After today there are only 7 more mondays that i will be in prince george, until September of course.
Today was a soso day, physics was a bore, I went to Kallie's stats class and got some notes done, and biochem was kinda shitty because he didn't post the new notes and I find it hard to pay attention in the class unless I have something to follow along with.
I went to the gym with Liz and Katie and it was a good workout and then I went to my Physics lab all sweaty, luckily it was an easy lab and it was done and handed it in two hours.
I cam back, made nachos for dinner, and Fabris and I worked on my campaign posters, because in case I haven't mentioned, I'm running of an executive position on Rez council. here's hoping it goes well.
I am currently waiting for Dan to get off work, we have a skype date, which I am looking forward to.
Anyways its PJ time!
I'm Just trying to keep track of my time here at UNBC and maybe have something to look back on, and hey blogs are cool, lol
Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
A day spent in
Today was another day of nothing, well I did do something, but I did not move much, I spent most of my day on the couch taking notes and such, so I guess it was a bit productive.
The entire day I have been tired and not feeling my best, I blame the fire alarm that went ff at 1:30am, followed shortly by Fabris and one very loud morgan coming in awhile after that, I also blame the weather, it's -18 and blizzardy,
i think I may clean up my room so i feel as though my day was more productive
I know its a short entry, but I didn't do much.
P.S. i hate snow plows
The entire day I have been tired and not feeling my best, I blame the fire alarm that went ff at 1:30am, followed shortly by Fabris and one very loud morgan coming in awhile after that, I also blame the weather, it's -18 and blizzardy,
i think I may clean up my room so i feel as though my day was more productive
I know its a short entry, but I didn't do much.
P.S. i hate snow plows
Saturday, February 26, 2011
A do nothing day...
This morning I was woken up early than I would have liked, which was unfortunate, but I then remained in bed for quite some time, i feel like I could have spent all day in bed, but be proud of me because I didn't.
I got up and did some biochem notes, and then Adam came over and we hungout for a bit and then Katie joined us and we all laid about watching tv and talking about how we all wanted tim hortons and when we finally decided to get up and go down to the school to get tim hortons, we walked all the way down there only to find out it was closed.
We sat there awhile until we decided to go back to Katies room and have hot chocolate, YUMM... adam and I then sat and read cosmo magazines and Katie did some facebook creeping, it was nice chill time.
We hung out for a longg time doing nothing.
Eventually it was 7pm and we had to get ready fro Rez challenge, which basically no one went to, only two people from my floor participated, Kealy and I, but we represented and there was a small turn out from basically every floor, so it wasn't so bad.
We played bench ball which is a modified version of dodgeball and it was painful, there was also a relay race which was also painful, followed by a blindfolded obstacle course, it was a soso time.
All in all a do nothing day
I got up and did some biochem notes, and then Adam came over and we hungout for a bit and then Katie joined us and we all laid about watching tv and talking about how we all wanted tim hortons and when we finally decided to get up and go down to the school to get tim hortons, we walked all the way down there only to find out it was closed.
We sat there awhile until we decided to go back to Katies room and have hot chocolate, YUMM... adam and I then sat and read cosmo magazines and Katie did some facebook creeping, it was nice chill time.
We hung out for a longg time doing nothing.
Eventually it was 7pm and we had to get ready fro Rez challenge, which basically no one went to, only two people from my floor participated, Kealy and I, but we represented and there was a small turn out from basically every floor, so it wasn't so bad.
We played bench ball which is a modified version of dodgeball and it was painful, there was also a relay race which was also painful, followed by a blindfolded obstacle course, it was a soso time.
All in all a do nothing day
Friday, February 25, 2011
yet another friday night in
This morning I was up at 8:30 and was capable of going to physics, but I was not feelin too well so I decided against it and crawled back into bed for awhile, then I decided to get up and call my mommy before getting ready for my biochem class. IN that class all we did was hand in our assignment and then watch a movie entitled the secret of life, it was a decent movie I guess.
After class I went to the gym with Liz and Katie and then we went grocery shopping along with Lindsay. I am quite enjoying spending time with katie and Liz, they are a nice break from tension and negativity and other such things.
So thank you Katie and Liz :)
After groceries I made soft pretzels and I don't think I like the recipe I used, it has an odd taste that I can't put my finger on.
Tonight was the night of the Pub Crawl which I did not attend due to lack of ticket, and it kinda sucks, but oh well it's just one night and I am not the only one who didnt get a ticket.
I hope they have fun.
