Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Today was kind of a sad day..

This morning I woke up knowing that it was Dan's last Day in PG, but we agreed not to get all sad and down with the fact that he was leaving and that we wont see each other until December. We were only allowed to get sad once we had actually separated, and I managed to prevent myself from being sad until then.

This morning I was awoken by a text from Kallie, who sadly is getting sick :( and she wanted me to bring her some tea and a bagel to class, so Obviously I made her tea and a bagel and grabbed her a sweater and while I was making myself breakfast, Dan emerged from my room and he was going to try and scare me, but as I have told him before, he can't sneak up on me :P

Then we talked while I ate my breakfast and then I had to get dressed and then we waited until I had to goto class and just before I left Adam stopped by to say hello, and I left the two of them together and I went off to O Chem

O Chem was fine, we did review, which was helpful. I'm not super worried for the midterm, I am worried, just not super worried.

I Got back from class and Dan was playing starcraft so I made some macaroni and cheese, which we shared even though I know Dan can eat a hell of a lot more than that. And then I waited for him to finish his game, and we just kinda sat there like it was yesterday, talking... It almost felt like he wasn't leaving.

Then came the time for us to get ready to go and wait for the Airporter to come and pick Dan up. Before we left Adam stopped by to say Bye to Dan because he's just that nice of a guy. Then Dan made sure he wasn't 'forgetting' anything...though luckily he did forget something so I have proof that he was here :)

Then we went down and we were going to wait outside but it was so flipping cold that we just waited in the lobby area and luckily we went down before 3 because the airporter showed up at 2:50, Dan and I said our Goodbyes and he asked the Lady Driver if they could throw me in the back, sadly I don't count as luggage.

Then I walked back into Rez alone and sad, so I stopped by at Katie and Liz's room for some company and I was offered cheese cake but I declined, and then I sulked back to my room where I was going to reassemble the living room, but then instead I posted the thanksgiving photos on Facebook and tagged and put captions with them, I didn't have time to finish before I had to goto class, but after Plant Bio I finished tagging and captioning the photos, I also scanned, Mine Erica's and Dan's photobooth pics so I could put them up on facebook too.

Then I went grocery shopping and ended up running into Liz at SaveON and she gave me a ride home which was awesome. Thanks again Liz. Then I watched Glee, ate leftover pancakes and knit while being sad. Kallie came home and it was nice to have the company.

Then we did a bit of studying and then everyone decided to goto bed early, so I am now writing in my blog before getting into my PJ's and crawling into my empty bed.

I don't like being sad.


P.S. I miss you

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