I'm Just trying to keep track of my time here at UNBC and maybe have something to look back on, and hey blogs are cool, lol
Friday, November 30, 2012
So tired
I have been tired all day
I slept poorly and was up at 7 to get ready for my lab exam, and I was so out of it that I forgot my pencil case and my calculator, luckily I was able to borrow some pens and a calculator and the exam went soso, and i cant be upset because I really didnt put in a study effort
After I finished writing I went to go hand in my last pop and com assignment which was a nice feeling, once back in res I ate and began to organize the disaster that was our livingroom, not only did we get food, we also got a table, microwave, fan, humidifier etc etc so we had stuff everywhere but I was able to tidy up a bit before the tired hit me
Liz and Jeremy spent the afternoon with us until they had to go catch their bus/flight, it was nice, they napped, I laid about and did nothing, I'm basically a blob :(
I made chicken burgers for dinner and grilled them on my new george foreman grill from Liz and Jeremy, haha and they were delicious and cooked fast
Now I'm just tired but not as sleep as I was before,
I wish I had been more productive, but I do have time to get things done this weekend,
I keep thinking it's saturday, but I have two full weekend days left so I should be fine, I'll go to bed soon and hopefully sleep better than I did last night
Its late
It's late, I need to sleep as I have a quiz tomorrow morning
Today was the last evening with Liz and Jeremy
More tomorrow
Okay time to elaborate on this entry and then write a new entry
I had my last PLant Ecology class and writing the professor evaluation felt like christmas, I could finally express my feelings about Juan Carlos and his lack of teaching abilities and I managed to keep myself composed and it didnt turn into and angry childish rant, I was proud
Our final paper was always handed in, but to be honest the work load was really not even, which is part of the reason why I don't like group papers, Elaine did the most work, I fell somewhere in the middle and there was of course the member who did little, but he was aware that he did not do much.
After classes, I did not do very much, I tried to study for my wildlife ecology quiz, but it was not going well and then eventually Katie, Kris and I went down to see Liz Jeremy and Katniss, we all hung out and ended up going out for all you can eat sushi and it was so delicious and fun to share with everyone, the chef even gave us a special thing not available on the weekday dinner menu, I think it was Tuna Takanaki or something along those lines, I was so full especially since I had already had dinner, I think I'm getting fat :(
After binging on sushi we went back to Liz and Jeremy's and played a game of settler of catan cities and knights and it was a long game and I was tired and had my wildlife eco lab exam at 8 am and had done minimal studying
We got to take all of Liz and Jeremy's frozen food since they were leaving and by the time we got back to res and unloaded all the frozen things it was after midnight, and sleep was something that was not coming to me
And to keep the tradition
Today was the last evening with Liz and Jeremy
More tomorrow
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Not in the mood for a long entry
Today was my last geography of Canada class
I handed in my Canada journal
Paid my course deposit for the panama field school
Handed in my population model
Finished my pop and com assignment
Had my RA review and it went well which was nice
Worked on my plant Eco paper which is due tomorrow and I emailed it off to my group and hopefully it all goes well
I went to a string lantern making thing which was fun, I'll try and show a picture of my lantern once is dry :)
I also made banana bread! And it is delicious :)
I'll be off to bed soon
I handed in my Canada journal
Paid my course deposit for the panama field school
Handed in my population model
Finished my pop and com assignment
Had my RA review and it went well which was nice
Worked on my plant Eco paper which is due tomorrow and I emailed it off to my group and hopefully it all goes well
I went to a string lantern making thing which was fun, I'll try and show a picture of my lantern once is dry :)
I also made banana bread! And it is delicious :)
I'll be off to bed soon
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
17 days....
I am making it through, even though this morning I awoke and thought my health was relapsing. I was not feeling well this morning, I didnt even eat breakfast :(
I went to my pop and com tutorial is hopes that it would help me with the assignment and it didnt help me with the parts of the questions I didnt understand, but I was reassured of how I did other questions which I guess is good.
Wildlife ecology was good, we now only have one lecture and the lab test and the final, in 8 days everything about that class will be done and over, crazy.
After wildlife I needed to eat something so I went to the corner store and bought hummus and pita, which was a bad idea, it was horrible, it made me feel worse than I was already feeling :(
I didnt pay any attention in plant eco, I was there to do the participation things and that was it, the information was useless that we were learning , I had sent Juan Carlos a few emails with questions about the final paper and he asked me to come speak with him after class, but I told him that I was unavailable because I wanted him to reply in text so we have something to refer back to if he tries to claim we did things wrong when we do them the way we are told to do so, and he did reply, though some of the answers are still very unclear, but I guess it is better than nothing
After plant eco, I went to the housing office to get a petty cash form from Jenn, and while I was there I picked up some other things and killed time, I didnt want to get to work yet
After killing time I went to my room and began being productive, I had lunch, worked on my pop and com assignment and I think I finished it, or at least I have answers to all the questions. I also worked a bit on the plant Eco paper and sent it out to everyone along with Juan Carlos' answers to my questions, then I had to lye down for a bit, my head and neck were starting to bother me, I wish I didnt store stress in my neck, it would make things easier
I rested for a bit and ate ice cream, and then eventually I went back to being productive and read over my population model, decided I was finished with it so I printed it off and I will hand it in tomorrow, and I can also hand in my Canada Journal Tomorrow, another thing I can check off, then I only have the plant Eco paper and my wildlife eco lab quiz and my pop and com assignment but that will all be over by friday at 1pm and then the studying can begin, and I should probably do some work in the lab and I have to work out my write up for the research award I got and I'm hoping that wont take long
I also still need to do my final RA event of the semester and I think I will do it December 9th, and it will an are you smarter than a 5th grader stress buster with snacks.
Tonight was a goodbye to Liz thing at the moose, it was nice, it was Katie, Kris, Liz, Jeremy, Adam and I for the most part, Adam came a bit later but stayed till we left and Lindsey was there for a bit, as was Kallie, and the Fabris and Ryan Peel stopped in to say hi. It was nice, I had moose fries and a long island ice tea that was delicious and I was able to pay Adam back for taking me to get my stuff from Nicole's by buying him dinner, and it ended up working out well because I think the waitress forgot to charge him for his beer, so it was pretty cheap, :)
After the moose Katie, Liz, Kris, Jeremy and I went back to our room and we listened to the pitch perfect sound track, and Kris really enjoys singing party in the USA, and as I am writing this he may have bust out singing in the kitchen, there may have been dance moves and I may have almost cried due to laughter. It was funny
Liz and Jeremy left and Kris and Katie got all couplely, Kris hit his eye with a pillow and Katie had to kiss it better, I almost had to throw up, and I told them so when Kris was leaving and Katie said he was forgetting something....her.... oh yea that happened.
