I am currently on the phone, but not talking to anyone, because someone didn't want to say bye and didnt want to hang up on me, so now I wait, like a dork on the phone,....

anyways thats basically all for today, not much happened.


Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sunday, Sunday. Sunday

Today was another sleep in day, though it shouldn't of been, I had soo much to do today and I didn't get much of it done.

I did study a bit for my chem midterm, Kallie and Aman got a hold of a past exam and we went over it together, which made me feel a lot better, and then I did my Chem lab and I started my bio lab. I did my math asssignment which wasn't too difficult.

I also made an awesome dinner and had a few phone calls which was nice.

Today I also found out when my finals are and I am not happy about it. I have 3 exams the first week and then the other two are on the last two days of the exam week, which means that unless I can take those exams early, I only get two weeks off, which sucks. :(

I emailed my profs and one of them told me to go talk to her, the other hasn't responded yet , even if I could take them at the beginning of that week it would be so much better, i want to get home before the 18th, but It looks like I'm going to be stuck here :( I may have to work some serious skills trying to convince my profs to let me take the exam early.

After my Chem midterm tomorrow I am midterm free for a few weeks and then every week in November I have a midterm and then I get a week with no exams and then It's finals, so my next month or two here will be lots of fun......or not


H1N1? Nah...

So this morning, well afternoon, I got out of bed and made brunch and then after that I started to feel really sick, i felt nauseous and dizzy and I was having hot and cold flashes and I was very achey. So I went back to bed to try and rest and I drank water in hopes that it would make me feel better, and I kept thinking to myself that I didnt understand why I was feeling so sick, alcohol poisoning isn't contagious,so there is no reason for me to be feeling so horrible.

Then I decided to look up the symptom of H1N1 and I do have a few of them :S, but I dont think thats whats wrong. anyways I basically lied in bed for hours, being either too hot or too cold. I finally get out of bed, and I was feeling slightly better, so I made soup and Erica and Emily went to a man auction and they bought someone lol, they get his services for 6 hours, they bought him with Kallie and Aman, and I really wish that I had gone, it seemed like a lot of fun,

Then we were going to invite people over to watch a movie, but we ended up going down to the Van Dyke room, aka N307 Neyoh for a party, and we know how well I go with party's but it was just kinda boring, we had one guy talking about morgages for like ever and then finally we left claiming that we had to go refil our drinks and we ended up goin back to our room to dance and by we I mean, Emily, Erica, Kallie and Katie. Things in our room got pretty hot so we wanted to go for a walk to cool down and we ended up in the school taking pictures and we met up with Brad and Jasmine and Marlin and we walked out to the lookout point and it was really nice but very cold and after some more pictures and stuff we lost Brad and Jasmine, and the rest of us went back to our room to chill and talk and listen to some music, people left after midnight and Erica, Emily and I started watching raise your voice, but then Nathan came to get Emily so Erica and I watched a bit more and then we decided that we should go to bed, we both have a lot to do tomorrow.


Friday, October 16, 2009

It was just one of those times...

I'm just going to skip to the exciting part of the day and that was this evening.

It all starts out and Erica and I have been invited to a party in Keyoh but Kallie, so we meet up and we all wander over there and up to the 4th floor where we walk into the room of this so called dance party, to see a bunch of guys not dancing, so we walk in and stand awkwardly for a bit and then people start drinking and dancing(well i should say the girls start dancing) and there were still so few people there. Then it started to get so hot in the room so we decided to leave for a bit and get some fresh air, as we are walking down the hallway, already drunk people are stumbling towards the party and they stopped and were telling us to go back with them and one of them was telling me that I looked really good and it was kinda creepy.

We ended up hanging out in the 4th floor lobby of Keyoh and then Erica decides that she wants some more booze so we all decide to go back to our room so she can get some. Then we went back to the party in Keyoh and there were a lot more people it felt like a mosh pit and it got sooo hot, all of a sudden Erica starts heading towards the door with some other girls so I followed and found out that they once again needed to cool down so we walked down the hall toward the lobby and that is where my night really starts....