I on the other hand have been spending the night in, watching sex and the city and eating chips and I think I might goto bed early, or maybe I'll watch a movie or maybe I'll do something else that doesn't involve leaving my room.
After class I went to the gym with Liz and Katie and then we went grocery shopping along with Lindsay. I am quite enjoying spending time with katie and Liz, they are a nice break from tension and negativity and other such things.
So thank you Katie and Liz :)
After groceries I made soft pretzels and I don't think I like the recipe I used, it has an odd taste that I can't put my finger on.
Tonight was the night of the Pub Crawl which I did not attend due to lack of ticket, and it kinda sucks, but oh well it's just one night and I am not the only one who didnt get a ticket.
I hope they have fun.
I on the other hand have been spending the night in, watching sex and the city and eating chips and I think I might goto bed early, or maybe I'll watch a movie or maybe I'll do something else that doesn't involve leaving my room.
Thursday, February 24, 2011

I feel like this photo sums up my day, well at least the best part of it, and it come with a story.
Recent the researchers of the peach penguins on Penis Iceberg Isle had noticed the penguins acting strange, the king had become lazy and the queen was not pleased.
There came a day in 2011, and the penguins mutinied against the king and threw him to the shark who tore him apart and sprinkles burst out him like he was a pinata.
The queen then took over, taking her rightful place on the thrown where she would forever be a fair and just leader.
As for the rest of my day it wasn't very interesting, just the same old same old, me not wanting to do anything and it's cold and umm yea.
I think I need to get ready for bed though because I have been staying up wayy too late
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Scored in Frisbee
So my physics midterm this morning went okay, there, were a couple of questions that I had no idea what to do, but that's okay I guess.
BioChem was soso
and after Biochem I felt like I had nothing to do, I was done my midterm and my paper was ready to be handed in, so I killed time, organized cupboards etc. Hung out with Katie and Liz, and had some cheese cake, yum :)
Then I had my micro lab which was over in 45minutes and I once again felt like I had nothing to do, so I organized my life a bit, had make your own pizza night with Fabris and then went to my last frisbee game of the season :(
And I scored, wooooo go me!
We also won our last game and I played pretty well considering how inactive I had been lately.
It's freezing outside, like -40, with wind chill
and I just showered after going to the REz Council meeting and I should now get into my pjs and go to bed,
BioChem was soso
and after Biochem I felt like I had nothing to do, I was done my midterm and my paper was ready to be handed in, so I killed time, organized cupboards etc. Hung out with Katie and Liz, and had some cheese cake, yum :)
Then I had my micro lab which was over in 45minutes and I once again felt like I had nothing to do, so I organized my life a bit, had make your own pizza night with Fabris and then went to my last frisbee game of the season :(
And I scored, wooooo go me!
We also won our last game and I played pretty well considering how inactive I had been lately.
It's freezing outside, like -40, with wind chill
and I just showered after going to the REz Council meeting and I should now get into my pjs and go to bed,
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Hoping to get back into the groove of school
So this morning i got up a tad earlier than normal so I could shower and I realized that the Rez shower isnt too bad.
I then had breakfast and finished an assignment and was surprised when a random maintenance guy showed up to fix the window in Ericas Old room, Kallie forgot to mention that this would be happening, so it was confusing and surprising, it's a good thing I had gotten up earlier.
Class was alright today, and I was quite productive, I finished my paper that is due tomorrow and I studied for my physics midterm tomorrow morning, and I hope I am prepared enough, but there isn't much I can do now.
The rest of my day was not in anyway eventful and I will probably be going to bed soon.
Oh today I also found out that Dan wont be visiting in March :(
But he should be coming up to get me in April with my Dad :)
I then had breakfast and finished an assignment and was surprised when a random maintenance guy showed up to fix the window in Ericas Old room, Kallie forgot to mention that this would be happening, so it was confusing and surprising, it's a good thing I had gotten up earlier.
Class was alright today, and I was quite productive, I finished my paper that is due tomorrow and I studied for my physics midterm tomorrow morning, and I hope I am prepared enough, but there isn't much I can do now.
The rest of my day was not in anyway eventful and I will probably be going to bed soon.
Oh today I also found out that Dan wont be visiting in March :(
But he should be coming up to get me in April with my Dad :)
Monday, February 21, 2011
Not a good start back
Today was not the best of days, I got my BioChem midterm back and did not do well, I passed, but I did not do well :(
Physics was boring, bioChem was sad, Physics Review was no fun, the physics lab made me want to die. I then had to finish the lab and work on my Ochem assignment, which I still need to finish, I also worked on my micro lab write up and my physics formula card and I was fairly productive. i also went and got groceries, YAY!