Anyways I should be off to bed and I hope I dont wake up feeling like I did this morning, that would kind of suck.
17 sleeps till home
Monday, November 26, 2012
One week of classes left
This morning I met with Chris to talk about my population model and I don't know of it reassured me in anyway, but there isnt much I can do now
My geo of Canada class felt never ending
And it was followed by my last social geography class and I handed in the final paper, I was done with it and I needed it out of my hands
Pop and com was okay, rather typical, only 2 more pop and com classes left, scary thought
After class i went to res, picked up the on call phone and then I made lunch and started working on my pop and com assignment, but I didn't quite finish, I'm hoping after the tutorial tomorrow I will be able to finish.
I also worked on my population model and then moved on to plant Eco, yuck, Hayden sent me the methods and then Elaine sent the discussion and I was waiting for Kurt, he sent his stuff late, I'm about to take a look at it now and see if it's worth incorporating yet.
The RA meeting was short, only 30 minutes and now I have wait till 11 to do rounds and then I can go to bed, yay bed
It better be quiet
My geo of Canada class felt never ending
And it was followed by my last social geography class and I handed in the final paper, I was done with it and I needed it out of my hands
Pop and com was okay, rather typical, only 2 more pop and com classes left, scary thought
After class i went to res, picked up the on call phone and then I made lunch and started working on my pop and com assignment, but I didn't quite finish, I'm hoping after the tutorial tomorrow I will be able to finish.
I also worked on my population model and then moved on to plant Eco, yuck, Hayden sent me the methods and then Elaine sent the discussion and I was waiting for Kurt, he sent his stuff late, I'm about to take a look at it now and see if it's worth incorporating yet.
The RA meeting was short, only 30 minutes and now I have wait till 11 to do rounds and then I can go to bed, yay bed
It better be quiet
Sunday, November 25, 2012
2 major assignments done!
Today was a decently productive day, I got up at about 930 after an okay nights sleep and started working on homework, finishing up my social geography paper, I had breakfast and tea and continued to work,
I tried to work on my population model, but I was jut not feeling the pop and com today, I tried the assignment too and did not get far, that will be a task for tomorrow :(
I also tried to work on my plant Eco paper, taking notes as such from papers but I was not as productive as I should have been
At 5 ish Katie as is started cooking for the potluck we were having at 6, and about 6 residents came out and they brought food and it was a nice hang out sesh with fellow first floorers
The kris, Liz and Jeremy came over and we played settlers and I won :) yay me!
I will arrange my stuff for my classes and I also have a meeting at 840 with my pop and com prof to talk about my population model and I may ask some questions about the assignment as well.
Should probably be off to bed soon.
Oh on another note, AJ was supposed to meet up with me today so he could give me back my movie, but he said he would text me when he was available and no surprise he never texted, I'm worried I will not get my movie back :( and at this point that's really all I want
I tried to work on my population model, but I was jut not feeling the pop and com today, I tried the assignment too and did not get far, that will be a task for tomorrow :(
I also tried to work on my plant Eco paper, taking notes as such from papers but I was not as productive as I should have been
At 5 ish Katie as is started cooking for the potluck we were having at 6, and about 6 residents came out and they brought food and it was a nice hang out sesh with fellow first floorers
The kris, Liz and Jeremy came over and we played settlers and I won :) yay me!
I will arrange my stuff for my classes and I also have a meeting at 840 with my pop and com prof to talk about my population model and I may ask some questions about the assignment as well.
Should probably be off to bed soon.
Oh on another note, AJ was supposed to meet up with me today so he could give me back my movie, but he said he would text me when he was available and no surprise he never texted, I'm worried I will not get my movie back :( and at this point that's really all I want
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Not as productive as I could have been
This morning I let myself sleep in, I need the rest, still trying to get healthy.
Once awake I worked on my population model and the was lazy and lounge about, around noon I took a shower and then Adam sent me a text saying that we could go get my stuff from Nicole's
It was such a relief to get it back, it's one less thing I have to worry about now, once back it was my time to drive the leaf for the last time
I bought groceries, Hopefully enough groceries to last me till I go home, I may need to get milk, but that should be it.
After groceries it was homework time, worked on my gay space paper and finished a rough draft, I also made minestrone soup and some breschetta
Once done the rough draft of my paper I decided to do laundry and tidy up a bit,
Soon I'll be off to bed, I need more rest, still trying to get healthy
Once awake I worked on my population model and the was lazy and lounge about, around noon I took a shower and then Adam sent me a text saying that we could go get my stuff from Nicole's
It was such a relief to get it back, it's one less thing I have to worry about now, once back it was my time to drive the leaf for the last time
I bought groceries, Hopefully enough groceries to last me till I go home, I may need to get milk, but that should be it.
After groceries it was homework time, worked on my gay space paper and finished a rough draft, I also made minestrone soup and some breschetta
Once done the rough draft of my paper I decided to do laundry and tidy up a bit,
Soon I'll be off to bed, I need more rest, still trying to get healthy
Friday, November 23, 2012
21 days till home, fast fprward please
Hmm where to begin my day, I guess beginning at the beginning would make the most sense.
I was up at 7, for my lab at 8, drank tea, ate toast, pretty average friday morning.
My Wildlife lab went well, we did our last assignment in the computer lab, and it took about 2 hours because the computer program was picky, very picky, you couldnt go back or use the mouse or anything like that, but it was done and now it is one less thing that I have to do this semester,
I am now down to
1 pop and com assignment
1 population model
1 term paper
1 Journal
1 competition paper
1 lab quiz
and 4 finals
I got this.... I hope, I've done it in 6 other semesters, so why should this one be any different. I hung out with Elaine after the lab, until she had class at 11:30, then it was back up to res and I worked on my population model and I texted AJ to see if we still had plans tomorrow night and to see if I could ask him a favour, and I was not surprised to hear that something had come up and that he had to cancel, I'm reaching the point where I dont really care all that much anymore, I just want my movie back. I don't know what his deal is, and sadly I dont think I'll ever find out.