Laying on one of the window seats is a girl vomiting her brains out and the guys she is with is kinda freaking out and not knowing what to do. So I dropped my purse and told him that we needed to get her on her side, so we turned her and with a little effort we got her in an okay position, then the guys left saying that he was going to go get help.

So there I am, rubbing this girls back, and she's braced against my leg so she can't roll and I'm holding her shoulder to prevent her from moving too much and I'm talking to her, trying to keep her conscious.

Erica and the other girls were sitting in the other window seat about 8ft away because they couldn't be around the puke, and people kept walking by, staring and talking about how gross it was, meanwhile I'm standing there hoping that someone comes around who actually knows who this girl is because i sure don't, all I know about her is that she talked to me in the hallway earlier and that she had too much to drink.

Finally another drunk girl comes running up saying how that's her friend, so I asked her what her name was and I found out it was Toni, a guy also came up and offered to go get a towel to help clean her up, and he went off.

meanwhile her drunken friend wasn't much help, she just wandered off and sat with Erica and them. Two girls come up to me rather concerned about Toni and they ask me where her room is and I tell them that I don't know because I don't know her, they were a tad surprised by that. Then the guy shows up with a washcloth, but he says he doesn't want to wipe her off because he doesn't wanna take advantage of her so one of the girls that I was talking to offered to do it, which was very nice of her.

Then we started talking about how we were going to get her to a room and all i kept saying was that I couldn't carry her, the guy who had brought the wash cloth, suggested that we should put her in a shopping cart which I said would be a bad idea. All I kept think was that i couldn't carry Toni by myself and that no one was willing to help me. Then Cameron shows up and without saying anything helps me pick her up and we try and figure out where she's going, and not only is she not able to support herself but one of her friends kelsey isn't able to support herself either, so she was being carried by some other guy and we wall got into the elevator, because we had to get them to 2nd floor Neyoh, we get down to the first floor of Keyoh and the Security people are just about to go up the stairs and they tell us that we can't be in the elevator because it's out of order, but then stupidly one of the drunk guys in the elevator closes the doors and pushes the 2nd floor button insisting that this is 2nd floor neyoh and we tell him that it's not and now we had to get Toni out of the elevator and carry her down 2 flights of stairs, which was far less than fun. Then we had to carry her down the hill and across the parking lot into Neyoh, thank god there is an entrance that leads directly into the 2nd floor. While we were walking there we were talking to security and Cameron and I were saying that we didn't know much about the situation because neither one of us really knows what happened before, they were also telling us that she may have alcohol poisoning and that she will have to be watched all night to make sure she doesn't choke on her own vomit and fun stuff like that.

We finally get her to N205 of Neyoh and we go to put her in the bathroom in case she get's sick again, but we set her down and immediately she falls over and she hit her head on the wall, which was bad and then Cameron suggests that we get her in a semi-prone position, and that we get her in bed room, luckily the first room in this dorm was empty so we got her onto the bed and into a good position and then Cameron left, and I tied Toni's hair back so it would stay out of her face and I sat down next to her, rubbing her back and telling her that she would be fine.

Security decided to call an ambulance, since she could of had alcohol poisoning, her friend Kelsey though was sobering up a little bit and as the First Aid attendant, Andrew, was taking her vitals and giving her Oxygen Kelsey comes in and is freaking out and is crying and upset and she thinks that her friend is dying so I tried to console her and explain that Toni was going to be fine, Toni was responding well and was answering questions that weren't even directed to her with nods and other movements. They find her wallet and get her info and of course by now there are RA's and her drunken friends and her one sober friend whom was the roommate of her drunk friends. This is also when we found out that she is not a student at UNBC, she was a guest, she goes to CNC in Prince George, which is bad for her friends, because they will probably be in some serious trouble when this is all sorted out.