Now it is time to get ready for bed and relax and have my weekly phone call with Dan, whom I already miss btw.
P.S. I miss home in general.
Physics was boring, bioChem was sad, Physics Review was no fun, the physics lab made me want to die. I then had to finish the lab and work on my Ochem assignment, which I still need to finish, I also worked on my micro lab write up and my physics formula card and I was fairly productive. i also went and got groceries, YAY!
Now it is time to get ready for bed and relax and have my weekly phone call with Dan, whom I already miss btw.
P.S. I miss home in general.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
I guess I should sum up what I did over Reading Break.
I got in on the Saturday, Feb 12, and my plane was delay by about 30minutes which sucked because I was not feeling very well and all I wanted to do was get off the plane, I was greeted by my dad and Oliver, and I did not have to wait too long for my luggage, I was then surprised with a new car that Daniel got me since he kind of wrecked my other one, I know have a Red 1995 Honda Civic that was named PRNDL. We ordered some indian food from Namaste on our way home and when I got there I found out that Kristy had been there like 10minutes earlier, so after we picked up our food, I called Kristy to find out that she was waiting outside of my place with Indian food, lol we think far too alike. Then Dan showed up at the exact time that we pulled into the drive way and he was dressed all fancy because he was at a wedding. he looked pretty good I might add. :) We all sat and ate food and then it was decided that we needed to take a little joy ride in PRNDL, which was fun we ended up at Dan's place for a bit.
On the Sunday, Dan had planned out a Valentines Day thing, a day early due to the fact that he had to work on Valentines day. It was really cute actually. He left early in the morning and came back with Tulips and 3 Pieces of Canvas and he told me what the plan was for the day, First we were going to paint together, then we were going to goto the art Gallery, followed by Dinner at Montannas, and I know montannas doesn't seem romantic, but the reason he chose it was because you can draw on the tables, and then he said that the theme of the Day was Art and that I "put the art in his heart" and yes I know it's cheesy but I am a cheese lover :P
It was a really nice day, relaxing, fun, it just felt so good to be spending time with Dan. Dan spent the night at my place and then went to work in the morning. I spent valentines day with brittany, we had to go to the ICBC claim center, and then we shopped a bit and then we made White chocolate cheesecake, and I cooked Dan steak, actually 2 steaks, and potatoes for his Valentines dinner which I brought to his work, he was surprised and his co-workers were jealous, I stayed with him for his lunch and then went to visit my mom for a bit and then took the cheesecake and some chocolate covered strawberries over to Dan's place to surprise him with when he came home from work. I was a little sad because the cheesecake was slightly undercooked :(
The rest of my week was spent spending time with Dan, I went shopping with Liz and Katie who were in maple ridge for reading break, we went to roosters on Wednesday and basically had a UNBC reunion, there were so many people from UNBC down in the lower mainland for reading break. Dan got his N on Friday which is awesome, I've very proud of him and now he can drive me around, yay!
yesterday I went out for Afternoon tea with Dan and four of his friends, and the tea was good and not too expensive, but the food was super expensive and not all that good, but now we know for next time, only order tea when you go out for tea. After tea, Dan and I had dinner at my moms, and then we went to go see the Green Hornet which was a very good movie, we then rushed back to my place because I still had to pack and as I was packing I started to feel quite ill, I think it was a combination of being anxious and nervous and not really wanting to go back to school.
Dan spent the night and we stayed up way to late, and had to get up way to early.
This morning was a slow one, I go dressed, packed the last minute things, made Dan and I some tea and then My dad, Dan and I went to the airport at about 7:45, once at the airport I began to feel quite ill once again and the felling did not go away :(, i still feel ill, and tired. Adam was awesome and picked me up from the airport in PG and then I unpacked ad laid down for awhile and I think I fell asleep for maybe an hour, I crawled out of bed to eat some dinner, since I haven't gone grocery shopping, I had some frozen Chili, I guess I will have to go grocery shopping tomorrow. I did the prep for my physics lab tomorrow and thats really it.
Fabris got home around 8:30ish
Kallie was back on Thursday
Anyways I am super tired, i think I'm going to go get ready for bed, I need sleep, and maybe it will make Prince George seem less crappy.