Frustrating to think that guys always think and expect that girls will be complicated and confusing, and I will admit that I am not without complications, but I dont think I am that bad, and you never expect the guy to be confusing and complicated. I really dont understand how I could have miss read him so wrong, I thought and other thought from what I told them that he was interested and it was reciprocated and then it's just gone, with no reason or explanation, I guess I will just never understand guys.
Oh well I can understand my cat, and my future cats
Crazy cat lady here I come.
I texted Elaine and told her that he had already bailed and we had made plans to go for sushi or pho if he bailed and since he bailed early we went out for all you can eat sushi and I ate lots and we accidentally ordered the wrong thing, but I took one for the team and wrapped it up stealthily in a napkin and placed it in my purse to be disposed of....my purse now smells like sushi..... and not even good sushi, but we avoided being charged for something we didnt want in the first place.
After sushi, I went to starbucks and got myself an eggnog chai latte
Then we went to Elaines so I could stay warm until catching the bus
The Elaine roomie becka invited us to go to the mall as it is Black Friday... well kind of
I bought 8$ pants, good deal
when I got dropped off everyone was crowding outside, the fire alarm had gone off, apparently s afire extinguisher had exploded, eventually we were allowed back into the building
My plan is bed soonish and no alarm tomorrow
We will see how that goes
A lonely night for me as Katie was on Call
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Learned to play settlers if catan cities as knights
Today was actually a productive day all in all
I had wildlife ecology and that went well, it was followed by my plant ecology midterm, which was okay I guess, some of the questions were way too specific, we also got our results back and didn't do very well which is frustrating because we did exactly what he asked, I hate that cLass, after class we talked about who was going to do what in the final paper and then we went our separate ways
I went back to res, had lunch and then worked on my population model for a substantial amount of time, the majority of it is now done and I am hopefully going to talk to my prof about it tomorrow to get his input and such so I make sure that I was on the right track when doing in.
When I had worked on my population model for long enough I decided to type up some of my wildlife ecology notes and it is productive and easy to accomplish.
At about 6ish kris came over and then a bit later Liz and Jeremy came over and we played a game of settlers of catan cities as knights. Liz, jeremy and I had never played so we got it explained and there is a lot more to think about and keep track of in this version of catan
Kris ended up winning, but it was a close game for Katie, kris and Jeremy, Liz and I were just doing our own thing, though by the end I ha gotten close by screwing over some people, while keeping promises to trade with other people even though trading was no longer necessary.
It was about a 3 hour game
And now everyone had left as its just me and my legs are all messes up from sitting on the floor playing the game, I should be off to bed soon though, I have my lab at 8 tomorrow and I'm still not 100% so I need my rest
I had wildlife ecology and that went well, it was followed by my plant ecology midterm, which was okay I guess, some of the questions were way too specific, we also got our results back and didn't do very well which is frustrating because we did exactly what he asked, I hate that cLass, after class we talked about who was going to do what in the final paper and then we went our separate ways
I went back to res, had lunch and then worked on my population model for a substantial amount of time, the majority of it is now done and I am hopefully going to talk to my prof about it tomorrow to get his input and such so I make sure that I was on the right track when doing in.
When I had worked on my population model for long enough I decided to type up some of my wildlife ecology notes and it is productive and easy to accomplish.
At about 6ish kris came over and then a bit later Liz and Jeremy came over and we played a game of settlers of catan cities as knights. Liz, jeremy and I had never played so we got it explained and there is a lot more to think about and keep track of in this version of catan
Kris ended up winning, but it was a close game for Katie, kris and Jeremy, Liz and I were just doing our own thing, though by the end I ha gotten close by screwing over some people, while keeping promises to trade with other people even though trading was no longer necessary.
It was about a 3 hour game
And now everyone had left as its just me and my legs are all messes up from sitting on the floor playing the game, I should be off to bed soon though, I have my lab at 8 tomorrow and I'm still not 100% so I need my rest
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
No more house sitting for me
I'm still sick and still trying to rest as much as possible while still getting things done
My class today were okay, nothing special.
After class Elaine and I reviewed plant ecology and we have not covered much since the last midterm so it will be interesting to see what we will be tested on.
After that it was up to res to try and be productive
Kris was over playing black ops, as Katie was working on an assignment, I was bouncing between things.
I studied, worked on my gay space paper and also worked out the flight situation for Panama. And I booked my flight, I leave for Panama of April 22, excited and nervous
I also printed off my Canada journal, I have decided that I am done with it and that printing it would make me feel better about how much I have to do.
I watched some movies, worked on my paper and studied a bit but now I am done and tired.
I also found out that the car won't be a quick fix, it's the clutch lace, whatever than means and so now I won't be house sitting anymore, but now I have to figure out how I can get out there to get the rest of my stuff, hopefully I can figure something out.
Now the plan is rest, and then bed
My class today were okay, nothing special.
After class Elaine and I reviewed plant ecology and we have not covered much since the last midterm so it will be interesting to see what we will be tested on.
After that it was up to res to try and be productive
Kris was over playing black ops, as Katie was working on an assignment, I was bouncing between things.
I studied, worked on my gay space paper and also worked out the flight situation for Panama. And I booked my flight, I leave for Panama of April 22, excited and nervous
I also printed off my Canada journal, I have decided that I am done with it and that printing it would make me feel better about how much I have to do.
I watched some movies, worked on my paper and studied a bit but now I am done and tired.
I also found out that the car won't be a quick fix, it's the clutch lace, whatever than means and so now I won't be house sitting anymore, but now I have to figure out how I can get out there to get the rest of my stuff, hopefully I can figure something out.
Now the plan is rest, and then bed
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Kris' Birthday!
So this morning I was feeling a bit better but not awesome, I tried to eatba pier of toast and drank some tea and took some tea to class
My classes were okay.
Pop and com tutorial was good
Wildlife ecology was also good
And as usual plant ecology made me want to kill myself, can't wait for that class to be over, it will not be missed, after class I did not go to groove :(
Instead I went home to bed and was in bed for about 4 hours then I had to get up to make Mac and cheese for kris' birthday surprise potluck that was happening. It turned out well, extra cheesey
People started showing up at about 5:15ish
Elsa came and the Katie got out of class
Then Liz and Jeremy showed up
Then Kyla (kris' sister) and her boyfriend zack showed up and then jessy ( kris'sister)
Kris had no idea what was going on and sadly he had been having a rather shitty birthday, but that all change once he got up to res, we surprised him, he had no idea and we had so much food
We ate till we could eat no more, then Kris opened his presents and the we moved on dessert, cookies ad cream cake and apple crumble, yum.
