Sunday, March 10, 2013

Daylight savings time = an hour less sleep :(

I was lucky and last night I didn't have any calls after I went to bed, and I was in bed by 12.

I was up this morning at 9, and had a boiled egg and then I did my day 1 Pilates. After Pilates I enjoyed a quiet cup of tea. Katie got home just after 10. Just before 11 I dropped off the on call phone with Sam before heading down to the school for the first of my group meetings

It was a conservation bio group meeting and we worked on it for your hours but our population scenarios didn't seem to be working and we couldn't figure out why. I emailed out prof and we decided there wasn't anything else we could do.

I hung around in the computer lab as I had another group meeting, luckily that meeting went well and only took about 20 minutes, it was for my women and the environment class and we are somewhat prepared for our seminar of Tuesday, I'll do a bit of review and practice tomorrow.

After my meeting I went back to res and didn't know what to do, eventually I ventured over to the gym by myself, but I wasn't really feeling it at the gym, I was feeling bored I need to start to mix things up and the gym and I need to get some new playlists on my iPod

After the gym I made dinner, and relaxed, watched tv.

Eventually I took a shower and then I talked with my mom for awhile and now I'm knitting an watching tv and waiting for an appropriate time to go to sleep.


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