Saturday, September 15, 2012

Kept thinking it was sunday. Its not

I managed to stay in bed this morning until 9:30, which was a nice feeling. I had breakfast and watched tv, and then I started to be productive.

I got some work done, I was actually quite productive up until about 3, then my productivity died down :(

Katie and kris came up and we went to the grocery store so Katie and I could get stuff for the breakfast that we are doing tomorrow morning for our floor

The rest of my day was not super eventful
We hooked up net flix, and thus movies have been playing all day
I worked on my plant competition proposal with Elaine and Kurt, Hayden was supposed to be there but turns out he is in Vancouver until Tuesday when the proposal is due.
I spent some time as the fifth wheel as Katie and kris were here along with Katie's sister Elsa and her boyfriend Joey, I felt kid of lonely :( poor Chanel
I also missed out on playing settlers as I was working on the proposal when they started so I couldn't join in, oh well, there will be more games

I don't think it will be a late night, I have some dishes to do and some things to organize and then I can hit the hay so I can be wide awake for the floor breakfast tomorrow morning


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