I did mg best to not be sick, but when everyone decided I go to a movie tonight, I declined so I could rest, I need to get over this sickness before it gets bad
We did play a quick round of settlers before they all left and the birthday boy won
I heard nothing from Nicole or her sister today though, maybe I'll hear something tomorrow, I hope the puppies are doing ok, and the kitties. At least they will
Keep each other company and keep each other warm
Time for me to rest up and hopefully be feeling 100% in the morning
My classes were okay.
Pop and com tutorial was good
Wildlife ecology was also good
And as usual plant ecology made me want to kill myself, can't wait for that class to be over, it will not be missed, after class I did not go to groove :(
Instead I went home to bed and was in bed for about 4 hours then I had to get up to make Mac and cheese for kris' birthday surprise potluck that was happening. It turned out well, extra cheesey
People started showing up at about 5:15ish
Elsa came and the Katie got out of class
Then Liz and Jeremy showed up
Then Kyla (kris' sister) and her boyfriend zack showed up and then jessy ( kris'sister)
Kris had no idea what was going on and sadly he had been having a rather shitty birthday, but that all change once he got up to res, we surprised him, he had no idea and we had so much food
We ate till we could eat no more, then Kris opened his presents and the we moved on dessert, cookies ad cream cake and apple crumble, yum.
I did mg best to not be sick, but when everyone decided I go to a movie tonight, I declined so I could rest, I need to get over this sickness before it gets bad
We did play a quick round of settlers before they all left and the birthday boy won
I heard nothing from Nicole or her sister today though, maybe I'll hear something tomorrow, I hope the puppies are doing ok, and the kitties. At least they will
Keep each other company and keep each other warm
Time for me to rest up and hopefully be feeling 100% in the morning
Monday, November 19, 2012
Just not my day
Where to begin,
I guess my day started just after midnight, where it was so hot that I woke up and could not get back to sleep, and the dogs wanted out, and then at 7, the dogs wanted out so I had to get out of bed again, and let them out, wait till they came back, and I decided to get the fire going, and to feed the dogs and then I wanted to go back to bed for a bit, but the dogs didnt want that to happen, they were making noise and being butt heads so that did not happen
When I got up Luna had removed her bandage again, its getting so frustrating :( I dont know what to do anymore, I'm running out of materials to fix it with.
I eventually left for class and got to the university shortly after 930, so I was early, I had to buy breakfast since my bread had gone moldy :(
My classes were ok, nothing special.
After class Katie and I went to Shoppers Wholesale Foods to pick up some things, and then I dropped her off at res and on my way out to Nicoles I decided to stop in at Value Village because it was their 50% off sale today
I found one shirt I like, one I may like and a belt to go with the shirt I may like, I may need to play around with it a bit first. After making my purchases I went outside and it was starting to snow, I got in the care started it and it made a horrible grinding sound, so I turned it off to make sure it was in gear and that the clutch was all the way in ect. and it was so I went to start it again and it wouldnt start, it just made a horrible noise again.....awesome.
I tried putting it in neutral, it started but made a horrible noise, and once I had put it in neutral I couldnt put it back into first, it would not go :(
At this point I knew I would not be driving this evening, it was about 430 at the time. I called Nicoles Sister Andrea, told her what was up and then I called BCAA to get towed, and waited in the cold for about an hour :(
The guys showed up and thought he just had to jump the car, I told him that it was not the case and that I thought something was up with the transmission. he was nice, he hooked up the car, and I called Andrea back to get the address of the mechanic and we arranged for her to pick me up at the mechanic,
After sometime in the cold the car was all hooked in and we could go, the truck was a 10 speed. which is crazy, I can barely handle 5 gears let alone 10. We got to the mechanic and Nicoles sister was already there, we dropped off the car I thanked the tow truck driver, and told the mechanic what had happened and they are going to look at it.
Andrea and her kids and I went out to Nicoles place to check on the dogs and the kitties and the snow had been getting worse, it was like a blizzard so getting out to Nicoles took some time. the dogs were happy for the company, we fed them and the kitties, and got the fire going and then I packed up a lot of my stuff and we went back to res and Katie helped me bring my stuff in
Once I was inside, I realized how sick I was feeling, it started off with my throat so I made soup and tea, and then my muscles got sore, and then my head started aching, my body started feeling heavy and then I got chills, this is just not my day.
I called my dad and my mom and caught them up on what was going on.
Now I really want to go to bed, but I have my RA meeting and I feel like hell and i have class at 830 and Im so stressed out now because of the day I had, I just need some time off to relax and get things together and just breath, ugh
I hope the meeting goes wuick so I can be off to bed soon
Sunday, November 18, 2012
26 Days till home
This morning I was woken up by my mom pocket dialing me twice at 7am, luckily I was planning on getting up at 7:30 so I could go and check on the dogs and spend some time with them.
I got to the house shortly after 8, and sadly Kenny had had an accident, but I guess thats too be expected it was a long time with no time outside, I let the dogs out to let off some steam, and I brought in a bunch of wood, got the fire going and then I settled in, had some tea, watched movies, spent time with the dogs and such.
A sad thing happened today I put the kettle on to make tea and then I got distracted and forgot about the kettle and it doesnt whistle and I ended up leaving it on the stove for a very long time, all the water evaporated and the kettle became a bit discoloured, I felt so bad. Luna also keeps getting her bandage off which is very frustrating. I spent a good 6 hours with them before going back to the uni.
Just after 2 I was at the school in the lab and I completed my 20 nests, YAY! After the lab I went back to res and Katie and her sister Elsa were there doing homework, and I entered in all my nest data, and then I printed some stuff off that I need for this week,
then it was decided that we would order pizza and the online ordering process was quite amusing, Katie was having some issues with it
The pizza and cheese bread came and they were delicious!,I ate way too much
Shortly after 7 I decided it was time to leave and I gave Elsa a ride home since the buses had stopped running and it was on my way out to Nicole's
The dogs were happy to see me!
Luna had got her bandage off again
I got the fire going again, bandaged Lunas foot, fed the dogs
then I settled in to watch dinner for shmucks and to knit.
I also called my dad and we chatted for a little bit
Soon I will be off to bed, I'm tired from staying up late last night because I was on call and having to get up early this morning for the puppies
Im so tired that I actually forgot what I was going to write, so I guess it wasn't important, oh wait, I was going to say that i did not get as much homework done this weekend as I would have liked but thats okay, I will get 'er done
26 sleeps until home!
about a week and a half left of house sitting
I can't wait!
