Even though i didn't have class this morning, I still didn't get to sleep in really, because I woke up to do homework and I didn't get all that much done.
During my physics lab today I wanted to shoot myself in the head, I should not have to calculate standard deviation, they have computers for a reason and they can calculate error too, grr, it was so time consuming and I am so glad to be done with it and I will be happy to get it our of my hands in the morning. Exciting note, I don't have physics labs next week :D
My bio lab was about as much fun as counting beetle eggs on mung beans under a microscope, oh wait that's what we did, and that didn't take too long, but there was sooooo much talking and talking and then we had to stay and wait for all the other groups to post their data, just so we could hear some more talk, man was I glad to be out of there, and then I had to rush back to my room and quickly eat something before leaving to goto the movies, I had a bagel and that was not very satisfying.
I went to the movies with Erica, Katie, Katy, and Liz and we were supposed to meet up with Brad and some others, but they got there late anyways. We saw the movie the Lovely Bones and I guess it was a good movie, though I haven't read the book. I don't know if I would pay to see the movie again, as in I wouldn't buy it or rent it, but if it was on tv I would watch it.
We luckily got out of the movie in time to catch the last bus up to rez, and when I got back Kallie and I attempted to do out Chem problem sets with little success and I finished my Physics lab :)
Anyways it's late and I should be getting ready for bed, I have a longgg day tomorrow
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