I miss home already
I got in on the Saturday, Feb 12, and my plane was delay by about 30minutes which sucked because I was not feeling very well and all I wanted to do was get off the plane, I was greeted by my dad and Oliver, and I did not have to wait too long for my luggage, I was then surprised with a new car that Daniel got me since he kind of wrecked my other one, I know have a Red 1995 Honda Civic that was named PRNDL. We ordered some indian food from Namaste on our way home and when I got there I found out that Kristy had been there like 10minutes earlier, so after we picked up our food, I called Kristy to find out that she was waiting outside of my place with Indian food, lol we think far too alike. Then Dan showed up at the exact time that we pulled into the drive way and he was dressed all fancy because he was at a wedding. he looked pretty good I might add. :) We all sat and ate food and then it was decided that we needed to take a little joy ride in PRNDL, which was fun we ended up at Dan's place for a bit.
On the Sunday, Dan had planned out a Valentines Day thing, a day early due to the fact that he had to work on Valentines day. It was really cute actually. He left early in the morning and came back with Tulips and 3 Pieces of Canvas and he told me what the plan was for the day, First we were going to paint together, then we were going to goto the art Gallery, followed by Dinner at Montannas, and I know montannas doesn't seem romantic, but the reason he chose it was because you can draw on the tables, and then he said that the theme of the Day was Art and that I "put the art in his heart" and yes I know it's cheesy but I am a cheese lover :P
It was a really nice day, relaxing, fun, it just felt so good to be spending time with Dan. Dan spent the night at my place and then went to work in the morning. I spent valentines day with brittany, we had to go to the ICBC claim center, and then we shopped a bit and then we made White chocolate cheesecake, and I cooked Dan steak, actually 2 steaks, and potatoes for his Valentines dinner which I brought to his work, he was surprised and his co-workers were jealous, I stayed with him for his lunch and then went to visit my mom for a bit and then took the cheesecake and some chocolate covered strawberries over to Dan's place to surprise him with when he came home from work. I was a little sad because the cheesecake was slightly undercooked :(
The rest of my week was spent spending time with Dan, I went shopping with Liz and Katie who were in maple ridge for reading break, we went to roosters on Wednesday and basically had a UNBC reunion, there were so many people from UNBC down in the lower mainland for reading break. Dan got his N on Friday which is awesome, I've very proud of him and now he can drive me around, yay!
yesterday I went out for Afternoon tea with Dan and four of his friends, and the tea was good and not too expensive, but the food was super expensive and not all that good, but now we know for next time, only order tea when you go out for tea. After tea, Dan and I had dinner at my moms, and then we went to go see the Green Hornet which was a very good movie, we then rushed back to my place because I still had to pack and as I was packing I started to feel quite ill, I think it was a combination of being anxious and nervous and not really wanting to go back to school.
Dan spent the night and we stayed up way to late, and had to get up way to early.
This morning was a slow one, I go dressed, packed the last minute things, made Dan and I some tea and then My dad, Dan and I went to the airport at about 7:45, once at the airport I began to feel quite ill once again and the felling did not go away :(, i still feel ill, and tired. Adam was awesome and picked me up from the airport in PG and then I unpacked ad laid down for awhile and I think I fell asleep for maybe an hour, I crawled out of bed to eat some dinner, since I haven't gone grocery shopping, I had some frozen Chili, I guess I will have to go grocery shopping tomorrow. I did the prep for my physics lab tomorrow and thats really it.
Fabris got home around 8:30ish
Kallie was back on Thursday
Anyways I am super tired, i think I'm going to go get ready for bed, I need sleep, and maybe it will make Prince George seem less crappy.
I miss home already
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Friday, February 11, 2011
Just not my week.
Between my mayter getting in a wreck, my 4 midterms and now me not getting the RA position, this has just not been my week. There's a part of me that doesn't want to come back to UNBC at all. I really don't know what I am going to do in the fall, I don't know if I want to live in Rez or not, I have no idea who I'm going to live with, it' just a lot of have to deal with.
I'm pretty sure that the stick I won on sunday isn't very lucky, I think it may actually be bad luck, because I feel like everything is going to shit, and there is absolutely nothing I can do about it, which is very frustrating.
I'm really glad that I get to go home tomorrow, I need to go home, I need to get away from Rez and school and the fucking snow plows that wake me up, keep me up and give me headaches, I'm kind of getting sick of things not going in my favour in any way shape or form, and yes I am bitching, but it's my blog and I don't force anyone to read it.