Saturday, November 17, 2012
First Saturday Night On Call
SO today I'm on call, which means I have to be on res
I came up from the house at about 9, but didn't actually get the on call phone until 1:30 as Lee slept in and that is cool with me.
I worked on my gay space paper for a bit while watching netflix, but after a while I got distracted by some yarn I have picked up from the reciprocity shelf and started knitting. I decided to make a toque, with this really cool fluffy yarn as a border and then pink yarn on the top as it went with the fluffy yarn. I got a decent way into it, and then at 4 I had to go check on the dogs and Katie was an awesome roommate and watched the phone for me.
The dogs were so confused, I was there so quickly, they got dinner early and the cats were not happy that I would not let them out.
I got back up to res by 5 and katie was not here,I worried that she had gotten a call while I was gone, but it turns out she had just gone down to the school to visit Kallie.
She eventually brought back the phone and I made dinner, watched phineas and ferb, did more knitting, worked on my paper a bit more, printer out a bunch of stuff and eventually I actually finished my toque, and I even went as far as to make a pompom for the top of it :) It's so cute and actually fits my head! I should make toques more often, it was pretty quick to make
Instead of starting another toque I decided to start a striped blanket with more yarn that I had picked up from the reciprocity shelf, but the yarn is so fine that it's going to take quite awhile to get it done.
at 9:30 I went over to keyoh to meet up with Susan to do rounds, and I told her that it was my first weekend and that I was a bit nervous. We walked through keyoh and there was nothing, no music, no parties, nada.
Neyoh was the same and we decided that we would probably be able to do 11pm rounds on our own, which obviously I am nervous to do, but hopefully things will still be quiet for the most part and that it will be an easy Saturday *knock wood*
I figured I would get this entry done before my rounds so I can go to bed when I am done, unless of course something crazy happens and I need to add to this later, but for now that basically sums up my day, lots of knitting
Oh, oh, and 27 sleeps until home!
So Excited, I'm homesick since I didnt go home in September, October or November, I havent been home since the end of august, that will be almost 4 months by the time I actually get home, crazy
Free cheese, fast entry
Early day
Did not want to get out of bed
Lab went well
Seminar went well and it was the last
Went to the lab, competed two nests worth of dust
Went back to check on dogs
Back to the school to work on plant Eco
I hate plant Eco
Golden key new member recognition event, free cheese! Took lots
Back out to the boonies, fed dogs, watch movies etc
Now it's late
Must sleep
Did not want to get out of bed
Lab went well
Seminar went well and it was the last
Went to the lab, competed two nests worth of dust
Went back to check on dogs
Back to the school to work on plant Eco
I hate plant Eco
Golden key new member recognition event, free cheese! Took lots
Back out to the boonies, fed dogs, watch movies etc
Now it's late
Must sleep
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Tonight marks one week of house sitting.
Tonight is night 7, one week down, just under two weeks to go.
Today was an interest class, I was up at 1, to let the cat inside and then managed to stay in bed until 7 when the dogs wanted to go outside to pee, then I went back to bed until 8, I am really failing at the trying to sleep in thing.
I had breakfast, fed the dogs, let the dogs out to pee and all that important morning stuff, and then I brought some more wood in, warmed up the car and was off to class.
I only had one class today, my plant ecology lecture and lab were cancelled because of the Natural Resource Management Career Fair, Elaine and I checked out the career fair and were disappointed to find out that they were mostly looking for forestry students, which was unfortunate.
Elaine and I also went to see Chris Johnson to get some stats help with our plant Eco lab, ironic since he is not the prof for that class, but Juan Carlos is not helpful so we had to ask someone, and its looking like we have a lot to do :( So much messing with stats to get our results :( I am not looking forward to it.
After the meeting we took advantage of the free pizza, and then Elaine joined me in the lab and I went through one nest worth of dust, but teh scale had a low battery so I only did the one nest :(, so close, only 4 more nests worth of dust are left, Just need to figure out the battery thing with the scale.
After the time in the lab, I tried to contact parking services about the ticket I received yesterday and I had little luck until I came back to the house and got an email about it and the guy is going to look into it for me and hopefully it will all be sorted out soon.
I got back to the house earlier than normal, just after 3, I sent out emails, looked for jobs, worked on my social geography paper on gay space, and then eventually I put in a movie and made spring rolls for dinner, not the healthiest dinner option they were yummy though my tummy is hating me a bit right now.
I watched Robots and then watched she's out of my league and realistically I will be going to bed soon, I have to be up at the Uni for my 8am lab tomorrow.
I had a nice chat with my dad and with my mom this evening, separately obviously.
I am excited to go home, less than a month, and I can hardly wait, I get a break from my school life which will be nice and before I know it I will be starting my last semester of my degree which is a bit scary, hoping I can handle the real world, and I will have to start looking for really work and becoming a real person, it's a scary thought. I have no idea if I'm ready, I'm very comfortable in my school world, and I am worried that I wont be able to find work which would suck, looking at jobs today made me realize that most of the jobs out there require experience, but how does one get that experience if they aren't given a chance?
I'm not just waiting for Kenny to come in so that I can go to bed, and hope that I can sleep without thinking too much about my future and where I am going in life, tough questions that no one wants to answer....
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
One Month Unitil Home
Time is just flying, I can barely believe that a month from now I will be home, and then there is only one semester to go, Still have no idea what I will be doing once i graduate
Today was a soso day, sadly I was up at 1 am because the dogs needed to pee, I got out of bed officially at 8, fed the dogs, let them out, got the fire going etc
I had breakfast, brought in some more wood, and left the house at around 9
My classes were okay
I did surprisingly well on my Geography of Canada Quiz, I thought I had done poorly and I ended up with 28/30, not too shabby
Social geography was interesting as usual, we went on many tangents which is always fun
After that I ate lunch before Pop and Com and copied over my notes
Pop and com was a bit rough to get through as usual but I made it through and we got our assignments back and I did quite well, 9.75/10, yay me
After class Elaine and I went to the cafe to work on our plant Ecology results, eventually hayden joined us and we worked for a few hours, we made graphs and realized we have no idea how to analyze our results and we cant ask Juan Carlos for help, as he is not helpful so we are resorting to asking other teachers :(
It's so sad
Once we gave up, I gave Elaine a ride home and headed back out to the boonies to make dinner and such. I cooked, worked on my social geography term paper, fed the dogs, watched movies, talked with my mom for a bit.