I sat next to Toni until the firemen showed up, then I felt like I should get out of the way, I told her that the people were going to help her and then i stayed back and watched and I tried to provide as much information as I could, meanwhile her drunken friends are arguing about who gets to go in the ambulance with her, in the end it was the more sober of the two that ended up going with her.

The ambulance and paramedics showed up and they got her onto the stretcher and I offered to go to the hospital if they wanted a sober person to be with her, but her roommates and the RA's told me that I had done enough and that I could go, but I waited until they wheeled her away before I left.

I feel so bad for the one sober roommate who will have to pick Toni up from the Hospital at like 4 or 5 am and she has an exam in the morning, I wish I could of been the one to go get her but i don't have my car here so I couldn't. I hope she's ok.

after leaving the room I went up a floor to my room, but the door was locked and Erica had my keys/purse, I texted her but she didn't respond so I called her and found out she was in 110 so I went down 2 floors to retrieve my purse and to tell them what had happened and then I left because I really wanted to shower and as I was leaving one of the guys who live in the room was getting in trouble for having a party after quiet hours and when I opened the door, they looked at me and I just said that I had to get my purse from my roommate and they smiled and said okay, and then I returned to my room, where I told the story to Jill and I took a shower and I told the story to Emily and to Danny over the phone and now I sit here writing and wondering.

i don't understand how her friends could abandon her, I don't understand why almost no one was willing to help me help her, Okay yes they don't know her, but I didn't know her either. If you were in her situation wouldn't you want someone to help you? That's what I kept telling myself and even though tomorrow she will have no memory of what happened and she will have no Idea who I am or how I helped her, it doesn't really matter, because it was just one of those times where you see something and you have to do something about it. I really hope that someone would do the same for me, but judging by the way people reacted, I really don't know if they would have.

I think it's in those moments when no one really wants to deal with a situation where you can really decide what kind of people are out there, so many people just looked at her with disgust and some just averted their eyes, I understand it's not a pretty site, but you gotta do what you gotta do, and I am so thankful that Cameron helped her too, without him I may have still been standing there with her, I will have to remember to thank him the next time I see him, I did thank him tonight as well and we carried Toni from Keyoh to Neyoh, But in situations like that I don't think you can give someone too much thanks.

Tonight... well... it was of those times.....


Thursday, October 15, 2009

Who Knew that had Chanel in Value Village....

Today I had my physics midterm and i didn't die or hyperventilate or pass out and I think I passed, which is good, but I'm still nervous about the results....

I had a bio lab which was fine but now I have a Bio write up to do, which is going to be time consuming, and that sucks, but I don't think that it's going to be too hard, just time consuming.

After my classes, Erica and I decided to stroll(actually bus) down to value Village to look for Halloween costumes, there weren't too many cool costumes, but then we went and we were looking at scarves and all of a sudden Erica Grabs something and says "Chanel" and I turn around to see that she had grabbed a scarf that was Chanel, lol what are the chances of there being a Chanel Scarf at value village and it was ugly :( and we continued looked at scarves and then Erica starts laughing and is holding a pink scarf and once again "Chanel" and it was another Chanel scarf, seriously why does value village have Chanel scarves? This one was less ugly but it was pink so that was a no. Then as we were about to leave the scarf area..... "Chanel" followed by laughter as Erica has found another Chanel scarf, only this one is a brownish colour and I decided that I had to by it, as a souvenir. Then we wandered around a bit more and I made a deal with Erica that if she found one more Chanel thing that I would buy them all... and the desperate search began, but we soon discovered that there were no more Chanel Items in Value village and we decided to leave and go to the Dollar store.

As usually I get a bunch of random stuff from the dollar store, like muffin pans and muffin mix and halloween decorations and some wall sticker things for my room, which are butterflies and look as though they belong in a six year old girls room, :D I haven't put them up but I will do so later tonight, probably after I finish this actually.

There isn't much else for me to say, I don't have much else planned for the night.