I'm also kind of made at myself, I should have applied to be an RA last year, or I should have applied for the Green RA position or I should have been more involved in residence, but with my luck even if I had done all that I would still be in the exact same situation I am now.
No real plan for the fall
Alone on a friday night
Listening to fucking snow plows that only add to my bad mood,
Why can't I be at home, but still go to school here, I like it here in terms of school, but I like home in terms of many other things.
I will probably 100% be coming back to UNBC in the fall, even though I don't really at the moment want to, but I should, I started here and I feel like I can finish here and even though I don't feel like I belong here, I'll stay, just to show that I can and then when I have my degree I can go back to where I really belong, which is not here.
I think I'm going to go shower and pack and then maybe go to bed as long as the snow plows dont keep me up, which they probably will.
I'm pretty sure that the stick I won on sunday isn't very lucky, I think it may actually be bad luck, because I feel like everything is going to shit, and there is absolutely nothing I can do about it, which is very frustrating.
I'm really glad that I get to go home tomorrow, I need to go home, I need to get away from Rez and school and the fucking snow plows that wake me up, keep me up and give me headaches, I'm kind of getting sick of things not going in my favour in any way shape or form, and yes I am bitching, but it's my blog and I don't force anyone to read it.
I'm also kind of made at myself, I should have applied to be an RA last year, or I should have applied for the Green RA position or I should have been more involved in residence, but with my luck even if I had done all that I would still be in the exact same situation I am now.
No real plan for the fall
Alone on a friday night
Listening to fucking snow plows that only add to my bad mood,
Why can't I be at home, but still go to school here, I like it here in terms of school, but I like home in terms of many other things.
I will probably 100% be coming back to UNBC in the fall, even though I don't really at the moment want to, but I should, I started here and I feel like I can finish here and even though I don't feel like I belong here, I'll stay, just to show that I can and then when I have my degree I can go back to where I really belong, which is not here.
I think I'm going to go shower and pack and then maybe go to bed as long as the snow plows dont keep me up, which they probably will.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
two more sleeps!!
this day has been a long one, the snow plows had me up at 2am and then I had to actually get up at 7 for my lab.
The lab was short, I was back home within an hour, which was good and bad, I used the time to study for micro, which was good, and then I went off to Ochem where Guy had already marked our midterms, it was a stressful class waiting to get them back. I got 60% which was okay.
I then almost slept in my invert class for no reason, luckily I had a burst of energy before my mirco midterm which I was done in like 20minutes. i think I did alright on it.
I still have one midterm tomorrow and I dont know what to expect. Hopefully it goes well, its my last class before reading break. Then I get to homework and get ready to leave, which wont be until Saturday eveningish. I look forward to it. minus seeing my car, that wont be good.
Anyways I'm tired and wish to lie down,
The lab was short, I was back home within an hour, which was good and bad, I used the time to study for micro, which was good, and then I went off to Ochem where Guy had already marked our midterms, it was a stressful class waiting to get them back. I got 60% which was okay.
I then almost slept in my invert class for no reason, luckily I had a burst of energy before my mirco midterm which I was done in like 20minutes. i think I did alright on it.
I still have one midterm tomorrow and I dont know what to expect. Hopefully it goes well, its my last class before reading break. Then I get to homework and get ready to leave, which wont be until Saturday eveningish. I look forward to it. minus seeing my car, that wont be good.
Anyways I'm tired and wish to lie down,
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Getting closer to home
So today was a somewhat long day.
Physics this morning was long, dull boring and in no way helpful, and I did not have Biochem today so I spent time studying microbiology. Then I had lunch before going to my physics SI and the SI was helpful, afterwards I was able to finish the assignment before my microbiology lab. The micro lab was quick and easy, I was out by 430.
After the lab came a bit more studying and then dinner making and Dan inspired me to make a delicious taco salad. And then the rest of my night was full of a lot of procrastination and not a lot if productivity.
I plan on going to bed soon due to my 8am lab tomorrow.
Physics this morning was long, dull boring and in no way helpful, and I did not have Biochem today so I spent time studying microbiology. Then I had lunch before going to my physics SI and the SI was helpful, afterwards I was able to finish the assignment before my microbiology lab. The micro lab was quick and easy, I was out by 430.
After the lab came a bit more studying and then dinner making and Dan inspired me to make a delicious taco salad. And then the rest of my night was full of a lot of procrastination and not a lot if productivity.
I plan on going to bed soon due to my 8am lab tomorrow.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Just not my lucky day....
