Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Lack of sleep leads to a grumpy and Frustrated me...

This morning I woke up and I was sooo tired
But I had to goto class for 9:30 and considering it was an hour long tutorial about plagiarism, it wasn't that bad.

Then I had a two hour break and rather than being productive, I knit and watched tv and ate. I also got really frustrated with my genetics prof who didnt post the notes in time for me to print them.

This was the beginning of my frustration
Then I had to goto my math lab which is the dumbest thing ever, not only does my TA have a very strong accent, he also talks quietly and doesn't explain what he is doing, which makes it difficult to follow along, and then when you ask for help he makes you feel like an idiot and rather than just showing you the next step, he makes you redo all the previous steps even though you are in a rush to get to your next class.
Then genetics was stupid, especially since I didn't get my notes, so I basically did not pay attention, and in Ecology I almost fell asleep and I actually like that class so it kinda sucked.

After that I went back to Rez and climbed into bed, and tried to nap, but as you know I can never really nap, I can just lye in bed. But i did decide not to go to math because I can fall asleep in that class and I knew that it would be a waste of time if I went.

I gave up on napping and made dinner, which I shared with fabris because she shared her curry with me the other night. Then I basically say around and knit.

On a slightly sad note, my floor did not win the penny wars but we did receive 5 points for raising the most money.

Anyways I don't want to be grumpy tomorrow so I should get to bed soon.


P.S. 16 Days!

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