Good Night!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Long day, but not too long

I had my 4 hours of lectures and my 3 hour lab was finished in an hour and a half, which was nice.
I then went to the gym for a little bit and I ate dinner.
I finished my short essay and I have been trying to not stress out about my physics midterm tomorrow, and watching Glee is helping me de-stress, though I am nervous
I'm hoping to get 12 out of 18, that is my goal, and I think that I can achieve it :)
I spoke to my mom today and she is getting a puppy, It's a male golden lab that is going to most likely be names Seamus and she should have it in November and I am super excited to see it when I'm home in December. There are so many things that I'm excited for in December
I really do miss home,
But I think that if I went to school back home I would have far more distractions and I mighte procrastinate even more than I do up here.

Oh I should have my Bio midterm results on Friday, I hope it went well...
anyways Glee is on and I can only type during commercials.


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Only one class :-O

Today I only had one class, Physics. And it wasn't so bad, it was a tutorial class to prepare us for the midterm. I also went to a chem tutorial to get help with my lab that is due tomorrow and I think I figured it out and I will hopefully do well on it. I didnt do much else today, I studied for physics a bit and I cooked and stuff like that, tomorrow will be a busy day so I'm resting up for it.

It wasn't too, too cold today, It got all the way up to 2, lol
Oh I also found out that my mom is getting a puppy, its so cute, it's a Golden Lab and that's about all I know about it at the moment.

I came up with a title for my essay today, with some help from my dad, who I had a lovely conversation with.

On a sadder note, my skin is starting to break out, which is quite upsetting.

Anyways that is basically all I did today..


Monday, October 12, 2009

And so.. the long weekend is over.

Today I didnt want to get out of bed, I was warm and comfy, but unfortunately I had too, because Aman was coming over so we could do our chem labs, but that turned into an epic fail, because neither one of us really knew how to do the lab, so tomorrow we are going to go to the Chem SI to see if we cant get help, I also tried doing my chem homework that wasn't a lab, and that didn't go too well, but i think if I go over my notes I will eventually figure it out... hopefully.

I got quite a bit done this weekend, but no where near as much as I wanted to get done, oh well. Today I basically just did more notes and more notes and I went to the gym and tidied my room and thats basically all that was done today.

Oh and my roommates have been slowly returning all day. Jill returned home first just before one and Erica got home about a half hour ago, but then she went out to have dinner with her daddy and then go grocery shopping and she's being an awesome roommate and picking up my milk for me :D Carrying 4L of milk on the bus is no fun, no fun what so ever.

Tomorrow is almost an extension of my weekend seeing as I only have one class, unfortunately it's the one class that I hate, fortunately, we are just having a tutorial session in preparation for the mid term on Thursday, which I am still quite nervous about. But it is something that I must do and I just have to get through it, and I will, I will get through it. I also have my math midterm on Friday which I am not too worried about, but i will practice problems this week in prep for the exam.

I know that this is an early posy, but I don't really feel like doing anything else, and I know that's a horrible thing to say, but I just want to relax and warm up. It's getting colder now, I think it's -2 C or 271 K and it gets colder at night, I'm not quite sure how I am going to survive here when it's like -30. Now that is a scary thought.


Sunday, October 11, 2009

Starting to Feel a little homesick :(

Today was a rather dull day.
Though it did start off well, with a very nice and unexpected phone call, which I greatly appreciated :)
I did more homework today and I also cooked a lot, like I made Vegetarian Chili and then I froze it so I can eat it later and I made myself thanksgiving dinner, complete with gravy, stuffing, mash potatoes and broccoli, But i had chicken instead of turkey and since i didnt have pumpkin pie, i made a rather odd but delicious desert. I had rice cakes with Nutella and strawberry Jam, which is an amazing combination. I also watched 2 movies today: 27 dresses and Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail, both were very enjoyable.

Today Erica also sent me a picture, proving that Kitimat (I have no idea how to spell it :( ) actually has an overwaitea :-O.
I didn't leave my dorm today which is rather pathetic, but it was cold and I was lazy, instead of going to the gym I took a hot bath and I painted my toe nails.