Settling in from another lonely night, here's hoping I made it through the next two weeks.
I hope tonight it isnt too hot when I go to sleep. all the hot air travels up to where the bed room is which can make it rather unpleasant to sleep up there.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Should now be able to watch movies and do homework on my laptop :)
Today was the first day back to class after the long weekend and it turns out, so many people got sick over the long weekend.
This morning was quite frustrating as Luna managed to get her bandage off ehr foot three time in about an hour and a bit, so frustrating
I didnt have a tutorial this morning so I started at 930, and we gt our midterms back in wildlife ecology and I did not do as well as I would have liked, I got 83, not bad but almost 10% down from the mark I got on the first midterm :(
After that class Elaine and I went to Plant Eco to find out that it had been cancelled, Juan Carlos was sick and then we had to kill time until groove. I went and asked some questions about the pop and com assignment and the population model, eventually Elaine and I went over to the sports center to find out that groove was cancelled because lisa was also sick, we ended up having a lame workout and walked the track,
after the gym I went to the lab and went through 1 nests worth of dust, only 5 more to go
Then I went back to Nicoles to check on the dogs, being in some wood, etc.
And then it was back to res to wait for Katie to finish class
Katie Liz and I went for all you can eat sushi and we ate way too much, I have a food baby now.
I drove back out to nicoles, figured out how to use Elaines tv to watch movies while I do work on my laptop, with a little help from my brother Matt
Another lonely night, I watched a movie and now I think its time for bed I'm quite tired :(
Monday, November 12, 2012
The end of a long weekend... I think I could have been more productive
This morning I was up at 6, but in bed until about 8:30, once I woke up I let the dogs out and got ready slowly, got the fire going, had breakfast and such.
I also chopped some wood and brought in lots of wood for the pile inside as my pile was getting a bit scarce.
At about 11 I went up to the Uni and picked up Elaine on the way, we worked on our pop and com assignments and out play Eco assignments and managed to get both of them done :)
Always a nice feeling for sure, after completing our assignments I had to go up to res to print some stuff off and we waid hi to Katie
Elaine and I then went out for Pho, she had been sick all weekend and hadnt eaten much since Friday, and she was finally starting to get her appetite back. I order too much food, I had a shrimp roll and Pho, but I didnt finish my pho, it was too much and I was too full.
After Phoe we decided to go hang out at Starbucks for a bit and work on some homework so we did and Elaine was AWESOME and bought me an Eggnog Chai, so yummy.
At about 7 I realized I needed to be getting back to the dogs, so I dropped Elaine off, oh and another thing that makes Elaine Awesome is that she is lending me her TV so I can watch tv while house sitting, well not so much tv, but movies and such on the tv which will be nice :) I picked the tv up from her place when I dropped her off and then I got some gas, while getting gas my dad called and we had a nice chat bout house sitting, I also talked to my cousin Leanna for a bit, she is currently at the house back home doing a first responder course and she has a test tomorrow, but she is feeling confident about it which is awesome :)
ONce back at the house I let the dogs out, brought in all my stuff including the tv and then i had to get the fire going again, once the fire was started I called my mom for a nice chat, I also fed the dogs and changed Luna's Bandage on her foot, she actually didnt maanage to get it off this time which is good.
I spent my evening on the couch with the dogs watching Bride wars,
Now the plan is to load up the fire and get ready for bed, I know I will be up early no matter what tomorrow and I am not being productive so I might as well sleep.
Sadly I did not accomplish my goal to finish the nests by this weekend, but I only have 6 nests worth of dust to go through so I am close, hopefully by the end of this week they will all be done, that would be a nice accomplishment.
Anyways, time to get ready for bed
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Its going to be a lonely three weeks
Today was an okay day I guess
I was up at 6,
Out of bed at 830 and I fed the dogs, let them out to pee etc and got the fire going again and then I went back to bed, I had been up late and it's impossible to sleep in here which is unfortunate.
I eventually got out of bed, Katie needed me to bring her the keys to Liz's so she could catch the bus and go to katniss. However when I was driving up the university I noticed a lack of buses, turns out they dont run today or tomorrow which is unfortunate.
I hung out with Katie and I did some homework ad we watched disney movies, I showered and made some pizza for lunch/ breakfast which was good, it was nice to spend time in res though I did not end up spending time in the lab but I still have tomorrow to get things done which is nice.
At about 6, Katie and I went to Starbucks and then we went to visit katniss and I dropped Katie off at CNC so she could hang out with Kris for the night.
Then I got out to Nicole's, got the fire going and fed the dogs and such an started making a Lasagna and called my dad to chat with him a bit and then I called my mom and I realized that Kenny had been outside for Awhile and he wasn't coming when I called him as I was starting to panic a bit he was outside over an hour not responding to my calls, I was freaking out a bit, I went outside while asking to my mom and tried to find him with no luck :(
I was freaking out and luckily entisols Kenny came home, no idea where he was or what he got into but he came back and that's all that matters, now I can relax, watch a movie and go to bed.
Should go to bed early since I'll be up early anyways
I was up at 6,
Out of bed at 830 and I fed the dogs, let them out to pee etc and got the fire going again and then I went back to bed, I had been up late and it's impossible to sleep in here which is unfortunate.
I eventually got out of bed, Katie needed me to bring her the keys to Liz's so she could catch the bus and go to katniss. However when I was driving up the university I noticed a lack of buses, turns out they dont run today or tomorrow which is unfortunate.
I hung out with Katie and I did some homework ad we watched disney movies, I showered and made some pizza for lunch/ breakfast which was good, it was nice to spend time in res though I did not end up spending time in the lab but I still have tomorrow to get things done which is nice.
At about 6, Katie and I went to Starbucks and then we went to visit katniss and I dropped Katie off at CNC so she could hang out with Kris for the night.
Then I got out to Nicole's, got the fire going and fed the dogs and such an started making a Lasagna and called my dad to chat with him a bit and then I called my mom and I realized that Kenny had been outside for Awhile and he wasn't coming when I called him as I was starting to panic a bit he was outside over an hour not responding to my calls, I was freaking out a bit, I went outside while asking to my mom and tried to find him with no luck :(
I was freaking out and luckily entisols Kenny came home, no idea where he was or what he got into but he came back and that's all that matters, now I can relax, watch a movie and go to bed.
