Tuesday, April 17, 2012

3 more sleeps...

This morning I was up at 9, had breakfast and then started studying for limnology.
After about an hour of studying I took and hour break to pack and clean and then I had lunch, which was an odd combination of hardboiled eggs with salad dressing and a fish cake, but it was delicious and very rich in protein.

At 1:30 I had my Limnology exam and it entailed a lot of writing and took me about an hour and a half to write which isnt too shabby.

After my exam I found out that registration for next year was open and when to go plan out my awesome year, only to find out that the courses that I wanted to take conflicted with the few courses that I have to take. I have tentative plan, but I think it need a bit more thought before I actually register.

After that Katie and I moved the couch and the freezer in to RA storage which took some pressure off, and now our living room looks super empty, its kind of weird, I vacuumed a bit because the area under the couch was nasty, after that I had dinner which was much needed, I was starved.

I had left over chicken enchiladas, and then two cracker things with almond butter and Jam, and then a cup of tea.

i also decided to call my Daddy to see how things are at home, and the basement has been torn up in order to renovate, everything is empty, it's weird, Kari sent me pictures. We had a nice little chat and then I went and took a shower and will be off to bed soon as I plan on getting up early to finish packing and to get all the cleaning I need to get done, done. I also put the rest of my stuff into storage tomorrow and have my room inspection tomorrow, not to mention I have to study for my animal behaviour final. I tried studying tonight, but my arms hurts too much.

3 more sleeps


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