Saturday, January 28, 2012

RA Carousel Day

This morning I was up at 8, so I could get ready for the RA Carousel group interview that happened today from 10-4. I went down at 9:30 and was a tad early, not one else showed up for a bit, but in a way it was nice because I got to be the first person to sign in.

Carousel was basically the same as last year, same activities, mostly the same people, though I did like my group better this year, I knew everyone and I felt like we worked well as a group. It was a long day but it went well, including the interview portions of it.

I was back home by two because I got my interviews out of the way quickly, I was first for one and 7th for the other.

I am now decided to forget about the whole RA thing and not worry about it, because worrying about it wont do me any good. I'll find out on the 17th and I have a midterm that day so I will not even check my email that day until after my midterm, just in case.

Now on to the rest of my day.
I spent the rest of my day doing homework, writing papers, editing paper, etc etc. Not a fun day. I took a break to make Fajitas for dinner and then I also made some vanilla whole wheat pancake batter for tomorrow.

I've really been missing Dan lately, he is still without a phone and I feel like we dont communicate any more and it saddens me, but there isn't much I can do.

I plan on going to bed soon and having a long day tomorrow of homework and I have to go to the gym and complete all my assignments that are due next week and study for my midterm.
Boy am I having a fun weekend :S


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