Should go to bed early since I'll be up early anyways
All in all a productive day :)
This morning when I woke up, I could see my breath, the fire had gone out who knows how long ago and it was chilly
I eventually got out of bed and did the morning routine, feed animals, let dogs out to pee, gave Luna antibiotics, made breakfast and eventually left for the school at about 930, I spent about an hour in the computer lab working on various things and then I spent about 3 hours in the lab, I now have 6 nests worth of dust to go through and then I am at 20! So exciting! I hope to finish up by the end of the long weekend :)
After the lab I went and hung out with Katie, had lunch and then element to res challenge and watched people showcase their talents which made me wish I had a talent. Well a magical talent I should say
After the talent fun time I ended up meeting up with Brandon and we had dinner and then watched a movie, a chill Saturday night, but I appreciated the company. I'm lonely out here.
Now it's late so I should be going to bed soon, and maybe I'll try to sleep in a bit. We will wait and see
I eventually got out of bed and did the morning routine, feed animals, let dogs out to pee, gave Luna antibiotics, made breakfast and eventually left for the school at about 930, I spent about an hour in the computer lab working on various things and then I spent about 3 hours in the lab, I now have 6 nests worth of dust to go through and then I am at 20! So exciting! I hope to finish up by the end of the long weekend :)
After the lab I went and hung out with Katie, had lunch and then element to res challenge and watched people showcase their talents which made me wish I had a talent. Well a magical talent I should say
After the talent fun time I ended up meeting up with Brandon and we had dinner and then watched a movie, a chill Saturday night, but I appreciated the company. I'm lonely out here.
Now it's late so I should be going to bed soon, and maybe I'll try to sleep in a bit. We will wait and see
Friday, November 9, 2012
yay Friday
So today was my first day having to commute to get to the University in a standard car, and I have yet to fall in love with driving standard.
I woke up a bit too early and did not have a good nights sleep, it was too hot and the kitty was annoying me, but hopefully tonight will be better.
I was at the school shortly after 730, it took me about 20 minutes to drive up, I stalled once :(
My lab this morning was quick, so I had to kill time until my seminar at 12:30, the seminar also went well, and after that I went to the lab and did a nest, then I went and got Katie and we went to starbucks and save on, We also had to go check on katniss because Liz and jermey went to Vancouver for the long weekend and then she came out with me to meet the puppies and once there I chopped some kindling, and got the fire going again.
Then Katie and I went back to res, I had to drop her off. I ended up eating dinner there and hung out until about 6:30 and then it wad back to the house and I didnt do much after that.
Ive been sleepy and lazy, but I did feed the dogs, gave Luna her antibiotics, changed the bandage on Lunas foot, cleaned the litter boxes, and since then I have had a cup of tea and I am currently sitting on the couch with Kenny (puppy) and Johnny (kitty)
It's quite nice
I will be off to bed soon, I'm sleepy
Thursday, November 8, 2012
First Night House Sitting
This morning I was up at 8 so I could shower before going to class to write my wildlife ecology midterm.
At 9:30 I wrote my midterm and it did not go super amazingly, but it is now done and I will know how I did on Tuesday, until then there is nothing I can do.
Plant Ecology was horrible as per usual, and the lab was even worse, we were given an assignment that told us to basically hadn it whatever we felt like :S, it was silly, I dont understand.
After class I had to go pack up as I was getting picked up by Nicole at 4:30 to head to her place to begin my house sitting journey.
I packed and she picked me up at about 4:30, she drove as she had so some errands,once at her place I was given the final run down on things that need to be done such as bandaging Luna's foot and giving her antibiotics, he cut that she got this weekend got infected, poor Luna has to wear a cone and can't frolic outside
I dropped nicole off the air port and successfully drove back on my own, and made dinner, called my dad, worked on some homework, watched an episode of weeds and now I plan on going to bed as I have an 8 am lab tomorrow and now I have to commute to the school so I will have to be earlier than normally :(
It will be an interesting nights sleep I think, I hope the fire doesn't go out, I dont want to freeze in the morning.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
For some reason my blog wont load pn my computer :(
I was planning on writing a good entry on my computer, but my blog has decided not to load so I will do this on my phone in a quicker fashion.
This morning Kurt, Elaine and I went to do the dry weights of the plants from our failed experiment that we still have to some how write a paper about.
Then I had my geo of Canada quiz which sadly did not go well, but I'll survive.
Social geo was good, spent the majority of the class talking about the election from yesterday, Obama won, in case you were not aware. We also talked about the legalization of marijuana in Colorado and Washington and the legalization of gay marriage is some other states which is good
Pop and com was hard to get through, I was tired and was having trouble saying awake.
After that I had to sit in the mailroom do help with res life surveys and i studied and knitted
After that Elaine came over to study,
I did laundry
Made dinner
And then I went to the res council AGM which took awhile
Now the plan is bed so I can et up with enough time to shower in the morning and prep more to my midterm
This morning Kurt, Elaine and I went to do the dry weights of the plants from our failed experiment that we still have to some how write a paper about.
Then I had my geo of Canada quiz which sadly did not go well, but I'll survive.
Social geo was good, spent the majority of the class talking about the election from yesterday, Obama won, in case you were not aware. We also talked about the legalization of marijuana in Colorado and Washington and the legalization of gay marriage is some other states which is good
Pop and com was hard to get through, I was tired and was having trouble saying awake.
After that I had to sit in the mailroom do help with res life surveys and i studied and knitted
After that Elaine came over to study,
I did laundry
Made dinner
And then I went to the res council AGM which took awhile
Now the plan is bed so I can et up with enough time to shower in the morning and prep more to my midterm
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Not feeling the motivation
I was up early this morning, way before my alarm, which keeps happening, and it is becoming frustrating.
I rolled out of bed at around 7:30, just before my alarm went off
I had my pop and com tutorial at 8:30 and it made me fear doing the assignment that is due a week from tomorrow.
Wilidlife ecology was interesting, Kathy talked about a research project that she was a part of 20 years ago, it involved studying black tail deer up in Alaska for 58 months
Plant Ecology was stupid, I dont even know what happened in the class, Juan Carlos just went on and on about nothing that seemed important, after class Elaine and I got our Critique back and we managed to do well, we got 25.5/28
The we went to groove, which was fun, it had a nice array of songs, which were new for the most part
After groove I bought salsa at the farmers market and then went up to res for lunch
I picked up the on call phone and then I was informed that Annie was sick and could not do the self care presentation that was supposed to happen tonight at my event, so my event turned into just a finger painting event.
