so this morning was a usual wednesday, i had my ecology tutorial, finished the assignment after the tutorial, and the fabris and i went grocery shopping and got stuff for thanksgiving, and we almost missed the bus up because we were waiting for fabris' prescription to be filled.
then i had my lab lab, which was the most useless piece of shit ever.
following that i had my genetics midterm, which was basically a huge fail, though i hope i passed,
immediately after that i had my ecology midterm which was a lot better, and then I had two hours to kill before my stats which I had to goto because I told myself that if I didnt want to goto class on Friday i had to go on Monday and Wednesday
Then because it was a Wednesday, we decided it was a good idea to go out to the Rum Jungle because it was wooble wednesday , so we went and by we i mean Kallie, Erica, Liz, Katie, Fabris and I and we paid the two dollars cover and walked in and there was NO ONE there it was a dead and there was no one dancing and there was shitty music, so we decided we would have to start the dancing so we tried to request a song but the DJ had no good dance music, so we just danced to the crap that was playing and we brought people to the dance floor which was kinda cool.
Then we took a break from the bad music and these three scrubs walked up to us and one started hitting on Kallie hard, he told me that he was kinda into her and such things , he wanted me to hook them up, hahahahahahahahahahahaha FAT CHANCE! and Erica was hit on but this not as creepy scrub, and the other guys were kinda coolish.
Matt was the creep who was hitting on Kallie, he was also 28 years old and Kallie is 18 and he was well aware of this fact
brayden was hitting on Erica, he told her that he liked to look at her and that she looked like a real sweetheart
Pat was the one who lied about everyone elses names and was kind of a fool but in a good way
and then there was Greg, greg was nice and not creepy.
BTW - Matt's friends knew he wasn't getting any
Matt provided us with the most entertainment, he would NOT leave kallie alone, but I was keeping my eye on her and she seemed to be handling herself okay and I was ready to get involved if need be, which did happen later, but I am getting ahead of myself
So we danced a bit more, chatted with the guys a bit more and at 11:30 Fabris, Katie and Liz went home, which was kinda sad, but that meant the tres amigos were left to rock the rum jungle alone! and the other guys except for Matt left, Matt seriously wanted Kallie to go home with him and that wasn't going to happen.
At one point, we were on the dance floor and he joined us and was the worst dancer ever and he like picked Kallie up and it was awkward and like people were watching, it was so awkward and then Finally Kallie told him off, and he went away in somewhat of a tiff.
Then later on he came back and grabbed me and I told him that I don't need a dance partner, and he told me that we could dance together and told him that I danced alone, and finally he got the hint and left all angry again, he was rather concerning. there was also this crazy Dancer guy who kallie danced with and Matt stood up and looked so pissed.
Eventually we got tired of dancing and lindsey was going to pick us up and one and we were sitting and trying to avoid matt who had basically just been angrily drinking, and then crazy dancer guy and his friend came over to chat us up and offer us drinks their names were John and Serel and they were nice guys. While we were chatting with them matt came over, sat next to kallie and got all clingy and the left, and John and Serel assumed that we knew him, but we explained the situation and they thought we was a bad dancer, which was funny that they had been watching and they had noticed his shitty dancing from afar. they also invited us to go smoke a joint with them back at their place...that wasn't going to happen, but they weren't pushy. some funny things Serel said upon finding out we lived in Rez
Serel "Kicking out the freshmen" "ripping up the dance floor"
The fricken matt came back and like pulled Kallie onto his lap and did not wanna let her go, and it was decided that we would just go an wait outside, so we told John and Serel that we were leaving and then I told matt that we were leaving and he would still not let go of kallie and he asked her if she would go home with him, obviously she said no and then we pulled Kallie away form him and booked it outta there and waited for lindsey
the we got Mcdonalds, ate it in the hallway, I won some random prize and I dont even really know what it was on the monopoly game, and umm yea thats bascailly it.
Also tonight was kinda weird because Dan went to be before me which doesn't happen oftem