Aman from across the hall came over and I helped her with physics homework (apparently I understood it well enough to help someone else do it) and we talked and watch the simpsons and family guy and american dad and the cleavland show, it was nice to have some social interaction.

Tomorrow I plan on doing my chemistry lab and reading my second draft of my english essay and doing more readings for english and bio and chem. I also should do some practice math and physics problems considering I have 2 midterms this week.

Well that basically sums up my day, Oh and I discovered that when I'm alone I feel far more homesick :(


Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Long Lonesome Weekend Day 1

So it wasnt all that lonesome, but I was more lonely today than I normally am on Saturdays
But I'm surviving
I got some homework done today and I did my grocery shopping with Leslie from across the hall.

There was also a thanksgiving dinner for people who didn't go home in residence, so Leslie and I went to that and met up with a girl named Tami, and we went back to Leslies room to enjoy our turkey and pumpkin pie and we watched Edward Scissorhands which I had never seen, but I really liked it, and I would gladly watch it again. Following the movie we talked for while.

It bothers me when people start saying things that I know not to be true and they don't justify what they're saying. like I'm all up for debating issues and stuff like that, but if people aren't willing to back up facts it becomes rather boring and pointless and hard to listen to.

I am also super Jealous of Danny right now, because he just saw the Blue Man Group and I would love to see the Blue Man Group. Apparently it was amazing.

Good Night,
The Lonely Student.

Friday, October 9, 2009

It's been 3 hours.... I'm still doing laundry.

Today is the day that a lot of people went home for thanksgiving
I did not,
Not because I didn't have the option, but because I didnt want to waste the money going home, for a weekend only to spend my time at home studying for midterms.
So I'm alone
all my roommates are gone
But I'm making good use of my time, I'm doing laundry, laundry which hasn't been done in awhile and I have been doing if for over 3 hours and it's still not done, but it's almost done...kinda.... to be honest I have all of my semi dry laundry hanging throughout my dorm, It is everywhere and I still have more in the dryer, or should I call it a warmer, because that's all it really does, oh and did I mention that so far I have spent nine dollars doing my laundry... It's crazy.

Doesn't this sound like a wild and crazy way for a young university student to spend her friday nights? I think so.... not

My plans for this weekend consist of studying and homework and grocery shopping, I went to go grocery shopping today but the power was out in college heights and I wasted and hour going and I returned with nothing.....which sucked.

I got a package from my daddy today. It consisted of the following:
~ A slap chop (have you seen the infomercial?)
~ a roll of quarters (good timing)
~ Purdys white chocolate (yum)
~ Caramels (also yum)
~ Satsuma Body wash (yay)
~ A letter (i love letters)
~ a post card (that had been sent to my home address)

All in all a great Care Package, Thanks Daddy! I Love You!

Good Night, I have more laundry to do :S

Thursday, October 8, 2009

I think I wasted a Day....

I feel like I accomplished nothing today..
I didn't really study for my midterm
I didnt do my chem assignment ( I will do it in the morning)
I once again was not able to figure out my physics homework.

I guess I did complete my Biology lab today and I did go to the gym and watch the movie Blow, but all in all I feel like this day was wasted, I could of done so much more, but I didn't and I don;t know why, I just feel like I'm lacking all motivation which is bad considering all the stuff I have to get done this weekend....
I've already started making my to do list and it just keeps getting longer and longer and I'm not sure how I'm going to get it all done.. not to mention this weekend is going to be a lonely one, My roommates are all going home for thanksgiving and Danny is on Vacation in Vegas. I'm worried
that I may go crazy due to lack on contact with people, but I will make it through the weekend and hopefully I will have accomplished much of what is on my to do list.

