Saturday, December 5, 2009

I am not a studier

Today consisted of me sleeping in
finally getting out of bed
Having mini wheats
Then the studying began,
I read over bio chapters, looked of physics and chem midterms, read through the bio study guide, took bio online quizzes, and stuff like that and I am really not a studier, this next week is gunna be hard, I find I get really distracted and my head starts to hurt when i study and it is rather unpleasant to say the least, but I need to study because I need to do well.

Today I calculated that I need to get and 81 on the Bio Final in order to get and A in the course and I have that Final on Monday at 9am :S and I am a little nervous, but I will study more tomorrow and hopefully it will all go well.

I also posted today on a UNBC Textbook thing on facebook to try and sell some of my textbooks, and I'm hoping people will be interested and maybe I can make more money off of them than I would if I sold them back to the bookstore, I know for sure that I can sell my physics, math and English texts, Though I am contemplating keeping one of my English books just to have for future reference, but the more I think about it, the more I'm thinking NO, I'll just sell it if I can.

I feel like I have accomplished a fair bit today, But I am still nervous for my two finals on Monday, But I am excited that on Monday it will be one week until I go home, I can hardly wait. I miss home <3


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