Up until my event I tried to study for Geography of Canada Quiz, and then at 5, it was time for finger painting. Katie cam with me and we ended up knitting for the first bit and eventually a resident showed up and finger painting began, it was fun, 3 residents came in total which is better than none, It was fun, we have lots of pictures now.
After the event I had dinner, Katie left to go to the movies and my productivity went down hill, I called my dad, sent out some emails, and killed time, I'm on call and have to stay up till 11 to do rounds, soon I can do my rounds and then go to bed.
I hope I do okay on my quiz tomorrow, I just dont really care that much about it, it's a problem
Monday, November 5, 2012
Monday, not much to report
All in all not a special day
Classes were pretty normal, average, mundane
Sadly I lost my 100% in social geography, but that's okay I am still doing well
To be honest I don't feel like writing much, I'm tired, stressed and don't feel awesome so I think I'll just go to bed
Nothing interesting to report
Classes were pretty normal, average, mundane
Sadly I lost my 100% in social geography, but that's okay I am still doing well
To be honest I don't feel like writing much, I'm tired, stressed and don't feel awesome so I think I'll just go to bed
Nothing interesting to report
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Extra hour of sleep
Aj and I slept in, and he made me breakfast which was nice and then we hung out for a bit and watched you tube videos until he brought me back up to res
I cleaned up my room a bit and at 2 Katie and I went adventuring, to walmart and then to the mall, I spent too much money, got groceries and a pair of black boots, and I also got a winter coat, it's a boys winter coat, but it was a good price :) and it's actually like two coats in one :)
After the mall Katie and I went back to res,
I completed my pop and com assignment, compared with Elaine
I had grilled cheese for dinner and after that I did not do much, I'm stressed and a bit confused about life...I'm hoping a good nights sleep will help.
this is a super short entry, but I don't really have much to say.
Oh I started knitting again because Katie was knitting, I made a headband.
Umm not much else to report
Friday, November 2, 2012
A not so thrilling friday
Today's 8 am wildlife ecology lab was pretty shitty, we were looking at wolf and beaver scat.... Haha it was quite a long lab
My seminar today was good, one of my classmates had her son with her and e say quietly fit the entire seminar, but had the last word at the end of the seminar and it was so cute.
After class It was up to res and I was quit productive, I printed off my wildlife Eco notes for the midterm next week, and I filled in all the graphs and such.
Then I spent some time working on pop and com, the assignment and my population model, I was actually quite productive.
I also worked a bit on my social geography term paper, and then made a quick dinner
At about 6, I went down to the LAN to do nests, I now have almost 12 done, so 8 more to go
I was in the lab for just over two hours, on my walk back I called my daddy and chatted for a bit, informed him that I had booked a flight home :)
I think I'm going to goto bed now, I want to be up early to do more nests! And I get another standard driving lesson tomorrow.
A thrilling Friday...

My seminar today was good, one of my classmates had her son with her and e say quietly fit the entire seminar, but had the last word at the end of the seminar and it was so cute.
After class It was up to res and I was quit productive, I printed off my wildlife Eco notes for the midterm next week, and I filled in all the graphs and such.
Then I spent some time working on pop and com, the assignment and my population model, I was actually quite productive.
I also worked a bit on my social geography term paper, and then made a quick dinner
At about 6, I went down to the LAN to do nests, I now have almost 12 done, so 8 more to go
I was in the lab for just over two hours, on my walk back I called my daddy and chatted for a bit, informed him that I had booked a flight home :)
I think I'm going to goto bed now, I want to be up early to do more nests! And I get another standard driving lesson tomorrow.
A thrilling Friday...
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Flights home booked, bank account hurt :(
Hmm what did I do today
I booked my flight home today, I leave on December 14 and return January 6, so I get a decent amount of time at home which should be nice, I'll get to relax as just take a break from life.
My wildlife ecology class as good and then after that it was time to harvest my plant ecology experiment and it was so pointless, our experiment failed basically. There wasn't enough germination and we didn't have time to work on our experiment before harvesting and the root mass was so big that there was no way to separate out the roots, so we took shoot heights and we will be taking dry shoot weights, but that won't really tell us anything about our experiment and we told Juan Carlos this and he doesn't care. It's just so frustrating :(
I was so angry after that.
Also today my body has been so sore, my legs are dying. It hurts to stand up and sit down, and not go up and down stairs and basically just to move in general.
I hope to not be in pain tomorrow as I should be going to crank n core and if I am in the pain I'm
I'm now i don't think I'll be able to do it.
After class I had lunch, and worked on my pop and com assignment which was difficult and I struggled and did not finish it, but it's not due till Monday so I still have time
At 6, I helped interview people for the role of director of external affairs for res council, we had two interviews and a decision was reached quickly.
Liz, Katie and I hung out for a bit but then Katie left to go study an Liz and I went to Starbucks and they were supposed to have eggnog but they don't have it till tomorrow so I was sad, I really wanted eggnog chai, I had to settle for a green tea latte, which was not as good
Since getting back I have just been sitting around and hoping the my body will stop all the hurting, of not tomorrow will be another rough day.
I booked my flight home today, I leave on December 14 and return January 6, so I get a decent amount of time at home which should be nice, I'll get to relax as just take a break from life.
My wildlife ecology class as good and then after that it was time to harvest my plant ecology experiment and it was so pointless, our experiment failed basically. There wasn't enough germination and we didn't have time to work on our experiment before harvesting and the root mass was so big that there was no way to separate out the roots, so we took shoot heights and we will be taking dry shoot weights, but that won't really tell us anything about our experiment and we told Juan Carlos this and he doesn't care. It's just so frustrating :(
I was so angry after that.
Also today my body has been so sore, my legs are dying. It hurts to stand up and sit down, and not go up and down stairs and basically just to move in general.
I hope to not be in pain tomorrow as I should be going to crank n core and if I am in the pain I'm
I'm now i don't think I'll be able to do it.
After class I had lunch, and worked on my pop and com assignment which was difficult and I struggled and did not finish it, but it's not due till Monday so I still have time
At 6, I helped interview people for the role of director of external affairs for res council, we had two interviews and a decision was reached quickly.
Liz, Katie and I hung out for a bit but then Katie left to go study an Liz and I went to Starbucks and they were supposed to have eggnog but they don't have it till tomorrow so I was sad, I really wanted eggnog chai, I had to settle for a green tea latte, which was not as good
Since getting back I have just been sitting around and hoping the my body will stop all the hurting, of not tomorrow will be another rough day.
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