Today one of my friends said to me " but I thought you didn't like sciences?" and to be honest this was true, in high school I was no fan of science, but when I began thinking about what I wanted to do with my life, I realized that Science was the way I was going to get there. I want so badly to end up with a job that I love and I hope I can do so. But there is always that worry that all the time and money that I'm going to invest in school, might get me nothing, or might not get me what I want and what I want is to work with animals, whether it be in the wild or in captivity, I want to have a career where I learn something new everyday and I wake up every morning and I want to go to work, I guess one would call those my goals, But I prefer the term aspiration and every time I feel down or I feel like things aren't going to be worth it, I try and think of what I'm going to get out of this in the end(well what I hope to get out of it)


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Another long day, But I'm excited for Glee

Today was rather long, but it wasn't a bad day.

English was super easy as usually and I got one of my assignments back and I got 82% on it which I was quite happy with, but i hope to do better on my short Essay which is due next Friday and I hope to finish it this weekend.

Chemistry was rather interesting we started to learn about Thermodynamics and Thermalchemistry and to quote my Chem Prof It's a rather "hot topic"

Math was easy and rather dull as per usual, but I stupidly screwed up my last math assignment so I did not receive the best grade possible but I'll make up for it with the next assignment.

Bio was an entire class of clicker questions, which are multiple choice questions that you answer using a remote type device called a clicker. The questions were to help us with preparing for the Mid-Term on Friday.

Then I had to rush back to the dorms to get a snack before venturing to my Chem lab, which went alright, it was rather time consuming but I still finished early.

I came "home" and made dinner and I had my nightly phone call a little early, but I'm not complaining. I had made plans to go to the gym at 7:00, but then a girl Aman from across the hall came over to ask me about the Chem lab and I spent quite awhile helping her and by the time that was over it was 7:40 and I no longer wanted to go to the gym, so Now I'm killing time until Glee comes on.

I'm also a little worried that I'm going to be very lonely this long weekend, all my roommates are going home and Danny is Going to Vegas on Vacation so I wont be able to bug him with text messages, I figure that I'll be phoning home a lot this weekend which isn't a bad thing and I will also be doing a lot this weekend I am already creating my to do list, and it's a mighty long list.

I'm going to go make tea, and then wait for Glee to Come on :D


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

For once something other than physics made me want to tear my face off

Ahh My Chem lab was making no sense today, I worked on it forever and it is now complete but I have no idea if I did it correctly :S oh well I did well on the first two labs I can afford one screw up

My day was filled with physics and chem and math so needless to say I'm a little sick of numbers.
But my physics lab went well and I finished an hour early which is nice :) but now my tummy hurts and It may be due to hunger but I'm not too sure....

Anyways, Midterms are approaching, but I'm only SUPER worried about physics, the rest are kinda just meh. Oh and I passed my physics homework, well at least the homework for chapter 2 :)

anyways i think I need a snack good night

Monday, October 5, 2009

4 hours of lectures, an hour and and half at the gym, christmas shopping for my family completed in October :)

Today I had my lectures :English, Chem, Math and Bio
My Chem lecture is the only one worth mentioning, my prof was messing around with liquid nitrogen to demonstrate how temperature relates to pressure when it comes to gases and it was displayed beautifully when he filled a pop bottle with liquid nitrogen and screwed on the lid and the put in in a container of warm water which resulted in the gas expanding and the exploding. I got a cool video of it, which I will have to wait awhile to post, but believe me it was awesome.

After my lectures Erica and I went and did some Christmas shopping :)
And i bought myself a UNBC sweater, which is pretty sweet, I wish I had an unlimited supply of money to spend in the bookstore buying UNBC merchandise, I like it :)

After all that I attempted Physics again... with little success and then I made and early dinner and I talked to Danny for awhile before heading off to the gym for an hour and a half, and while there I learned a valuable lesson..
Me+Loose athletic shorts+ running/jogging/walking for an hour and 15 minutes = bad
I could go into more detail about my ordeal, but I'd rather not.

I've also been doing practice bio quizzes to prepare for the midterm on Friday which i am not too worried about, I am far more concerned about my physics midterm which is in just over a week.

i may attempt my physics homework once more before the night is over, but I don't know if that will be of any help, and I don;t know if the stress is worth it.....