Today I thought was going to be the day where that lucky piece of bamboo I won would be useful. It wasn't, i think it actually might be bringing me bad luck.
I had my Ochem midterm which was not very fun and did not go very well, followed by my invert midterm which went slightly better but not awesome,
Then I had a nice chat with Kristy before my micro class. Then in micro we had a review class and I have a lot to go over my thursday, and then I get back to rez and I've missed a call and due to my lack of caller ID, I did not know who had called.
My phone rings again and its my brother Daniel, calling to tell me that he just rear-ended someone in my car and now I have no car. Awesome. After the call ended I was angry and upset, to the point where I was shaking and didn't know what to do, I gave myself a headache.
As pathetic as it may be, I loved my car, I loved the freedom I had with it and it was taken away by something that I had no control over. It sucks, and it will continue to suck. That car was the best money I had ever spent, and now I have nothing and to make matters worse, I don't have collision, which means I get nothing from ICBC.
I could continue ranting about how angry I am and about how this screws a lot of thins up, but for now, I'm done being angry. There's nothing I can do, and my anger isn't going to help the situation at all, so I have to try and get over and just keep moving, though it's hard.
I've already started looking for a new car and by new i mean one that is less than 2 grand, and hopefully things will all get sorted out eventually.
Still it all adds up to a shitacular day. And now I think I might go eat something as I skipped dinner.
I had my Ochem midterm which was not very fun and did not go very well, followed by my invert midterm which went slightly better but not awesome,
Then I had a nice chat with Kristy before my micro class. Then in micro we had a review class and I have a lot to go over my thursday, and then I get back to rez and I've missed a call and due to my lack of caller ID, I did not know who had called.
My phone rings again and its my brother Daniel, calling to tell me that he just rear-ended someone in my car and now I have no car. Awesome. After the call ended I was angry and upset, to the point where I was shaking and didn't know what to do, I gave myself a headache.
As pathetic as it may be, I loved my car, I loved the freedom I had with it and it was taken away by something that I had no control over. It sucks, and it will continue to suck. That car was the best money I had ever spent, and now I have nothing and to make matters worse, I don't have collision, which means I get nothing from ICBC.
I could continue ranting about how angry I am and about how this screws a lot of thins up, but for now, I'm done being angry. There's nothing I can do, and my anger isn't going to help the situation at all, so I have to try and get over and just keep moving, though it's hard.
I've already started looking for a new car and by new i mean one that is less than 2 grand, and hopefully things will all get sorted out eventually.
Still it all adds up to a shitacular day. And now I think I might go eat something as I skipped dinner.
Monday, February 7, 2011
5 days until home
Last night not a good sleep,
from the snow plows, to the laughter in the living room to my stomach being upset, I got maybe a few hours of sleep total.
I woke up at 7:45 to day good bye to Erica, and then went back to bed for like 45mintues and got ready for class and went all the way down to the school only to find out that my class was canceled, awesome.
I went back to Rez and crawled back into bed because I was not feeling well and I did not goto biochem but I did goto my physics lab which was so ridiculous, I hate physics labs.
After that I had dinner and did some Ochem studying, and then I got caught up watching the bachelor and ate too many snacks. I was having a serious salt craving and now I feel worse because I ate too much :(
I am now going to get into my pjs and wait to call Dan
from the snow plows, to the laughter in the living room to my stomach being upset, I got maybe a few hours of sleep total.
I woke up at 7:45 to day good bye to Erica, and then went back to bed for like 45mintues and got ready for class and went all the way down to the school only to find out that my class was canceled, awesome.
I went back to Rez and crawled back into bed because I was not feeling well and I did not goto biochem but I did goto my physics lab which was so ridiculous, I hate physics labs.
After that I had dinner and did some Ochem studying, and then I got caught up watching the bachelor and ate too many snacks. I was having a serious salt craving and now I feel worse because I ate too much :(
I am now going to get into my pjs and wait to call Dan
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Ericas final day
This morning I slept in and showered and Fabris and Erica wanted to diffuse my hair, and I told them that they could as long as I could do some homework while they were doing it, which I did and they diffused my hair and it looks very very curly and nice and it's very soft, it's very summery looking.
After my hair got did, I did more homework. Then Fabris Erica tara and I went to bollywood night well day in keyoh and we had delicious Indian food and then Fabris Erica and I got henna done on our hands. I also won a good luck stick that is supposed to bring me good luck for a year, which means I should have good luck until Feb 6th 2012. I plan on bringing the lucky stick to all of my midterms.
