This morning I woke up at 8 and got ready for my first exam of my first semester of my second year of university and it went well. But it started off at little rocky.
The exam was supposed to begin at 9 and at 9:03, the fire alarm went off and we had to evacuate to the cold of the outside world, luckily we were only out there for 6 minutes so whoever may have pulled the fire alarm didn't benefit from doing it, all it did was stress people out a little more.
Luckily it was my plant bio exam that the alarm interrupted, which is a short, not so difficult, not so stressful exam. I finished it in about 45 minutes and then went over it several times until finally Kallie handed hers in so i could hand mine in without being the first one done.
Once back in my room, i started downloaded music that's on taras ipod, i am attempting to increase my music collection, today alone i downloaded like 150ish songs which isnt too shabby.
between my plant bio exam and my stats exam , i studied ochem, ate, downloaded music, snacked and then at 5:45 headed down to my stats exam which was already quite full, took my place at the back of the room and took some deep breaths, and wrote my exam. Half way through I had to pee soo bad but i didnt want to ask to go, so I held it and just after the 2 hours mark I was done, I estimate I probably got like a 68ish on the exam which would give me a 72ish overall, not to shabby.
then I went back to rez, had a nice chat with my daddy, ate some cookies, watched sex and the city and I'm now getting ready for bed.
On a side note, people at home all seem to be getting sick, my dad is sick, Daniel is sick and now Dan is sick.
I Hope the all start feeling better *hugs for all*