Sunday, October 4, 2009


So Today was Rez Challenge number two:
A Scavenger hunt, and it should come as no surprise that the Blue WarHeads Reigned Supreme.
It started out a little rough it was just 5 Girls Kallie, Emily, Courtney, Erica and I and we were worried that we would not be able to win, with 1/2 our team not there, but we were determined and we ended up getting our very hungover teammates out of bed and helping us on the scavenger hunt and we got everything except for a female condom, which is a rather hard item to find. But we did get a tambourine, preparation H, a swim cap, a beanie baby, a Doctor Seus book, a golf tea, a ball and jacks game and oh so much more, not to mention a bunch of pictures of things like a team member braiding a strangers hair and a picture of our entire team in the air jumping. We also did the entire scavenger hunt wearing Aluminum foil Hats.

Following our Victory we finally went to Red Robin to spend our prize from last time, we ended up only having 7 of the 9 people go, but it was good times, we discussed strategy for the possible Halloween fashion show and had some good times and then I returned home to do a little bit of studying and some more physics problems and now I'm entering an early blog, because I don;t feel like doing much else.

Oh and Erica and I went to go check out the pole dancing club demo. and on the way there we saw a black fox, but we didn't stick around much, because Erica had homework to do and we weren't appropriately dressed, But I really want a pole, I think it would be so much fun :P

Now I'm going to listen to the Red Hot Chili peppers and drink tea :D

Homework, Homework and music

Today I got a lot done, I wrote the draft to my short essay and did a math assignment and did some physics problems and I wrote chem and bio notes. But there was still a lot I had to do, but I will get it done soon. Oh I also did a chem worksheet. Then I cleaned my room and relaxed a little

Erica and I went to the gym for a bit and it felt so nice to get out and move around and stretch my legs. We got home after 8 and ate dinner and then Kallie came over and her and Erica and Emily and I were listening to music and dancing around and talking, It was a really nice night and I am super stoked for Res. Challenge tomorrow, we are going to kick but!


Friday, October 2, 2009

Birthday Cake, birthday shots and 10 things I Hate about you. - Good Day!

So today was pretty sweet, my classes we alright. nothing super awesome.
But this weekend in my roommate Jill's Birthday so today Erica made a cake and Emily got her a pair of earrings and we decorated the windows and then we waited forever for Jill to get home and when she did she was so excited and we were excited and we sang happy birthday and we ate cake and it was DELICIOUS, I had been smelling it all day and I was craving it so bad. After cake we had birthday shots which was kinda fun. and then we watched 10 things I hate about you which is such a good movie and I hadn't seen it in forever and now I'm kinda tired but I don't want to goto bed at 11 on a Friday night.

I wanna stay up and talk about complete randomness and I can rest up for my big day of school work tomorrow. I have a lot to do tomorrow, but I will try my best to get it all done.

I also phoned my parents tonight and It was nice to talk to them and see how things are going back home... I am still waiting to find out when my finals are so I can book my ticket home and then I will have an exact date to look forward too.


Thursday, October 1, 2009

I have Reached October!!!!!

I am writing in orange in honour of the month.
Today was good, I had a guest lecturer in Physics and I actually was focused during the lecture if you minus the fact that I got so annoyed by one girl who kept asking questions about whether an atom would hypothetically orbit a tennis ball if there were no other forces acting upon it, grr is was annoying and time consuming.

My Bio lab was easy and I finished in an hour and a half and right after I got home there was a hail storm and it went on for a few minutes and then it turned to rain, and then I went grocery shopping in the rain which was wet and heavy and kinda expensive (i hate spending money)

Then tonight was supposed to be the night when the Rez Challenge winners go out to red robin to eat, but once again it didn't happen so Erica, Kallie and I went downtown to this cool diner off of 15th Ave. and I had fish and chips and the fries were sooooo good. Then Kallie treated us to starbucks so we could stay warm while waiting for the bus, which came on time and brought us back up to the school, where I am now sitting and writing in my blog and kinda waiting for a phone call, well I guess not waiting but a phone call would be nice, haha.