The rest of my day was spent, studying, watching the superbowl and hanging out with Erica.
Sadly Erica leaves tomorrow which is sad and I can't stay up too late due to having class tomorrow.
After my hair got did, I did more homework. Then Fabris Erica tara and I went to bollywood night well day in keyoh and we had delicious Indian food and then Fabris Erica and I got henna done on our hands. I also won a good luck stick that is supposed to bring me good luck for a year, which means I should have good luck until Feb 6th 2012. I plan on bringing the lucky stick to all of my midterms.
The rest of my day was spent, studying, watching the superbowl and hanging out with Erica.
Sadly Erica leaves tomorrow which is sad and I can't stay up too late due to having class tomorrow.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Tired day
Today i have been tired all day, which makes studying difficult.
We had the SGU social which was fun, but long which is not so good when you have 4 midterms coming up.... after that I got some Ochem studying done and some invert before going out to dinner with Kallie, Katie and Erica which was nice. After dinner I studied some more invert, uploaded pictures from last night and watched How to train your dragon, again, Erica was watching it with kallie and I but she left to go play disney scene it :(
Anyways I am so tired and I have soo much to do tomorrow, so i must get ready for bed.
Home in one week !!
We had the SGU social which was fun, but long which is not so good when you have 4 midterms coming up.... after that I got some Ochem studying done and some invert before going out to dinner with Kallie, Katie and Erica which was nice. After dinner I studied some more invert, uploaded pictures from last night and watched How to train your dragon, again, Erica was watching it with kallie and I but she left to go play disney scene it :(
Anyways I am so tired and I have soo much to do tomorrow, so i must get ready for bed.
Home in one week !!
Semi Formal...but don't get too excited
This morning, both Erica and Fabris went to my phsyics class with me, I had a possee :)
After class I spoke with my mom for a bit on the phone and then went to my biochem class, which was not all that interesting.
After class I came back to Rez and had lunch and then did some baking with Erica and we were going to watch how to train your dragon, but that didn't happen :(
Then Erica, Tara, Fabris, Jenna and I went to college heights and went to lazena, aredenes and the liquor store. I bought 3 shirts and ardene and only spent 11 dollars, yay for sales :)
After this we went to taco del mar for dinner and I was the only one who had been before and it was delicious as per usual.
Then we got back to rez and the getting ready for formal began, and that was fun, I borrowed one of taras dresses last minute, it was blue, which is weird because I don't wear blue.
Eventually we made it to the semiformal, but only Erica and Katie and I went down at 936 which was the original plan, but everyone else kind of didn't, not a surprise.
At first the semi formal was alright, but then people said things and did things and i got sick of getting stepped on and elbowed etc, but drunk people and became not so happy and spent most of my time sitting at a table.
I hope everyone else had a good time.
Nikki, Liz and I caught the 12:36 bus up to the university and upon getting back, I realized that one of the times i got stepped on the heel had actually broken the skin, in between two of my toes, awesome. Our room was also a mess, i tidied up and did dishes, but couldnt do much about the entire drink that someone had spilt on the floor, hopefully our room wont smell like booze.
i was going to try and stay up until Tara and Erica and Fabris get home, but I don't think that I will make it until then :(
I hope I don't miss out on anything, I tried to stay up, I could have gone to bed almost an hour ago...
P.S. I wish I was home
P.P.S. I wish I had enjoyed the night more
After class I spoke with my mom for a bit on the phone and then went to my biochem class, which was not all that interesting.
After class I came back to Rez and had lunch and then did some baking with Erica and we were going to watch how to train your dragon, but that didn't happen :(
Then Erica, Tara, Fabris, Jenna and I went to college heights and went to lazena, aredenes and the liquor store. I bought 3 shirts and ardene and only spent 11 dollars, yay for sales :)
After this we went to taco del mar for dinner and I was the only one who had been before and it was delicious as per usual.
Then we got back to rez and the getting ready for formal began, and that was fun, I borrowed one of taras dresses last minute, it was blue, which is weird because I don't wear blue.
Eventually we made it to the semiformal, but only Erica and Katie and I went down at 936 which was the original plan, but everyone else kind of didn't, not a surprise.
At first the semi formal was alright, but then people said things and did things and i got sick of getting stepped on and elbowed etc, but drunk people and became not so happy and spent most of my time sitting at a table.
I hope everyone else had a good time.
Nikki, Liz and I caught the 12:36 bus up to the university and upon getting back, I realized that one of the times i got stepped on the heel had actually broken the skin, in between two of my toes, awesome. Our room was also a mess, i tidied up and did dishes, but couldnt do much about the entire drink that someone had spilt on the floor, hopefully our room wont smell like booze.
i was going to try and stay up until Tara and Erica and Fabris get home, but I don't think that I will make it until then :(
I hope I don't miss out on anything, I tried to stay up, I could have gone to bed almost an hour ago...
P.S. I wish I was home
P.P.S. I wish I had enjoyed the night more
Friday, February 4, 2011
The title sums up the most important point of my day
and its late
so it's bed time
and its late
so it's bed time
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Happy Birthday to Jenna
This morning physics was boring as per usual
And i sat in on kallies stats class and was actually rather productive. After that I had biochem which was alright and finished like 30minutes early, which would have been nice if I didn't have an SI right after which I then had to wait for.
The SI went really well and I was able to finish my physics assignment before heading off to my micro lab which was rather time consuming, lots of bacteria tests and such things, but Jenna and I got out at about 5 which isn't too bad.
at 6:30 I met Jenna and her roomies in her room as there were all getting ready to go out for Jenna's birthday dinner. I was on the other hand already ready, yay. Some how we managed to catch the bus and made it down to hummus brothers quite quickly and once we were there we had some sangria and ordered our food, which one again was kind of disappointed, I paid like 25$ and left hungry.
Jenna had a good time though, good food good friends and many drinks, she was quite hilarious.
We caught the bus back up and Kelsey and I had a nice chat about old tv shows that we used to watch and now miss.
Once back at Rez we had cake and Jenna and others went to the moose, and I came back to rez to get ready for bed, which I will continue to do after I fill out an application for a conference in Ontario in September.
And i sat in on kallies stats class and was actually rather productive. After that I had biochem which was alright and finished like 30minutes early, which would have been nice if I didn't have an SI right after which I then had to wait for.
The SI went really well and I was able to finish my physics assignment before heading off to my micro lab which was rather time consuming, lots of bacteria tests and such things, but Jenna and I got out at about 5 which isn't too bad.
at 6:30 I met Jenna and her roomies in her room as there were all getting ready to go out for Jenna's birthday dinner. I was on the other hand already ready, yay. Some how we managed to catch the bus and made it down to hummus brothers quite quickly and once we were there we had some sangria and ordered our food, which one again was kind of disappointed, I paid like 25$ and left hungry.
Jenna had a good time though, good food good friends and many drinks, she was quite hilarious.
We caught the bus back up and Kelsey and I had a nice chat about old tv shows that we used to watch and now miss.
Once back at Rez we had cake and Jenna and others went to the moose, and I came back to rez to get ready for bed, which I will continue to do after I fill out an application for a conference in Ontario in September.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
11 days till home
Thats right the count down has begun, well it really began on January 4th when I came back to PG but thus is the OFFICIAL countdown to when I go home.
Today was a soso day, I tried to sleep in a bit, but that didn't go so well and then I had my first review Ochem class which scared me a bit for the midterm that lies ahead, but it should all work out in the end. i just have to work hard and be productive for the next week, which will be hard with all the non school related things that are going on like Erica coming up on Thursday and Semi-Formal on Friday and such things.
After Ochem I had lunch and did some physics stuff before going to Invert and then Microbiology, and micro was rough, it was all about genetics, yuck :(
After micro I called my Daddy, and had dinner and made dessert with fabris and then did some invert studying and some Ochem and now my tummy i snot feeling well so I think I'm going to rest up a bit.
Dan got his phone connected today yay!!
I also booked him his road test for February 18th, so wish him luck :)
I think I'm going to relax, fix a few things and then goto bed.
Today was a soso day, I tried to sleep in a bit, but that didn't go so well and then I had my first review Ochem class which scared me a bit for the midterm that lies ahead, but it should all work out in the end. i just have to work hard and be productive for the next week, which will be hard with all the non school related things that are going on like Erica coming up on Thursday and Semi-Formal on Friday and such things.
After Ochem I had lunch and did some physics stuff before going to Invert and then Microbiology, and micro was rough, it was all about genetics, yuck :(
After micro I called my Daddy, and had dinner and made dessert with fabris and then did some invert studying and some Ochem and now my tummy i snot feeling well so I think I'm going to rest up a bit.
Dan got his phone connected today yay!!
I also booked him his road test for February 18th, so wish him luck :)
I think I'm going to relax, fix a few things and then goto bed.
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